
Lying is my specialty, I dont know, it just seem to flow out of me so naturally. I use a technique but it only works on people who knew me long enough: It doesn't work on strangers.

We are currently riding a sleigh away from that godforsaken cabin that oddly enough looked abandoned.

I feel really unsettled, I feel like I'm under some spell but not anymore since I am now aware of it, that means I have to face it now. Why do we stay in that shabby cabin in the middle of nowhere?! When if you look close enough our outfit and looks, seem to be prim and proper and from a middle class family, well except Domeroe. He looked like he hasn't slept or taken a bath for like a month and he looked sad and miserable but still held the warmth it has from his better days.

"Brrrrr, can't we have a god damn carriage?! Ttttttttth, were traveling through a fucking snow storm with a freaking sleigh?!"

I shrieked. This is insane! I think I'm gonna die! I'm not even kidding! Me and Kyllandra are now hugging each other for warmth and I'm beginning to get worried over Domeroe as he hasn't spoken a word since we left the cabin. I think he froze to death.

I looked at Kyllandra with worried eyes, she mirrored my expression. She gulped then nodded, giving me permission to pull away from the embrace to check on our driver. I stood up careful not to fall like the last time and approached him. I gripped his shoulder, he didn't even flinched or acknowledged me.


No answer. Even with this weather, I felt myself sweat. I gulped. I gripped both his shoulders then turned him around: hardly. I was shocked to what I saw. He was frozen solid but what was strange is his face: his expression. He looked content and relieved. Why? Why would he be relieved? I don't understand!

I am now starting to doubt my hypothesis.

Was he really the bad guy here? A chill went down my spine thinking about Kyllandra. What if it's her? Oh shoot! Now I'm freaking out!

"Is he... Is he dead?"

I lagged to answer. Kyllandra stood up and gripped my elbow.

"Snap out of it Anais."

"He's dead."

"No one should see his body."

I looked at her. I already expected her to react like this besides, on my second hypothesis, shes the one behind all of this. But I have to make sure not to act differently, I can't let her know I already know. Catching the culprit is not the end but rather, the means. I nodded, keeping my head low. Away from her sight.

"Anais. Are you alright? Okay, that was a stupid question. Go sit there, I'll handle this."

The sleigh had stopped and I heard her grunt, moving Domeroes body off the sleigh. I heard a loud thud. I remained quiet. I felt the sleigh move again but relatively slower.

"Kyllandra, I think we should stop for now, what if you freeze to death as well?"

She stopped then glanced towards me over her shoulder. She smiled. I am too busy struggling with the cold to read her smile.

"Look around Anais, where are we suppose to stop for the night here?"

I did what I was told and saw we are still in the middle of nowhere. It was now, I presume afternoon but still not any warmer. She whisked the ropes to the horses that looked to have too much hair than a typical horse, with that the sleigh came back to life.

"Don't worry, were already near the Conveia entrance, just need to cross that bridge..... right there."

She waited until we emerge through the cover of the trees till she pointed to the not so far bridge visible with the lit up torches and bunch of guards guarding it. Great. I hope I could find someone here to help me get away from her. We slowly closed in on the entrance.


The guards wore a blue and yellow uniform and over it is a badass looking chainmail, their head is covered by a cold looking helmet and that's not all, they even have such a thick heavy looking swords! Wow! I bet they look hot wielding that. Woops!

"State your business here in Conveia."

Asked the very deep voice that made me feel some type of way. Gosh, I've been away from men too long.

"I am here to get my mate cured from an odd disease."


As any logical guards would do they looked over the passenger behind and they all stared at me, it took them a moment to snap out of their trance.

"With this weather, I can't believe you two even made it here alive in a sleigh at that. I mean who is crazy enough to ride a sleigh in a shit storm!"

If Kyllandra was annoyed, she didnt show it. All of them laughed from the only one not wearing a helmets statement as he chug down what I assume to be soup since it seem to be steaming right in his face warming up his nose.

"Now, we don't want to keep you here any longer than we already did."

He motioned the gate to be opened and we thank the guards and we went in.

"Damn, I bet there are many hot knights around here."

I said to no one in particular as Im getting more excited, but I really do hope to go to the city. I don't want to settle here, I dont even like the weather here. Im gonna lose my tan here- wait a minute! Right, I'm in Anais body now, but I don't really know what she looks like. There was no mirror in the cabin.

"You really prefer men huh? You looked at them like you want to eat them up."

She chucked darkly, I think that's what she did. I just smiled stiffly as I went to sit next to her. There weren't many people around but I've seen a couple of children here and there playing with the snow.

"Where do we go now?"

"An inn would be ideal, I bet they are scarce, no one travels in this kind of weather."

"Yet we did? Why?"

"Don't ask me, it was Domeroe's suggestion."

I sighed, I highly doubt that. Well recalling the face he had when he died maybe he really did that on purpose, but why?

I had no fucking clue.

"Well this is where will be staying."

'Torniquelta Inn and pub', I hope I won't be needing any torniquete anytime soon.