Stroll Through the City

With my new enforced mental ordinance, I believe I will managed to get through this tour around the city with this hot hunk beside me.

I need to get my shit together.

The carriage only consisted of me and Tigue conversing with each other, sometimes I would occasionally ask Donegal bunch of questions here and there so he wouldn't feel left out and all he could manage to give me are either a grunt or a very low hum that made me stir in my seat.

Thirsty ass bitch! I scolded myself.

With those nonverbal responses I finally gave up and completely ignored him, reminding myself over and over again I would ignore him for the rest of the ride.

I've noticed after that exploit he was in a sour mood as he fixed his eyes outside with his brows furrowed, sulking in the corner.

The carriage was only filled with Tigues laughter and mine.

I keep on denying and lying to myself that it has absolutely nothing to do with me and I am starting to believe it. As if there are no other reasons for him to act that way.

Snap out of it!

Maybe he suddenly remembered his mate and realized that an annoying talkative bitch is next to him and her annoying scent is sticking to his clothes and he couldn't wait to get rid of it when he gets home.

"Have you found your mate, Anais?"

Tigue asked, suddenly serious.


The carriage was engulfed with silence making my answer linger than necessary.

"Really? What is he like?"

I hesitated, am I allowed to talk about my mate that is a witch with these crusaders beside me?


I looked over at the two and saw curiosity in their eyes. I gulped.

"Hehe, maybe some other time."

I waved my hand dismissively. Suddenly the bright atmosphere inside the carriage was gone and was replaced by an unsettling silence.

"So... You and Matildahg huh?"

Tigue huffed.

"That was history... a dark one."

This sparked my interest but I know not to pry. I know this is a sensitive topic to both of them but I want to learn what happened to them when they are willing to partake it with me.

At this point the silence is irreversible unless silence himself which is sat next to me decided to say something.

I found an interesting restaurant and decided that this is the time.


Shit! Not now! I suddenly forgot how to form words! Darn it! My hands started to sweat.

"Stop the carriage."

Fuck his deep voice always gets me! Don't worry self, you'll get use to it and soon enough it won't effect you anymore.

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck and smiled stiffly... Now what?

"I- uh... suddenly got hungry."

Donegal cursed. Did I upset him?

"It's almost dinner, we got carried away. Head there first, I'll follow."

He spoke authoritatively which I nodded.


Tigue cheerfully beckoned me out of the carriage and was immediately welcomed by stares. Oh, this is a carriage of a famous well known member of society.

The carriage even have the crest of the Lucent Knights and next to it is the Thomaltahg family crest, can't really blame them.

Tigue led me inside and we immediately ordered. I was hesitant at first but Tigue assured me it was alright and that Donegal wouldn't mind as it was his best interest when he told us to go first. I ordered a whole chicken only for me. Yum! Tigue looked at me oddly.

"Is your stomach partly orc or..."

I giggled at this then the bell by the door rang and Donegal entered, all of the women gasped  and I can see the hearts in their eyes from where I sat.

I know right! He's a delicious man but I will never show it! I will never surrender to his charms!

I just noticed that his cape was nowhere to be seen and I, slash we, can now see his armoured clad physique and oh my god, it is heavenly! What more if he's nak-.

I smiled at his approaching form. We ate peacefully though it is getting kinda hard to ignore those hushed whispers I can see that it is affecting Donegal as well as sometimes he would clench his utensils too hard and it would crumple under his grip.

"I can't wait to have some taste of that, I'm sure if I tell daddy to talk to the General, he would allow me to get some 'service' especially in my getting of age ceremony."

A bratty noble girl giggled. Wait what? What about her mate? Shes just getting of age? Knowing this era it could be either 14 or 15. I cringed.

"Jesus Christ!"

I slammed my fist against the table as I hissed the Lord's name. Everyone looked at me. I suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Whats your problem?"

The same bratty girl asked, daring me to defy her. I smirked, try me bitch. I shoot up my seat.

"Are you that awfully desperate and shameless that you just haphardously announce self degrading exclamations not caring about appropriate and proper setting? Not to mention your lack of self control and no self respect that you couldn't even think twice to taint your self to men that isn't your mate?"

Everyone gasped. The noble brat shoot up her seat and sobbed out of the diner.

I looked down and slumped down my seat, feeling ashamed. I'm never good at arguments coz I always feel bad afterwards.

A cold hand lifted my face and Donegal's bright smile greeted me. My heart did summersaults and I internally cursed.

I've only known this guy for a day!

"That was brilliant Anais."

I was under his spell but when he uttered the name that wasn't mine, my gut twisted in an unpleasant way that made me lose my appetite and down my spirit. But I can't really complain as I am only borrowing this body for god knows how long.

Even if there is a hunky man in front of me, I will never give up my original life over this one.


Tigue was happy, after everything that his brother went through he is finally opening up to another woman after Wilma's death.

It took a toll on Donegal's life as the taciturn man turned into an empty shell of a man he used to be which is barely any different.

But what about Anais? What about her mate? Tigue wondered.