Hildegard March

"Two beds?"

Asked the humble brunette receptionist on the desk.

"Uhhh, yes pl-"

"Only one, my mate loves to snuggle next  to me specially when its winter."

Does she have to always mention who I am to her? Her mate? Why doesn't she utter my name in public? I just noticed, which is odd.

"Oh what a lovely couple! More woman to woman, more men for us who prefer men."

She winked. Cringe! Well I can't really talk shit about her since I was acting similar few moments ago. But doesn't she have a mate?

"Uhhh, don't you have a mate or something?"

This seem to sober her up as her smile turned into a frown.

"My mate was a knight, he died few years ago from the Hildegard March."

I have no idea whatever that Hildegard March is but I do feel sorry for her, it must've been terrible losing a mate... Not on purpose.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry."

"No its not your fault, now here's the key to your room. Matildahg!"

A small, girl came scrurrying towards us as she took our things and led us towards the room where we would be staying overnight. I looked over to Kyllandra while she was busy unpacking which I think is useless, well only stay here fo a night, why bother? I went out and called out for the little girl.

"What is it ma'am? Is there anything not up to your standards?"

She didn't say it rudely but said it like she was formatted to respond like that to costumers that calls out for assistance.

"Can you tell me what's the Hildegard March is?"

Im not really interested but I figured it must be an important event in this times history history. The girl looked at me straight in the eyes for the first time, Its the first time I got to see her face since the girl seems to be always bowing her head, afraid to look up. Strange. This place is full of strange people; this world. The girl peered over the doorframe as if to check if Kyllandra was listening or near. Huh? Is she scared of Kyllandra? Is that why she couldn't look up to us when she escorted us few moments ago? Matildahg grabbed my wrist and pulled me in some hallway then faced me.

"Is she your mate."

I hesitated.

"... No... uhg! its a long story."

"Well you better start now."

She snapped which surprised me.

"A-alright... I dont know where to start but she used to be the mate of the original owner of this body now that I'm the one occupying it, she's no longer mine and I'm no longer hers."

"She's a witch, didn't you know? That woman."

My eyes widen. What?! No wayyyyy!

"The Hildegard March, it's to kill all the witches all over the Kingdom but not all are cut down."

She looked around, as if checking if  Kyllandra would pop out of nowhere.

"How? How did you know she's a witch? Isn't this place littered with witches and healers?"

"Tch, that was centuries ago. Hildegard March started not longer than that but it only ended few years ago, only few knights and mages made it back, out of thousands that volunteered. Let me guess, she told you that? Tsk."

She clicked her tongue like a juvenile delinquent which looked really cool on her, I smirked.

"But you didn't answer how you knew."

"You dare doubt me girl?! Fine, her necklace, her eyes, her hands, her ambience glows purple, serves the stars! The evil!"

She sharply whispered like its an obvious thing and that I should have known. Serves the stars? The evil? Are stars evil? I saw Matildahg roll her eyes.

"We better make this quick, I slowed down the time a little, but I could only do so little."

Woah! Awesome!- Ugh! no time for that!

"Don't you notice anything odd about me? Like I don't belong here?"

She looked at me with such coldness I shivered.

"You will be saved."

That's all she said as she stomped away from me. I was left there confused and scared for the first time in a long time, I was scared.

Someone thought it was a good idea to touch me in this situation, me in this state? Can you believe that?! I swung at them hitting them across the face, it echoed through the whole building itself. I felt bad. After the state of only seeing red, it finally faded and I saw Kyllandra on the floor clutching her swollen cheek and now bleeding mouth. She looked up at me, teary eyed.

"I-Im sorry Ky..."

Before I could finish my sentence she ran off. Oh? She didn't actually think I'm going to chase after her is she? Hahahahaha!

I went to our room and thought of things I would do after I run off somewhere, away from Kyllandra. Soon, but not today, I cant afford shit yet.

I was woken up by someone vigorously shaking my shoulder. My eyes snapped open. When did I fall asleep? Huh? Matildahg?

"Wake up you silly girl!"

She whispered yelled. She looks relatively older, taller and mature and she's now wearing one of those guards fit which is really odd. Am I dreaming? I was snapped out of my trance when I felt a rough, metal clad hands slap me across the face.

"Ouch! What the fuck?!"

"I said wake up! Pack up and leave! We got the witch unless you want to be tied with your mate in a stake and burn with her that is, by all means, stay."

With that, I sprung into action, packing only the necessities out of the stuff Kyllandra brought with us. I'll miss her that's for sure but not in a good way. She was nice, right, she didn't do anything to physically hurt me, but she gives of this vibe that no doubt kept me at the ends of my seat: unsettled.

"I'll spare you since you seem to be genuinely ignorant, I'll let you slip. Here's a map, head far away from here, I recommend you to go to Paaz, find Lorfydl and give him this letter. If you are nowhere to be seen when I get back there after this, I'll hunt you down. Got it?"

All I could do was nod. I slip the letter on my dress's bosom pocket and fled.

"That's right kid, don't look back."

I heard the adult Matildahg said before a piercing demonic scream split the silence of the peaceful night of Conveia.


I cursed. That was unarguably Kyllandra.