Italy moved troops to try to stop the invasion effectively cutting their own country into two pieces. The sun rose in the sky sending shafts of light through the fog that sat heavy on the streets. The Italian soldiers couldn't hope to see the enemy as they could hear them marching closer and closer. With each minuet that passed they heard screams and gunshots. As they sat steady the severed head of a young girl around the age of five slowly rolled to a stop in front of them.
"Fire!" A voice yelled from the fog as a bright flash was followed by an explosion.
After the explosion a news chopper flew over head filming the soldiers bodies coming to rest on builds and roads miles from where they sat. They cut to a view of a battalions worth of shadows marching to where the soldiers had been standing. From the small glimpses they got each and every soldier looked the same.
"What is going on?" A news woman asked as the camera turned to put her in frame.
"I have no -" a voice from off camera was cut short as the news chopper was met with an explosion just behind the new woman.
The chopper's crash flickered on and off the screen. Just before it hit a nearby building the cameraman's body fell from the chopper still holding the camera. The sound of his head splatting on the pavement came shortly before the camera lens cracking.
"Well, well, well." Mahek's voice could be heard as a shadowy figure approached the camera and picked it up.
A black gas mask filled the screen as he ran a glove thumb over the lens.
"Hello world. I know you are watching us as we play. We will soon be visiting you all. Bring him here!" Mahek yelled as a man was thrown to the ground as he turned the camera to focus on the man.
"Please don't!" The man begged loudly.
"Okay." Mahek said before he executed the man in front of the world before smashing the camera.
The events on this day revealed to the world that an army was taking Italy by force. It also showed the lack of empathy for anyone around them. The air space was soon restricted so no more innocent lives could be lost from the air. Efforts to evacuate nearby villages was slow going but greatly reduced civilian deaths.
The army in black as they have started being called around the world marched nonstop across Italy. They kept moving at this speed by taking from homes and the bodies of everyone they kill along the way. Every city block they have been through was nothing but dead bodies and burned homes after they leave.
God save Italy and god protect the world.
"Who are they?"
"What do they want?"
"Where are they from?"
"Can we stop them?"
"Will they stop?"
—————————- Author Note ————————
Sorry for this chapter being so short and for taking so long to add a new chapter. I have been working on advertising for a full length horror novel I had recently published called "A Spirit Made Of Memories." The stories I publish here are side projects of mine. Thank you for reading them and I hope to one day make it to where I can make money off these stories.
Please continue to enjoy future chapters.