Paaz Finally

After the most nerve wracking breakfast I've ever had in my entire life, the travel now finally continued and I decided to myself that I wouldn't talk to anyone this whole day so that I could avoid getting interrogated by Dame Pershaal. Strange name for a strange person. I can't really say differently to myself but I am starting to really like the name Anais. I always hated my original name. It sounded really awkward even how many time I tried to make it flow out of my mouth naturally.

The next day, all of us in the carriage conversed freely but the thing is, the crazy lady cradling a dead child was nowhere to be found probably because the dead body was now starting to rot and smell, we hope she was just burying it somewhere: that's why we decided to wait. Our arrival was delayed because of that, we waited for her to come back for what it seemed like hours as it started to rain.

"Uhg! Great! Just great!"

Exclaimed the lady with a Scottish accent that reminded me so much of Merida from Brave.

"Calm down hun, now we should not only wait for the damned woman but for the damned rain to stop as well, it is dangerous to travel when it's raining."

"Uhg! Fantastic! Just fan-fucking-tastic."

Now it was my turn to whine. I want this to be over already! I am so sick and tired of this stuffy carriage and seeing these same faces everyday! Just thank goodness I made a good acquaintance, as Dame Pershaal invited me to shower and bath in such a luxurious hotel from our second stop yesterday or I'll be in an even more foul mood. It was the first time I got to see Anais face, which shocked me, I knew this body is attractive but I had no idea it'd be THAT attractive.

We all just sat there staring at each other and listening to the sound of rain. I decided to take a nap. I woke up without anyone waking me up this time. I went to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I went to observe the other passengers.

They were all asleep. I glanced out the window and I immediately knew something was wrong.

It was dusk now, but we're still no where near our destination which is very odd as we were supposed to be in Paaz before sun down. The outside of the carriage has zero visibility as haze and fog covered the surroundings. The ambience was downright chilling, even though the inside of the carriage was just as warm.

"Uhhh, guys you need to wake up."

I gave the conductors face small slaps to wake him up and he stirred awake.


"Aren't conductors not suppose to sleep?"

He looked at me like I grown two heads.

"I fell asleep?!"

He asked me as if he couldn't believe he fell asleep, like he just let his whole country down and was now a disgrace to his family or something, I just nodded in response. At that he jumped from his sprawled position to the window behind him. I watch the reflection of his face on the mirror morph from confused to horror.

"Juluis! Stop the carriage!"

The carriage stopped and everyone stirred awake.

"What's going on?"

No one answered as they just watch the conductor got out of the carriage in a frenzy and went to the front. I heard yelling.

"How long have we been in this road?"

"I... I can't explain. We are not lost or anything but somehow this road just keeps on repeating. I'm really confused!"

"Why didn't you wake me? Or called out to me atleast?!"

"I did! And everytime I do you always say the same answer 'Just keep going, keep going.' so I did!"

The conductor that until now I have no idea what his name is nor do I care, cursed. The passengers upon hearing the issue attempted to step out of the vehicle which is the conductor is strongly against of.

"No! Just stay inside!"

"What do you mean stay inside? Are we any safer here? Or is it just a make believe?! A false sense of safety as you clearly failed to take us to our destination?!"

One of the passengers complained. That was way too harsh.

"The rest of you stay. I'll look out and help them figure this out for you."

I said with determination. I looked over to Dame Pershaal and saw how terrified she is. She nodded, not like I needed her permission anyway. I nodded back then stepped out of the carriage.

As soon as I stepped out, the fog seemed to clear out slowly but no doubt: it was thinning, creeping back to the corners of the dark forest. I jumped when someone grabbed my shoulder.

"How did you do it?"

I faced the conductorman and saw that everyone was now outside the vehicle. Huh? Did I zone out?

"Do what?"


He shook his head.


Dame Pershaal's servant who I learned named Jenace pointed towards the bright shimmering City and the towering castle of the I-dont-know-who-rules-yet which for us who experienced what we did from our travel seems like a mirage.

We all stared at it in awe, until the conductorman cleared his throat and motioned us to get back in.

Once we passed the gates, the conductor insisted we shouldn't pay which was like Christmas for me and the rest of the passengers except for one, I saw Dame Pershaal drag the man away and handed him a small sack filled of gold coins. I smirked, I hope these two meet each other again or something but I do hope Dame Pershaal is not married. I looked over Jenace which has the same look as me. I didn't need to ask.

"Dame's husband died long time ago."

She smiled sadly. I pouted and looked over the two again.

"Well I hope the conductor won't let this fine catch slip away."

I joked which she giggled at.