The Allegiance For A Free Italy is a country that creates a wall between Italy and The United African Continent who took over Sicily within the first year of the A.F.A.F.I. being created. This country lives under the leadership of a man who calls himself "Mortis" any video or live broadcast that he does offers no view of his face. His face will either be covered or out of the frame. This sheds air of mystery not only on the man who leads them but the government itself. They announced their government as being a Democracy but their amount of secrecy makes many people around the world think that they are Fascist.
When it emerged out of nowhere people became worried. That was until they had immediately taken to video meeting the NATO alliance; this was the second time of trying to unite the world. They had taken to the meeting creating a case for themselves on why they deserved to be called a country. Nothing unreasonable was demanded of the A.F.A.F.I. to cause any sense of concern by the other leaders.
Right away they signed an alliance with Italy and France which came to their benefit right away. These alliances they made brought weapons, food, money, and other supplies into their borders within the month. After this, they started training their citizens in things like firearms, close combat, and wilderness survival. While this brought worry to the other countries when Mortis took to the T.V. once more he explained that it was "A precaution due to our country being small and between two warring powers." This was taken as valid reasoning for their training.
With the A.F.A.F.I. being small the Italian government sees itself as the protector of the small territory. Other outside powers offered to create an alliance with the A.F.A.F.I. it was met with a refusal. This was always seen as rude even if the wording of the refusal letters had the utmost respect for the politician receiving it. It was to the point where the offers of the alliance became a flow of trade deals. The trade deals got accepted left and right. The only downside was that they didn't have any idea what the A.F.A.F.I would be trading into their countries.
Their main export was chocolate candies and products that got made by the imported materials they got. This brought a lack of trust from the other countries. This lack of trust leads to another meeting of the leaders. They argued back and forth about what good it would do to have a trade deal with the A.F.A.F.I. this was when Mortis offered an idea. His idea was that he would join a country in taking back Sicily but he wanted to take control of it so that he could have land to create supply to export outside of just manufactured goods.
This was a plan that was accepted by Italy and France within a week of the proposal. France gave the use of their navy and Italy gave the support of their full military. When an explosion when off between mainland Italy and Sicily taking out three battalions of Italian footsoldiers, the French military began a naval bombardment. This was the signal for the A.F.A.F.I. to start marching their newly formed military towards Sicily.
The war that was coming would be one that would set the A.F.A.F.I. in the history of the world as one of the most savage fighting forces in modern history. Becoming known for the aggressive fighting that they trained their soldiers in. It was more notable when you could see what their soldiers had been equipped with. Each and every piece of their equipment was barely above the line of being banned by the Geneva Convention. The part that made them pass the code was the fact that every weapon they had could be modified the do more damage to their enemy.
A.F.A.F.I. soldiers had been equipped with shotguns that had dragon fire, slugs, and regular pellet rounds, K-bar knives that had a spot where you could bolt on a sleeve that gives it serrated edges, Combat Rifles that came with launchers, incendiary, and hollow-point ammuntions. They did get the standard attachment list of suppressors, long-distance sights, and close to medium distance sights. Their model 7-225 pistols had regular attachments on top of the explosive rounds.
The equipment was amazing to the other armies around the world but what amazed the other leaders was how Mortis and his military cabinet could talk their way around the rules. They said that due to their military being so small they turned all of their weapons into multi-use tools. Below are some examples.
The serrated K-bar attachment was used for cutting meat and wood if a unit was to run out of supplies in the wilderness.
The dragon's breath shells were to clear out caves for shelter.
The combat rifle ammunition had been classified as breaching tools only.
The pistol ammunition was classified as breaching rounds and for personal protection from large wildlife.
This seemed to be good enough for everyone that was in the meeting. It was amazing to see how Mortis seemed to be in his natural habitat. He seemed to be able to make everyone chew at the bit for the words he spoke. He seemed to hypnotize everyone that listened to his words. He was what everyone would call a natural-born politician. That was when everyone realized what the A.F.A.F.I. was. It was a cult that managed to become a government and managed to take a third of Italy without killing anyone. Everyone saw what the government was, but no one wanted to acknowledge it. It scared everyone to think of what would happen if they forced this new and ruthless army out of existance.