Chapter 19

"Hmph, I guess even meatheads have their limits." Meiko smiled.

He stared at Primo's body from afar, the slow rise and fall of his chest along with the end of his fight gave Meiko a good idea of what kind of opponents they were facing. He turned his attention back to the lanky man in front of him. He held a few bread knives in his hand as he stood still, staring back at Meiko. He looked around and counted the number of bread knives around his feet, then proceeded to count the number of scalpels around his opponents feet.

A bread knife is about .6 pounds which is around 272 grams… a scalpel is about 10 grams… He thought to himself.

He's already thrown around 10 bread knives, and I've thrown almost twenty scalpels… but I can fit more scalpels than he can bread knives… what's more the bread knives are pretty hard to throw accurately I'm assuming, which would mean if it came to hand to hand combat he would have me beat… now what to do Meiko analyzed the situation in front of him.

"Just so you know, I'm not interested in finding out who you are, nor do I look up to you..." Meiko smirked.

The man continued to stare back without a trace of emotion appearing on his face. Meiko reached into his lab coat and pulled out another couple scalpels and readied to throw them, crouching low this time. In a swift motion he threw the four he had clenched between his fingers in his right hand as he bent down and pushed off the ground, sprinting quickly behind them. Secondo responded exactly how Meiko thought he would, by pulling out two knives, one for two scalpels, and threw them perfectly to knock the scalpels straight down. Right as they hit the ground Meiko closed in as Secondo was still reeling back from throwing the knives and went for a left cross, barely missing Secondo's long neck but still managing to scratch it through the bandages before receiving a hard kick to the stomach which sent him flying backwards, sending whatever weapons he had in his hand flying out.

Secondo leapt forwards, forcing Meiko to his feet. Secondo held two bread knives, the one in his right hand had the blade pointing downwards while the one in his left hand had the blade pointing upwards. With the akimbo bread knives he launched a quick and powerful assault, slicing, stabbing, swinging at any opening he could find in Meiko who kept swaying his body, as if he had lost all feeling in his arms, to avoid the powerful and quick strikes. Slowly, very slowly the precision and power the attacks once had started to disappear. Secondo's attacks grew even more sluggish and lethargic as the intensity still showed in his eyes.

Meiko smirked as he lept curled his body and delivered a powerful blow to Secondo's stomach with both his legs, sending him staggering backwards and slumping to the ground.

"*Sigh* I even made it obvious what I was going to do but still..." Mieko slumped as he walked towards the struggling Secondo, "I guess I just had higher expectations of you, being someone from a family that is supposed to be of the same caliber as us..."

"Poison…?" Secondo grunted.

"Dumbass, I'm a doctor first, a fighter second, I would never use poison!" Meiko shouted back.

"But, if hypothetically I did come up with a new serum that may or may not aid people I would have to experiment on someone with it before I could administer it to the people…." Meiko smirked.

Secondo blinked, the intensity still shown in his eyes.

"Now, be a good boy and stay still while I go take care of our meatheads broken arm, if you're still alive by the time I get back then I might help you with that continuous stream of blood coming down your neck." Meiko said as he turned around and started walking towards Primo.

"Anticoagulants and Lidocaine, a special combination of both that only numbs the body from the neck down and prevents blood from clotting where the cut was made killing the opponent by loss of blood." Secondo said without skipping a beat.

Meiko froze on the spot as he heard movement behind him. He slowly turned around to see Secondo standing on his feet as if nothing had happened, the blood still oozing from his neck, but all signs of the numbing medicine had disappeared. Secondo moved his bandages to reveal his mouth that had stitches around its corners. Meiko instinctively turned around and pulled out scalpels from his pockets, clenching them between his fingers and holding his arms in front of his face defensively. It was as if his body had reacted on it's own. When he looked at Secondo's face he realized why. He was smiling, a creepy, broken smile that would even haunt the minds of adults. In the creepy smile he could see that a tooth was missing.

"I only managed to get rid of the Lidocaine, I'll have to deal with the Anticoagulants after killing you, so die quickly." Secondo said as he let go of the bandages, hiding his mouth once again.

Secondo charged forwards pulling two more bread knives from his pockets and once again slashing and attacking with the same intensity as before. Meiko continued to dodge as he had before, narrowly avoiding the attacks. After a few minutes Secondo backed up, breathing heavily as his vision blurred.

"It's about time, but man you had a lot of blood didn't you?" Meiko smiled.

"What do you mean?! Why is my vision going blurry?!?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!!?" Secondo shouted.

Secondo fell to one knee, struggling to keep balance and focus.

"This is why fighters are all meatheads, you all just swing but don't really think about where you're hitting." Meiko sighed.

"Your neck, did you really think I would aim for any old place?" Meiko to the place on his neck where Secondo was bleeding out from.

"Your external jugular vein, cut that and you'll bleed out faster than slitting your wrists." Meiko explained.

"HOW!?!?" Secondo hissed, "A scalpel shouldn't be able to do that!!!!"

Secondo remembered back to when Meiko touched the ground around him before charging forwards earlier.

"Bread knife?" He looked shocked.

"Took you long enough, yeah, a scalpel would require too much precision to hit that but a bread knife, still requires precision, but much less." Meiko smiled.

Secondo slumped to the ground, shivering as his body grew colder.

"Now, now, don't die yet, I gotta go take care of our meathead, if you stay alive until I come back I may be able to save you, no promises though!" He smiled as he walked off.

"How was Avecii struggling with these guys?" Meiko laughed.