Allies and Foes

"I will not allow it! As the supreme commander, I nullify the request!"

Tigue growled, while the blonde brat and the brunette with the braid smugly eyed us. I now know that that anemic brunette is not on my side.

I looked at Tigue warily. I don't think this is a good idea, I don't even think I can handle fighting or to even join the knighthood at that.

"You can't do that Aztbeaurulf. We need to have a vote."

The man with a buzz cut short dark hair, and has a scar on his right hairline, spoke.

Aztbeaurulf glared at the man but didn't say anything. I see the turmoil in his eyes.

"Fine! Lets held the voting tomorrow."

"Why not now?"

I interjected. Tigue and Aztbeaurulf glared at me. Oops, I forgot the 'do-not-speak-unless-you-are-spoken-to' policy.

"You! What is you're name?"

Aztbeaurulf boomed. I hesitated. The only thing I know about this body is her name.

"Anais... My name is Anais."

The silence lingered. Aztbeaurulf furrowed his brows but kept quiet like he is still expecting something next to my name.

Right, I'm missing with the last name. Knowing this feudal era, that only means I'm a slave or a peasant. I swallowed loudly.

"Hahaha! A slave? No way in hell I am letting her in."

Aztbeaurulf sassed and looked around as if  demanding for his comrades to laugh with him which I rolled my eyes at.

"Excuse me sir, I am definitely not a slave. I just happen to recently lost my memory and identity as Matildahg saved me from a witch's captivity."

Aztbeaurulf doesn't looked impressed, not even one bit as he scoffed.

"That is the problem! That woman! This is not a charity nor an orphanage for people  who are a victim of those her kind!"

Her kind? What? Tigue growled.

"Matildahg. Is. Not. A. Witch."

"Do you have proof that she's not?"

Huh? Isn't the accused supposed to demand a proof from the accuser? This is hell lot confusing.

"Can't you settle this in court?"

They all looked at me like I've grown another pair of legs.

I shrugged then the man with the hairline scar and the two who were just silently observing this whole time, laughed loudly. I just noticed that those three were the oldest and the wisest of the bunch. I just awkwardly laughed alongside them even Donegal smirked and Benjen chuckled.

"What is so amusing?"

Aztbeaurulf asked, a vein bulging from the side of his forehead.

"Can anyone walk these two out? I think we are done here thanks to these intruding bunch our meeting is cut short and is unproductive."

This man, no, I don't even think he's a man. I rolled my eyes. He's just a sexist son of a bitch! Bratboy.

"The voting will be held here just the same and will only remain between us officers. Im sorry, Tigue."

The one who was silent all this time that laughed earlier finally spoke, he sounds like a good friend of Tigue. Tigue nodded. Aztbeaurulf groaned.

"I was just about to say that! Why did you have to intervene?!"

Aztbeaurulf seethed. Just thank goodness that man got to say it first, im pretty sure Aztbeaurulf will manipulate the voting system so the result would be more favorable to his side.

I looked over at everyone except the braided anemic bitch and the bratboy and thanked them from the bottom of my heart.

Donegal walked us out. I love the view I am having behind him. He looked delicious. He is sooo tall and brooding. If it's not because of his cape I could've had a clear view of his back muscles rippling and bulging under his armor. Tigue only reaches his shoulder and me only somewhere between the middle of his abdomen. Damn.

"I apologise for our unannounced arrival."

Tigue started.

"Don't worry about it. We don't mind."

Really? Are you sure? Because it sure as hell doesn't seem like it.

"Yeah right."

I scoffed. My eyes widened. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Trust me, I know they're a handful but you should get use to it."

Tigue paused and stared at Donegal with wide eyes. I furrowed my brows at him. What now? This world is really tiring me out.

"Donegal, you are unusually talkative what changed brother?"

Brother? Is it possible for a tiger and a panther to be brothers?

"Brother?" I breathed out.

"Not by blood of course."

Tigue cleared.

"I will keep the letter. Do you trust me?"

Donegal faced me completely ignoring Tigues question and I swear I can physically feel the pressure of his stare.

I gulped.

"I still don't know who you are?"

"I am the one assigned at the front, adorned with a mace and shield, Donegal Thomaltahg III."

He bowed taking my right hand to his and brought it to his lips. I blushed then smiled. Mace do be hot.

"Nice to meet you, please do take care of  the letter for me."

He nodded and proceeded to walk.

"He seem kinda cold."

I whispered to Tigue. The way Donegal brushed off Tigues question like that seemed cold for being referred to as a brother.

"Oh no, please don't let that deceive you. He's anything but cold-hearted, he just went through alot and he's like that even when we're just kids."


I whispered.

"Where do you stay?"

Asked Tigue.

"Oh, I am currently staying at a auberge."

"Well then how about I give you a tour around the city?"

"I have a carriage."

Donegal suddenly spoke which made the two of us turn and stare at him. I swear I can see a tint of red rose from his tanned cheeks which made him look away to conceal it.


I smiled widely.

"You're offering us a ride?"

I happily exclaimed. He nodded.

"Oh, what a gentleman."

I teased which made him walk faster to his awaiting carriage. I chuckled, he's not so cold now.

As I approached the carriage, he held out his hand for me to help me get in, I grabbed his, I did it so naturally. I smiled at him as a thank you. My hand was a like a baby's compared to his.

"Look, Anais! This is the city center!"

Tigue called out to me which made me snapped out of my sappy daydream. He's like a child, I swear. I laughed. Donegal grumbled which I couldn't make out. I decided to just ignore it.

I shouldn't droll over other woman's man. I'm pretty sure Donegal has a mate which made me arrive in the decision to just go with the flow of events that will be happening throughout my days in this world if I ever get the chance to get out of here. With that in mind, I think I can manage to get through this world here alright.