The Test

We arrived there with Aztbeaurulf still missing. I sighed and sat which I think we aren't allowed to since I can only see six seats that are for the six Commanders. I sat on one of them.

We're just about to start the meeting but I'm already this exhausted.

Tigue was already there when I got there. Apparently, Donegal went to fetch me this morning but I was already gone. It warmed my heart a little but I must remind myself that to survive in this world I must not be swayed by my carnal desires.

The door opened and by the doorway Aztbeaurulf stood proudly.


He exclaimed, clapping his hands to get our attention which was unnecessary since we're already gawking at him already.

"We already know this meeting is unnecessary, since what is me against five?"

He motioned the rest of the officials feigning hurt and sadness, holding his chest tenderly. I looked at him like he's crazy. I looked around and observe that I wasn't the only one. This guy is borderline psychotic.

"But do not fret! Anais, come here dear."

So he's gonna play nice now? But after what I heard, I just hope Benjen would be attentive and grass the other's about what we've found out.

I did what I was told and went next to him. He grabbed my shoulders and gave it a good squeeze. He smiled at everyone.

"I now welcome Anais... uh, Anais in the military."

He beckoned someone from the doorway and a small man with a funny hat and obnoxious outfit came scrurrying in with a scroll and a quail in hand.

"To officially consider you a member, you need to sign this contract."

Is this how you do this? Before I could even get my hands on the scroll it was ripped away from Aztbeaurulf by Donegal. Aztbeaurulf glared at him.

"You! All of you! Always looking down on me! Not even bothering to give me basic proper courtesy! I am your Superior! Obey me!"

Donegal only raised his eyebrows at this and proceeded to read the contract, completely ignoring his outbursts. Aztbeaurulf was steaming in anger.

"Uhhh, Supreme Commander General Aztbeaurulf, there is a fine difference between a commander and a master, a comrade and a slave."

I politely informed him. Aztbeaurulf left eye twitched, I guess he doesn't liked to be lectured at.

Donegal gave me the letter and nodded. I took it and signed. The brunette groaned and rolled his eyes. What's his problem with me?

"I just hope she wouldn't be in my division."

He sassed and eyed me up and down. What's up with this guys and their tendency to act like the one they despise. I made a face.

"Said the one who handles archery."

Tigue scoffed which I laughed at. Archery? That's the most idiot proof amongst the divisions I presume.

The guy which I still don't know the name nor I care glared in our direction blushing in embarrassment and anger.

"So what now?"

"Right. Uhhh. Come follow me while I test you're agility, strength and intelligence then I'll assign you to the department your skill could reach."

We went out of the door. I followed the old man with grey hair and goggles and a long sniper riffle perched across his back.

"Mind if I come along?"

Tigue followed behind us, asking the old man permission. The old man just stopped and turned to look at Tigue and shook his head while chuckling.

"You're no stranger Tigue, of course you can, and give her some pointers while you're at it."

They must've known each other.

"Oh, can you tell me the divisions and the one handling them please?"

The old man just waves his hand without turning to face us as Tigue catch on to that.

"Well, let's start of with the ones you're already familiar with. Lets start with Donegal. Donegal Thomaltahg III on the Vanguard: the front line with the shield symbol. Those are the men on the front line of the battlefield, combat, they are usually adorned with spears, shields, swords and maces. To get here you must need strength."

"Oh, so that's why there's a shied symbols in the chest of his armor and that's why he's very huge."

Tigue let out a hearty laugh and nodded.

"Next is Benjen Oratorra, well, he's working with stealth, with the symbol of the snake. He trains assassin's. Agility and intelligence would be enough."

Woah! I don't think I have the patience nor proper physical capability for that. I've red documentaries about assassin's saying that they remain in the same position and posture for hours so that they wouldn't get caught.

"Then we go with Froe Mutnbegher, with them on the center, they go with the symbol of the cross, they are the ones that practice medicine and could wield a weapon. He usually carries a staff. They are in the center and is often the one giving statistics, strategy and enforcement. You will need to have magic and medical experience to be qualified "

This is the safest one so far but I don't have either of that. I frowned.

"Then we have Xxox Resces, He goes on the second line, just right behind the Vanguards and in front of the center, the support as we should call it. They go with the symbol of wings, they enforce the spirit on the front line by calling upon the light of the omniscient god. Raising the soldiers morale. You have to be awfully devoted and committed to god if you want to be here."

"He's the guy that has a scar in his hairline right?"


"Damn, I don't think I could fit in anywhere here... I don't know what Matildahg's was thinking."

"Don't worry, we still have two more. Next the casters or the callers Jerf and this guy:"

He motioned to the guy walking in front of us.

" Jipsy, his twin: handles them. They go with the symbol of the wyvern. You should be able to master summoning rituals which you'll need to study for in a university and if you dont want to, atleast you should be able to ride the beasts and could be able to shoot while moving through the air."

My mouth flew open. Oh no, the only one left is archery!

"Last but not the least, The Archer's."

Tigue grinned at me and I groaned.

"That guy was Garrett Ausbelt Elton, with the symbol of the all seeing star, they could be any where they wanted but usually they are at the last. Agility is enough."

I groaned. We stopped in a dome with a glass ceiling but this was a smaller room compared to the one we first encountered. No wonder we took longer walking to get here. But why here? Isn't it much better if we're in a wider, bigger room?


The old man answered without me asking anything.

"Don't worry, we'll only be violating bunch of rules."

Tigue smirked at me. So they're going to coach me in this? I smiled.