
Calling traveling to Paaz delirious, would be an understatement and I'm not even sure if I can afford this ride, still I sat there for hours on end. We still need three days to get there, not to mention the passengers across from me looks like they'll jump out of their skins just by merely any sudden sounds or bump from the road.

This world is really strange.

"Are you all alright?"

I asked the woman with a child snug tightly on her chest which I highly doubt is still breathing. I shivered. Dang! I'm really creeped out of this place.

"Rogues, bandits... bad men are prominent in this side of the Kingdom..."

She looked around, wide eyes saturated with paranoia.

"Can't you hurry it up!"

The woman suddenly stood up and screamed which caused a ruckus inside the carriage making me hell'a lot nausea as everyone in the carriage tried to calm down the deranged woman with a dead infant in her arms.

"It's alright, I prayed to the god of protection to keep us away from evil."

I reasoned, one thing I know about this time is that people here are heavily religious. I just hope it works since I was also at fault for asking the crazy woman if she was alright. The meticulous woman on the side rudely scoffed and looked at the still hyperventilating woman with a disgusted look.

"This woman is clearly not in her right state of mind! Who let her in this carriage? Can she even afford the fair? I must suggest to drop her off, her presence here is life threatening. Not to mention the dead child in her arms! Get her out!"

I agree with her. There was only seven of us passengers excluding the man by the side of the exit, the only one with no luggage, I presume is the conductor.

"No can do. You know the rules in travelling this road, seven, seven, seven passengers."

"So you already know about the dead child?"

I asked surprised. I can't believe it! And what's up with the seven? Seven passengers? And why did he repeated the number three times, like the 666 or something?

"My son is not dead!"

The crazy woman hissed at us. The meticulous woman rudely scoffed and rolled her eyes at the woman.

"Get her out and I'll pay for everyone's fair for 7 passengers."

The meticulous woman claimed smugly. I was the first one to stand up and I felt ashamed. I needed this free fair! I'm not even sure if I have enough money to last me 3 days in this travel! What am I gonna eat? Are they gonna provide? That seems wayyy too farfetched even in my imagination. Oh! the anxiety I'm feeling right now. I would kill just to make it stop.

"You riches! I swear! I curse you all!"

I backed down. Should I risk getting cursed just for a free fair and luxury?

"All of you, get back to your seats."

Heh, he sounded like a teacher and the rest of us are the bully classmates of the quiet creepy kid which is the crazy woman cradling a corpse. Now that I mentioned it, doesn't this 'conductor' sounds too refined and proper? Hmm, he kinda sus.

"We have long days of travel, more the reason to keep an extra body for protection, insane or not. No one is getting kicked out."

This made me do a double take. Extra body for protection? Perhaps those bandits and rogues have some use of carcasses in mind.

I wasn't in the mood to socialize anymore as I felt my body grow even more tired then I fell asleep. I just hope the third time I wake up in this world I wouldn't be in any sort of trouble.

I am woken up by the insistent tapping on my shoulder. I scrunched up my face in discomfort. I growled, I heard the person gasp then I laughed. I opened my eyes and saw one of the passengers in front of me covering her mouth as of trying to hide her smile in a feminine manner.


I softly said.

"Hi, Good morning! Dame is having a picnic outside. She requested you to join her."

This time I looked around and saw no one was inside the carriage at the moment.

"Where did everybody go?"

"Is this your first time traveling this far?"

She asked, she have this motherly velvety voice that could calm any bad boys there ever is.


"Well, since they don't have food with them and food doesn't last long especially for a three day trip like this therefore they can't really pack their own without it getting spoiled and we are currently in Bulbonza they can just shop for their food or eat in a beanery."

Well, that made sense. I thanked the woman as I exited the vehicle with her following right behind. While I approach the two figures sitting in a draped blanket or fabric that looked really expensive in a shade under a tree. I recognize them as the meticulous woman and the mysterious conductor.


I curtsied then smiled warmly. Act professional, act like like you've been doing this your whole life.

"Good morning, miss, do take a spot."

"Thank you Dame, for inviting me here for breakfast."

I did what I was told.

"Its Dame, Pershaal Anumitis for you."

"We will be in each others company for at least 2 days, we might as well get to know each other."

The conductor coughed which I highly doubt was fake. What are these two doing here by the way? Weren't they just lashing at each others throat the other day? Hmm, maybe they are at each others throat but in a different way. I shivered in disgust.

"Yes...  right. I am Anais from... Conveia."

"Oh really? I just went from there to visit my dear cousin."

"Oh, is she well?"

Hah! I'm digging this fake modesty.

"Yes, fortunately so... How about you? What is your business in Paaz?."

Oh no. I have to make up something real quick.

"I am tasked to run some errands."

"Oh, an errand girl."

She said as she took a slow scan over my figure, trying to figure me out.


"From whom? I hope you don't mind me prying."

She chucked.

"Oh, haha! No no, uhhh... I do deliveries anonymously."

She furrowed her brows at this as her eyes had these malicious glint in them. She looked intrigued. Yikes.

"Anonymously huh."

She left it at that, letting it linger into the air around us. I shifted from where I was sitting.

"I never heard of that before. Do you perhaps work under someone?"

Oh lord, shes onto something. What have I gotten myself into.