The Air We Breathe

Whether Shui Xian was asking a question or stating a fact, Raelle had to give him a response. There was no way, she would stay silent.

"I've already introduced you to the people who have a place in my life," she said. "It's nothing surprising that you'd be interested in them. On the other hand, I've only met your father." She took a pause and added, "The reason why you're ignoring your sister... I'm not curious to know. As for why I'm not interested in her... She isn't a part of your life. Not as far as I can see." She stared at the lanterns intently before she went on, "Besides, isn't it more important that I'm interested in you?"

Her last statement had to be the highlight for Shui Xian. Because it actually made him forget what he really wanted to say to her. And while he was staring at her in silence, someone passed by his side. Soon, that 'someone' backtracked his steps and came to stand right by his side.
