So now that you know that I'm a cold blooded murderer… there's one other thing you need to know…

I'm not like others, who have been in the Horde. And I know that's a very cliche thing to say, but it's true. Let me explain…

In the Horde you are basically born to kill. That's what they tell you at least. About after a year of killing for them, sometimes going on different missions where you just had to, they would give you a drug…which you had to drink. Apparently it made you more…stealthy and I guess it increased your senses, which made you more successful with your missions and shit.

Well with me… there was a different story.

It happened right after one of my training sessions. I had a few scars on my upper left arm and a really big one just across my left shoulder, which I didn't have time to sew up yet. I was walking down the hall and a kid named Kyle ran towards me, he was holding a jar, which had some liquid in it but I guess he didn't see me, because he almost ran into me. I was about to step out of the way, when he tripped and the liquid in the jar flew in the air and it landed on me.

My vision went blurry for a few seconds. I fell on the ground as I lost balance. My scars were burning, at some point I couldn't take it anymore, so I started screaming. I heard Kyle calling for someone. An unknown pair of arms wrapped under my armpits. They picked me up and carried me somewhere.

I went unconscious.

When I woke up my vision was blurry, I could see people around me, but it was too difficult to make out their faces. All of a sudden, I felt..anger, but it wasn't mine, I had no reason to be angry, and there was so much of it. I had an urge… to kill… I just wanted to take someone's livers out. I can't explain it. I just remember lunging at someone and attacking them. That was when I lost consciousness once again.

The next time I woke up, I felt normal again. I could see perfectly clear, the urge was gone… I was laying on a bed, so I sat up. Finally noticing my surroundings, I noticed I was in a cell.on the other side Catra, looking down at me. She didn't say anything, she just stared at me with a blank expression on her face.

»W- What happened C- Catra??« i asked, while the urge was gone, so was most of my energy, I could barely speak. After a few silent moments, she finally spoke.

»You just killed three of the best Horde officers, that's what happened, honestly Ame I didn't think you had it in you,« she said chuckling in the end.

»W- What?« confusion was written all over my face.

»How can you not remember one of the most mesmerizing moments that ever happened in this dump?« still seeing, I had no idea what she was talking about, she continued, »you went all crazy pants and killed a few people, but the way you did it, it was truly inspiring. I'm even proud of being associated with you. Everyone's talking about it. There's a rumor, even Hordak was intrigued,« she looked to the side and said, »yup, he wants to see you.«

Right then two horde officers came into view and opened the cell door. One of them came inside and grabbed my arm, pulling me out. They dragged me to the lord's sanctum.

The door's opened and they stopped, motioning for me to go in.

»Amethyst.« was all I heard.

»Lord Hordak!« I answered as I bowed, showing respect.

»I am displeased with your recent actions.« I got up, slowly looking around the room, trying to see him.

»I apologi-«

»But, I am intrigued… tell me, how did a child like you manage to take down three of Horde's best?«

»Sire, I- I don't k- know…«

»Do not stutter.« I lowered my head in shame as he came to stand before me.

»Amethyst you are one of the best cadets of your generation, but we both know you can be better, looking at the power you possess,«

He always talked about my powers, but I didn't have any. At least not that I knew of, at the time.

»Of course, my Lord!«

»I was also told that you… how does one put it… bended?«

My face went pale, as he said that. I was terrified of what came next. I decided it was best not to answer, so I didn't.

»Amethyst… it is time, you find out, who you are,« he said, turning around and walking around the room, he motioned for me to follow, »you are one of the ones we call, Xadians,« I stopped dead in my tracks as he continued, »they are vicious creatures, who are not right for this world. They've abandoned you as a child, and I…I saved you from a terrible fate…« he turned around to look at me, putting a hand on my shoulder, »but they have no idea what they got rid of. You are of the most powerful ones ever to exist and we will make them pay for what they did to you! Now Amethyst, will you stand next to me as we destroy them all, will you make them suffer for what they did?«

I want to say, I said no. But I didn't. after what he said… I felt nothing but hatred towards them. I wanted them to feel what I felt at that moment. And I was gonna make sure that happened.

»It would be my pleasure, Lord Hordak,« I responded, mentally promising to myself, fire will rain upon their villages and cities.

He nodded, and I excused myself, leaving to tell Catra and the others about what happened. I left Hordak's sanctum, with a goal, that almost came true.


Next time I had a training session, it was different. One of the captains came to me, and injected something in the scar on my shoulder, which hasn't had the time to heal yet, with a needle. Right away felt that urge again. My vision was blurred and a man came to stand before me, a man I didn't know. I lunged at him, and at first he fought back. But I… I fought like never before in my life, the movements were sloppy but strong and precise, I could only see the outline of the persone, yet I could distinguish every part of his body. I hit him, where I knew hurt the most. And the worst part… I enjoyed every fucking second of it.

After I was done, I dropped the man, dead, on the floor.

Hordak gave the order to do that every single day. Soon, I learned how to control, myself, or rather, it. I was able to go in and out of that state of being as i pleased, as long as i had the drug in my bloodstream.

By the time I was twelve, I had already built a reputation, I even earned a name for it, Megara, meaning 'the merciless one'.

As time went on, I killed more and more people a day, I even started leading some of the missions and training others. Hordak then made me his second in command, as I showed much progress, from that helpless little girl I grew up to become one of the best, and then the best.

As time went on, more signs appeared. Signs that showed I was more than just an earthbender.