Tigue and the Commanders

Mr. Gingerman which I learned was named Tigue, strode inside the castle like he owned the place, he looked like he have memorized or knew this place like the lines on his palms while I just followed him like a lost puppy.

Hmn, I got inside the castle without the need of the letter but I think there's still more in this escapade than what it is ought to be.

We walked in this endless hallway for what seems like a long time, but I wasn't complaining since the art, sculptures and paintings was entertaining me enough and I wouldn't miss the occasional twitching and twisting of Tigue's ears, like checking on me if I was still following which I found extremely adorable and cute.

"Mr Tigue, are we there yet?"

"Not yet."


"Haha! I know."

We fooled around a couple of times when we finally reached some sort of opening to a training ground or an indoor garden. I rolled my eyes, gardens are ought to be outdoors. As soon as we stepped out in the heat, the men who were sparring, lifting and let's just say training in general, stared over us.

As soon as they recognize Tigue, their faces brightened as they approached him and chat. I looked up and saw that the roof was glass, no wonder it felt like were under a magnifying glass being concentrated in the sunlight. I poked out my tongue in an attempt to pant.

"We have some business with Aztbeaurulf, is he here?"

"Oh, the General and the others are having a meeting."

A man with dark red hair answered pointing his thumb over his shoulder. Tigue nodded and proceed to walk over where the man pointed at without even checking if I was following he spoke:

"What ever happens, do not talk unless you're spoken to and let me handle this. Okay?"

He sounded like one of those Daddy Dom's from those stories I've red online which made me snicker.


"Good. And don't call me sir."

Hmn, perhaps because he resigned, sum typ'a shit with this feudal thing going on. Without a title you can't be called sir.

"Okay, Mr Gingerman."


He corrected, which I laughed at. We stopped in front of a huge shiny double doors with gold handles, I highly doubt was fake.

Tigue knocked.

The door was opened by a maid wheeling out a metal cart that I dont know what its called, out. She cant really pass through as we were blocking her way. I moved to the side but Tigue stopped me, with that I finally looked up ahead and saw the men inside.

I gasped. Oh my god! They are gorgeous!

There are seven men clad in sparky silver armour with dark blue undershirts with their matching capes with the crest of two dragons that I think are mating? But I wouldn't let that get to me.

The man with the soft blonde hair leaned back in his seat as his feature sharpen in a cold glare to our direction though I doubt he could see me. He got this long slick back blonde hair that reaches his shoulders and some strands drapes over his forehead to his eyes, his eyes were a vibrant blue that seems to glow menacingly as he glare in our direction. I can guess he's the new General, Aztbeaurulf.

"Oh, what brings an old timer here? Can't you see we're busy? Or are you are loosing your touch?"

The blonde brat talk too much I am honestly disappointed.

Tigue invited himself in which I reluctantly followed behind. The maid finally found an exit and scurried away. Seeing our obvious intrusion, the frown in Aztbeaurulf face deepened.

"I am here to relay a message from Matildahg."

Tigue announced. Aztbeaurulf's left eyebrow twitched. His annoyed expression morph into amusement.

"Oh, what a coincidence we were just talking about that woman."

Aztbeaurulf looked around smugly as if silently showing that he has backups. I furrowed my brows. What is wrong with this guy?

"Do you know that your little mate, caught another one of those pesky little witches."

Mate? OMG! Tigue and Matildahg are mates?! Holy shit! Kyaaaaaaaa! I'm fangirling sooo hard right now! But what is Matildahg doing in a place 3 days away from her mate? I heard Tigue growl. The annoying brat seemed displeased by that sounds as he stood up from his seat.

It's pretty obvious the witch was Kyllandra.

"Oh no, you don't get to growl at me! Perhaps you forgot that you've been stripped out of your title and the General here is me."

Huh? I thought he resigned. Oh well.

"And who is she?"

Someone on the side asked. He has long brown hair that is braided and is swept to the side, his skin looked slippery and blueish: odd. I don't  know his kind so I can't really describe him but his eyes are strange, as the whites in his eyes are greenish yellow and his pupils are slits, he blinks vertically too.


I was cut off by Tigue.

"She is the message."

"I don't care about 'her' message."

Aztbeaurulf spat which Tigue growled at. What the fuck is wrong with these bunch? They can't really talk appropriately much more to finish a topic properly.

"What is it about?"

We all looked at the man who just spoke and I couldn't help but gulp. His voice was the sexiest sound I've ever heard: It was deep. In his sitting position his figure still hulked over me. Even Tigue is no match if this guy stood up. He was broad and muscular, a giant! His hair was dark as a black panthers fur, framing his face just right, straight and long tied to his nape with a white ribbon and I just noticed the two rounded furry ears atop his head, it's now confirmed that he is indeed a panther but aside from the panther ears and tail he is human looking, an extremely handsome hulky man. His golden stare never left me, which made it hard for me to breath.

"The message."

He added, still staring at each other I reached over my chest then I felt all of the men in there inhaled sharply. I pulled out the letter, Tigue grabbed it from me. Without a word the pantherman held out his hand for Tigue to hand over the letter.


Aztbeaurulf warned. So his name was Donegal. Tigue handed the letter to Donegal and Aztbeaurulf slammed his clenched fist on the table.

"Hand me over the letter!"

Aztbeaurulf commanded. Donegal ignored him and proceeded to read the letter.

"A request for this woman to join the  knighthood."

Someone spoke but I don't see anyone reading the letter aside from pantherman.

Suddenly a small goatman fell off the ceiling, he landed in an elegant manner just behind where Donegal was situated. All the men there furrowed their brows and looked at me with such hate and confusion? well, except Donegal and Tigue and the goatman, the goatman looked more smug than anything.

"Well hello there little lady."

Yeah right! Like you're any taller but from my years on earth I've learned that men are sensitive of their height.


"Im the master of stealth, Benjen Oratorra. It's a pleasure."

He smirked. He talk like he whispers, with his raspy rusty voice, he looked and seem like he's onto something malicious but I know he's not a bad person.