Be aware that this book is not enough. You must learn constantly if you want to make progress. No matter if you are reading a book or talking to someone always to open to new ideas. Start with the premise that the person you are talking to or the author of the book you are reading knows something that you don't know. If you want to decide whether what someone said or read is true you must first understand what he is trying to say. After that, if you disagree with one fact don't assume that everything the person says is wrong. We are all different. We all go through different things and have different visions, so instead of neglecting someone's point of view try to understand what made him think that way and you will find some interesting things along the way.
This book looks like a how-to tutorial on the surface but that is not what I'm trying to do with it. This book is meant, first of all, to give you hope, to make you realize that there is a better way and that things can be changed. Second of all, this books if a collection of advises. At no point am I trying to take control over your life and tell you what to do. I'm just presenting a scenario and how you can go about it. I consider that everyone should read and exercise. I can become successful without exercising or reading but you'll be much better off if you did.
There are only two things that you must do. The first thing is what makes the difference between to winners and the loser: act. Acquiring knowledge is beneficial and all but when are going to implement what you learned? If you are stuck in the phase of learning you're wasting your time. Knowledge + action = power. Remember that. The second this, although not as crucial as the first one, is still very important. Experiment. From this point of view, what is the difference between winners and losers? A loser when facing a wall things there is no way to get past it and stops. A winner, however, try every possible approach he can think of: climb over the wall, break through it, dig under it, and sometimes it's as simple as just realizing that: hey, the wall ends here, I can go around it!
So this is my final piece of advice: act and experiment as much as possible if you don't want to waste your life!