New Experience

Shui Xian didn't take Raelle straight back home, he just intentionally took the longer route back home. But he didn't do it just to delay their return, he had another destination in mind as well. And on their way, Raelle didn't question him once about their destination.

"Don't you want to know where we are going?" he finally asked her.

"I'll eventually know once I'm there," she replied.

"Didn't you say you don't like surprises? You like to be in control," Shui Xian remembered every single thing related to her. He couldn't possibly forget it.

Raelle hummed in reply, "And someone said, I should let life surprise me sometimes."

Shui Xian didn't continue talking. By the time they arrived at their destination, the sun was setting leaving behind the hues of orange like a burning flame being engulfed by the sea of darkness. Shui Xian found a place to park the car.