
After the tiring three and a half days of traveling from Conveia to Paaz, I finally got to sleep on a real bed with my whole body getting to experience the luxury to lay down.

I couldn't believe Kyllandra got that so much money! Apparently I got a whole sachet of gold and jewelries tucked away on the hidden compartment of the suitcase. But what really bothered me is that the jewelries seems to be custom made. They weren't even Kyllandra's they were Anais'. Well, maybe it's hers from the moment I took over this body.

I rolled over and doze off. Tommorow lets head to the guy Matildahg was talking about. What's his name again? I forgot...

I got the letter safely tucked in my chest as it pokes and scratched the swell of my left breast, well atleast it gives me some sense of comfort in this strange place I got into.

Next day, I went out and I witnessed just how insane this place is. There are many variety of people here, not by just mere race and ethnicity, but borderline interspecies! There's a centaur! A cat woman! An orc! An elf! A fairy! And many more! I can hardly name or made out. This place is insane! There's even angels on the sky carrying boxes? The fuck are those for? Maybe they weren't angels to begin with, Harpies perhaps? Ugh! I feel a headache coming up.

I approached a Catman, tapped him on the arm to get his attention.

"Hahahahaha-... Huh? What is it kid?"

The Ginger Catman was laughing with his friends when I got his attention. He's huge and hulking over me as I was practically arching my spine to look up to him.

"Sir, do you know someone that named Lorfydl?"

The Catman laughed. It wasn't sarcastic or anything, it was filled with genuine joy.

"Of course I know him kid. He was the head Admiral of the legendary Hildegard March. Hahaha!"


"I... Can you take me to him?"

I looked up at him doing my best puppy eyes I could muster in this body. The Catman furrowed his brows at me and looked at me like I said something remotely insane which I think I just did.

"Kid, he died."

Oh... Then what did that bitch Matildahg sent me here for?! Fuck! That bitch I swear to god!

"I can take you to his tomb if you want?"

The kind Catman suggested. I smiled brightly at him. Oh maybe there's someone or something there waiting for me but if none, then I'm doomed.

I'd just dip and let that bitch chase after me like she swore shed do if I wasn't there where she expected me to be where ever even that is.

"Yes please."

He led me to the forest, where he claimed that the rest of the fallen heroes were laid to rest. I followed him blindly. We walked for what seemed like thirty minutes then he stopped in front of a... well, a vined wall then he swiped his hands over the vine like curtains I was speechless of what behold me. It was a vast green field filled with tombstones in an orderly manner, lining up like rows and columns as far as the eyes could see and of course with pretty wild flowers as well, it was the prettiest I've ever seen! I want to stay there forever.

"Woah! This place is... "

I couldn't make myself finish my sentence, I feel like if I called it pretty its like I'm mocking the dead, it's like I just said 'Your graves really suit this place well: like a decoration, thanks for dying and adding more life to this empty field's aesthetic.'

"... Full of fallen comrades."

He finished it up for me. Huh? I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I was one of the few who got back... You're lucky I was the one you got to ask this for or you could've had ended up somewhere else."

"What do you mean?"

"Not everyone is pleased by the Hildegard March. They said it was heartless and stupid, killing hundreds of witches, putting our lives in line, all in vain because whatever we do black magic will never perish... Now it's my turn to ask questions."

He looked like he was about to cry but he brushed it off as he changed the subject.

"What's your business with Lorfydl? Did someone sent you here?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

I smiled, showing as many of my teeth as possible.

"Matildahg sent me here, said I should go straight to Paaz and look for Lorfydl, I just learned today he's no longer here which really upset me, why would she ask me to look for someone who is not here anymore? The nerve of that woman!"

I was cut off by his hearty laugh. I just stared at him. Hes a really fun guy. He looked like he's reminiscing his past with the woman I mentioned. I smiled. Hehe, now I have something to tease her with when I see her. My smile turned into an  evil grin.

"Oh, I knew It'd be her the moment I saw you."


I asked dumbfounded.

"Oh, I didn't survived that Hell March for nothing kiddo. Come, I'll take you to the headquarters. You still got the letter she gave you right?.... Don't lose it, that'd be your only way in and out of the headquarters from the moment you walk in there. Got it?"

"Ugh! Now you sounded just like her... Wait can't I use you as like the replacement of the letter?"

He turned to look at me so fast I flinched in surprise.

"You didn't lose it did you?"

He pressed. I shook my head.

"Good, make sure it's always with you. If that letter got into the wrong hands.... I don't even wanna think about it."

"It's here with me, even if I have to shove it up my ass I will."

He threw his head back and laughed then shook his head after he calmed down. This guy laughs too much I swear.

"You laugh too much, Gingerman."

He gasped and turned around facing me. He looked offended which is adorable and I find it alot harder not to burst out laughing from his reaction.

"How dare you! I'm a tiger!"

He cried! I laughed! Oh gosh, he's adorable.

"Wait you still didn't answer my question, why can't I just use you as my ticket to and fro the headquarters?"

"I resigned."