Chapter 18

"Looks like Avecii's sitting out, *sigh* there goes my competition," Amo slumped as he turned around and walked back to his throne.

He spun around again before falling backwards onto the dark grey seat. He adjusted himself so that he placed his right elbow on the rest and rested his head against a loose fist, deciding to watch the fight.

"You boys handle this, I'll join when Avecii does… but don't mess this up… ore else you know what'll happen." Amo threatened as he flexed his nails.

The four fighters nodded their heads as they turned their attention back to the four opposing family members approaching them.


"I'll handle the spada boss!" Primo shouted as he clenched the golden knuckles.

"No! I got him!" Meiko shouted as he checked his pockets and counted the number of scalpels left.

"Looks like neither of you will get to fight him." Smiled Rete as he pointed to Amo slumping on the chair and his four guards walking forward.

"Fine by me, if I can't beat one of these guys here then I shouldn't be a part of this family!" Primo smiled devilishly.

The others smiled in agreement.

"Now then, I'll take the giant!" Primo shouted as he broke into a sprint.

"That doesn't narrow it down at all!!" Teilmo shouted behind him.

"Well then, I guess the knife fighter is mine!" Meiko shouted as he broke off.

"That last guy has some pretty interesting shoes, don't mind if I take a closer look!" Rete shouted as picked up his pace.

"I'll sit this one out then!" Tielmo started backing out.


Primo dashed forwards pulling his right fist backwards as he shifted his weight, getting into a lunge as he closed in on the giant muscular man with the black one tattoo. Once in range he stopped, putting all the momentum into his fist, powering it up even more as he twisted his hips around.

"RED BLOW!!!" Primo shouted as he drove into the hulking man.

Primo crossed his arms and took the full impact. The ground cracked around his feet as he was slowly pushed backwards. He continued to be pushed backwards until finally the power stopped from the attack. When he looked down there were deep tracks stretching four feet in front of him. His arms ached as he could feel more bruises accumulating on his already destroyed skin.

"Oh. Not bad." Scudi's Primo said under his breath.

Spada's Primo threw his arms outward forcing Scudi's Primo off balance as his right arm went flying upwards, exposing his ribs and chest. Spada's Primo twisted his lower body and pulled his left arm backwards, forming a tight fist at the same time at a speed too fast for the large body.

"MY… TURN… " He grunted.

Primo's eyes widened as the large fist came forwards.

"BLACK! METEOR!!" Spada's Primo shouted.

The ground beneath him cracked under the pressure and weight of the punch flew forwards. Scudi's Primo clenched a tight fist with his left hand and brought it up near his face, shrinking the rest of his body to hide behind his left forearm. SLAM!! Crunch! The punch drove into Primo's arm. He held it back for a little bit before it started to over power him before finally sending him flying backwards into the wall.

Pirmo's left side throbbed with his left hand sprawled to his side, the broken bone deforming it. Slowly he picked himself up, struggling to keep a balance he somehow got to his feet.

"Great Gorilla… I was wondering where you had disappeared to… turns out you just became a puppet," Primo said as he slowly got up, "Say Gabino… what made you join this fool?"

"Brother..." Gabino grunted through deep breaths, "Threatened to kill my brother..."

He returned back to an upright position and started walking forwards, shaking the ground with each step.

"So you chickened out… huh?" A look of annoyance and anger rose on Primo's face, "Instead of trying to protect your brother with your family you decided to give in… that's pretty pathetic."

Primo mirrored Gabino. The two slowly walked towards each other, suddenly stopping, then breaking out into a full out sprint, until they could feel each other's breaths they continued running. Gabino took the first swing. Primo spun and dodged it effortlessly, but the air pressure generated by it cracked the ground. Primo pulled back his right arm as he spun and swung over the head of Gabino who ducked, letting a few strands of the bag get caught. Gabino twisted his body to the right, raising his right arm and curling his fist into a club, he brought it down above Primo's head.

Primo twisted in response, turning his back to Gabino's head and bringing his broken left arm below the club-like fist. SLAM!! The impact sent Primo downwards immediately, breaking more of the concrete floor. Primo twisted and squirmed as the immense pain sent waves throughout his body. His vision darkened as he realized another attack was coming and quickly gathered himself and rolled to his right, avoiding the stomp by Gabino.

"I respected you!" Primo shouted as he jumped up and lept towards Gabino.

"I WANTED TO BE LIKE YOU!!" He shouted as he pulled back another right punch.

He sent it forwards with everything he had but Gabino, once again, crossed his forearms and blocked the powerful punch, only allowing a few bits of skin to be scraped off. Primo kept twisting his upper body, even after the punch had landed, driving it further and further in before stopping and delivering a powerful midair roundhouse kick to Gabino's exposed temples.

"TEPHRA!!!" He shouted.

The kick drove deeper and deeper into Gabino's temple until he couldn't stand his ground anymore and flew into the pipes on the side of the wall, sending them all crashing down on his body.

The pipes didn't settle for long. The hulking figure rose out from under them as soon as the last pipe fell downwards. He groggily got to his feet and struggled to keep his balance.

"Be… Better..." Gabino growled slowly, "Couldn't protect family… or brother… heart too weak… BE… BETTER..."

He readied himself in what looked to be his final stand, his right leg was put forwards, his foot slightly turned outwards, his left leg mirrored but was behind his right. Hips were turned towards his left as his right fist was put forwards and his left backwards.

Primo lowered his head and broke out into a sprint, charging with everything he had towards Gabino who, oddly enough, looked more at ease now than when the fight started. Primo kept running as fast as he could, not preparing to block, or dodge, but running straight forwards.

"SILVERBACK!! SLING!!!" Gabino shouted.

He twisted his body, bringing his left shoulder forwards as his left fist fell back behind his body. He started turning his hips forwards and at the same time rotated his left leg inwards. By the time Primo was in range the fist had already travelled half the distance, there was no stopping it now.

The fist came closer and closer until it was a head away from Primo. He pulled his head to the left, shifting his weight onto his right leg and twisting his entire body, dodging the punch entirely while getting closer to Gabino. Once under him quickly pulled his right fist backwards and launched a powerful uppercut into his chin.

"RED 'RUPTION!!!!!!" He shouted as the punch drove into Gabino.

Gabino immediately felt his strength drain and his body go limp as he slumped to the ground, next to Primo who was now lying on his back.

"YOU… NEXT… GREAT APE..." He managed to whisper before losing complete consciousness.

Gabino smiled as he drifted away, knowing he had passed the title forwards, just as it had been passed onto him knowing it would be safe.

Primo smiled as he struggled to stay focused.

"Hey… hey buddy… you still have to take on… the boss..." Primo murmured as his consciousness faded.