As a little girl, I was always tormented by this invisible monster. This monster went through my family like a forest fire. My eyes could only watch as one after another, my family fell into a painful sleep just days apart from each other.
Twisting and turning, while grabbing their chests in desperation to get air. My innocent eyes quivered in fear and uncertainty, as I peeked through my door while hearing the doctors panicking and screaming for aid by their nurses.
This illness that plagued my family, was the very monster that I was afraid of. Other children were afraid of the boogie man or some other made up monster, but I was facing something far worse than any made up monster.
This plague only chose my family to attack, for no one else got this illness. The doctors and nurses were all safe, but sadly my family was not. My mother and I stayed in a room together, right across those who were sick.
"Close the door, Colette.", softly persuaded my mother who sat on the bed that we both share. "You do not need to see such things."
"B-but Mother aren't you scared?", I softly asked her while looking back innocently. "Everyone is hurting, Mother..."
Father, Uncle, Grandma, and Grandpa. Everyone in our family has this illness, and are suffering terribly. Tears soon escaped my brown eyes, as I cried in front of the door I was peeking through. My little hands softly went up to rub my eyes which were now flooded with tears. The more I rubbed my eyes, did the tears increase. In such a short time my face and hands were soaked with tears.
"Colette, shhh.", approached my mother who pulled me into a comforting hug. My sobs continued as she softly rocked her body back and forth.
"A-are we going to get it..?", I sobbed asking my mother this question.
"Of course not, shhh.", comforted my mother as she rubbed my shivering back as I sobbed more. She tried to be there for me, and I knew it. My mother didn't even want to scare me, anymore than I was. What she wanted was for me to have a great life, and not at all be scared of what was to come next.
My tear filled eyes slowly opened up when I heard a sob as her embrace became stronger, and I knew then that my mother was crying. Her voice shook in a fearful way, as she said. "Everything will be alright...!", though she said these words my poor mother felt like she was lying to me. After all she didn't even know if the both of us would make it or not.
That day we both wept in each other's arms, for neither of us knew if we would make it.
We were both scared, there was no denying that. This illness was fast and deadly, killing those who I knew without mercy. My family died in a matter of days, and only my mother and I were spared. As quickly as it came, that illness all but stopped mysteriously. Even the doctors were surprised by how quickly it came and then went.
Even so, the doctors spoke of this illness to my mother and I that day it had stopped. They said that it went into some kind of hibernation, meaning it could come back again. Just this news terrified me, while my mother felt strong. She became strong just so she could protect me, and that strength soon rubbed off on me.
My mother went into overdrive with finding remedies and cures, as she wrote them down in her journal. She even tried learning herbalism, all on her own. I remember watching her at night, as she scribbled away in her journal and made natural medicines. All of this she was doing, was for us.
Of course to those who didn't know my mother personally, looked at her like she was overly obsessed with finding old remedies and medicines. They even called her a health freak. Though they called her such things, this didn't stop her from her work.
Just seeing her work so hard day after day, made me feel like I had to do something. I honestly wanted to help my mother who was doing everything in her power, to protect me. It was then that I wanted to become a doctor, to not only help my mother and I. But to help others, so this wouldn't happen to them. So they wouldn't feel the same pain and fear that we had felt.
That pain of losing loved ones, was a powerful motivator for the both of us.
As the years went by, I helped my mother as well as studied medicine. Year after year, my knowledge of medicine grew. It grew so much that many doctors took notice of it, and it wasn't much longer until I took a written test to show that I was a perfect candidate to go into a medical college.
Before I knew it, I was accepted not long after my 20th birthday.
"I got in!", I happily smiled to my mother who was pleased by the news. I held my acceptance letter out to her and she read it with a proud smile. The both of us were extremely happy and blessed for such a good fortune.
"You will help so many people, Colette.", smiled my mother as she hugged me close. "I'm sure of it!"
"I will! I promise!", was the promise I made to her.
My mother looked at me with so much happiness and praise, for she believed my words. The both of us went through such a horrible time, for when that illness attacked our family. It honestly was like hell had fallen around us, and only us. Not once letting us escape.
But we did escape, and it made the both of us so much stronger. We were stronger, especially together.
Not long after reading the acceptance letter, I began to pack my things for my trip to go to college. My mother of course helped me pack, with a strong smile on her face. While packing, the both of us talked about many things that brought us so much comfort. After all we talked about things we could do together when she was to visit me. We even made them real, by putting them down on both of our calendars.
The day I left in my car was probably the most jarring thing for me, for my mother and I were always together. But from here on out after I move, I would be away from my mother.
This was a scary thing for me but it instantly dissolved the moment I looked at my mother for she had that strong smile of hers on. She knew that I could do this, she knew I would be a good doctor. Just her knowing, put all of my fears to rest.
"I will call you when I get there!", I smiled at her while giving her a friendly wave. She of course waved back saying, "I will be waiting! Love you!"
Starting up the car, I put it in drive. As I drove away, I couldn't help but look in the mirror in my car. As I looked at the rear view mirror, I saw my mother still standing there with her smile still evident. She remained there all the way up until I couldn't see her anymore.
"Love you to mom...", I couldn't help but say this with tears brimming my brown hues as I looked at the road. My brown hair hugged my face and shoulders softly, as if trying to comfort me as I softly cried to myself. Though we were apart now, I could almost feel my mother giving me a hug. No matter how far apart we were, we were still in each other's hearts.
I was sure of it.
It was a long drive to get to where I was headed, but it was quite beautiful and uplifting. New sights along with new places, filled my eyes. So many people who were enjoying life, made me feel incredibly blessed. I was living a proper life right now, with nothing ahead to fear.
Not to mention that I hadn't seen that illness come back yet, and it was probably thanks to the healthy lifestyle that my mother had placed upon the both of us during such scary times.
The both of us ate healthy, and would exercise together often when I was still just a child. We even went to church more, to help put our minds at ease. My mother did everything she could to provide for me, so that our life was a happy yet fulfilling one. Since we did all that, perhaps it stopped that illness from resurfacing.
If that was so, then that made me feel even more blessed then I already was.
As I reached my destination, I was quick to call my mother and tell her that I got there safely. She was so relieved to hear that I got there safely, she was even crying a little bit on the other side of the phone. My mother was a strong woman, that much I knew already. But she did have a weakness, and that weakness was me.
We only had each other that much is true, but my mother never ever wants anything bad to happen to me. For I was all that she had left. Even growing up, I knew how protective she was over me. She was so protective, it was sometimes suffocating. But I didn't stop her from doing it, probably cause she tried to stop herself from doing it to much. She knew that I needed space, and would only do it when she feared for me making a wrong decision.
She told me what was right and what was wrong, and I was thankful for that. Only cause I made some questionable decisions when I was a teenager, and my mother corrected me on some of those choices. Which I was happy for. If she hadn't, I would of smoked. She even stopped me from drinking alcohol, which was another thing I was about to do all cause my friends tried to get me to do it.
My mother was in some instances my guardian angel, as well as the voice of reason. For she always knew when something was on my mind, no matter if it was good or bad.
I honestly had so many great memories of both my home as well as my mother, that I wanted to be the best doctor that I could ever hope to be. This is something that I wanted to do, so I could repay my mother for everything that she has done for me. I want to give something back to her, for she deserves it.
It took me a little while to unpack my things in my apartment, another thing that my mother helped me out with. She saved some money up from working two jobs when I was younger to help pay for both my college and apartment fees. My mother surprised me with it, when we were finished packing things into my car.
She did everything for me when I was but a child but never did I think she would go that far to help me. Then again of course she did, for she loved me very much and wanted to help me out no matter what.
As I began to put my stuff in my apartment, I had to decide on how it should look. For once in my life, I get to design the inside of my apartment which was very exciting to me. This apartment would be my temporary home away from home, and I was excited for it. Slowly but surely, my apartment was coming together which made me happy. I even knew that I would be calling my mother soon and telling her how the apartment looked. I just may video chat with her, just so she could see the finished apartment. That is exactly what I did.
"Ta-da!", I chimed happily the moment I finished making up my apartment. My mother showed her surprise in both her face and voice. "Oh wow!?!"
"Do you like it?", I asked her curiously with a smile with my hair in a ponytail. The time on my cellphone showed it was ten minutes after 8 o'clock in the evening.
"I love it!", replied my mother with her famous smile on her lips. Her eyes were even closed as she smiled for she looked so relaxed and happy that I called her again. "You did a good job! I bet you are tired though?"
I nodded honestly when she said that, "Yeah, I may eat me something and take a shower before I go to bed."
"Good idea, hopefully you will get enough rest before class tomorrow!", smiled my mother who I smiled softly back to as I replied. "Oh I will don't worry about it!"
My mother laughed, "Well don't let me hold you! Call me in the morning okay?"
"I will, love you mom.", I smiled at her silently after saying that. Her eyes became a little teary before smiling as she replied, "I love you too."
I couldn't help but laugh a little as I hung up my phone, I then smiled feeling good about how things are turning out for me. I didn't hesitate to make me something to eat and afterwards did I take a shower before turning in for the night.
Every day after that, was basically normal for me and my mother for we stayed in touch on the phone. I even made new friends which was greatly exciting for me. A solid week went by since I moved away from my mother, and things only continued to get better.
However one morning things began to change, I was already sitting in the classroom. Getting things together for my class, my phone which was on silent rung. Answering it quickly before my class was to start did I hear my mothers wheezing voice on the other end. " me..."
"MOM!?!", I called out loudly which got some attention from others in my class. Even the teacher who was walking in took notice of how distraught I was.
Listening carefully did I hear my mother wheezing for air, and then I heard two different but faint voices I didn't recognize. Thinking the worst, I quickly got up and made my way toward the classroom doors. "I got to go! Family emergency!"
The teacher didn't try to stop me, as I quickly ran toward my car with pure fear in my eyes. That horrible illness has come yet again, it must have for my mother was desperately trying to get air in her lungs. Flashbacks to when that illness struck my family all of a sudden, flashed before my very eyes. It was back and it was going to take my mother away from me.
I just couldn't let it happen!, I had to get to her! I just had to!
Quickly as I could, I drove back home. My heart was a beating mess, for my chest began to sting with each beat. I was honestly so focused on what I was doing, it was like things were moving forward to fast for me to count which was very overwhelming for me. "Please be okay! Please let me get there in time!", I repeated like a broken record. It felt like forever for me up until I saw home finally, did I take a deep breath. Then a thought occurred to me as I pulled into the familiar driveway.
Those faint voices I remembered hearing, perhaps those were the first response? I thought that immediately, but that changed when I saw two vehicles that I didn't recognize. The both of them was completely black, with black tinted windows. Rushing out of my car, I saw two men moving a stretcher who had my mother on it.
"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MOM!?!", I yelled out loudly as I ran over to them as they hurriedly put my mother into the back of the black van.
Before I could get any closer to them, something or someone struck the back of my head hard. "..!"
Slowly my vision went in and out, as I tried to stay awake to no avail. Darkness soon claimed my vision as I fell to the ground.
I did not have any idea for how long I was out for, and all that I could think about while unconscious was about my mother. I honestly had no idea if she was okay, or if she was getting the help she so desperately needed. I just didn't know.
Opening my weary eyes slowly while my mind desperately tried to remember what had transpired earlier, I was quick to take notice of some kind of cell. "What the hell!?!", I gasped sitting up as I took notice to what I was wearing. These clothes I was wearing were not mine at all!
Looking around the cell I was in, did my feet have a mind of their own for I was trying to open the heavy door before me. "Hello!?! Someone please let me out!?! I have to see my mother!?! HELLO!?!", I desperately cried out for I was trying everything in my power to get out of there so I could find my mom.
"Silence!", was the stern words of a order that came out from the other side of the locked door. I of course froze as well, for the door opened before me and showed four men in armor and holding guns which were clearly loaded. "!?!", my surprise showed as these guys looked at me in military style helmets which were bulletproof.
"It is time for your test, come.", spoke one man as he shifted his rifle in front of himself in a motion that meant for me to follow him.
I of course obliged out of fear to the weapons they had and as I slowly followed him out of the cell, my eyes could only look around as I followed this man in front of me. Glancing back I took notice of the other three armored gentleman following me as well. I was being escorted to some place, not that I knew where. It was when passing another strange cell did I hear a voice speak out quite loudly.
"I sense the disease in you."
"!?!", I looked over in surprise while the four men who were escorting me froze up immediately. It was almost like they were not expecting to hear this voice. At first I thought I was hearing things, but it was then I noticed a man or what looked like a man. He was wearing all black, and on his face was a flawless white porcelain mask.
"Come here miss."
One of his black gloved hands waved me over to him as if trying to put a spell on me, for he stood tall before a glass wall. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I heard the armored men talk to one another behind me.
"Is this for real!?! Is he seriously talking to someone!?!", hissed one armored man on my left.
"Hold on I need to let someone know of this!", spoke his subordinate next to him as he lifted what looks like a walkie talkie.
I honestly stood there frozen for I had no idea on what I should do. This masked man was looking directly toward me, with his black gloved hand still motioning me to him.
"Right! I understand!", replied the man on the hand held radio device. "One of the higher ups says to let her talk with him."
Just hearing that said, terrified me even more. What was it that he wanted to talk to me about?, I just didn't know nor did I have time to think for I slowly made my way over to him. Lest I didn't hurry, I would of been pushed over by those who were escorting me.
"Y-yes?", I spoke up while standing before the glass window that separated him and I.
He looked at me as if staring at me, for it was like he was evaluating me. This man was quite taller than I, that much I knew already for I was looking up at him.
"You are quite fascinating."
His words took me by surprise, for it felt like a compliment. Not only that but his voice was so much quieter, to where only I could hear him. "T-thank you..?"
I watched him closely for he looked to be greatly amused, for his posture gave off a strong but pleasant vibe. His arms were even crossed over his chest as he some what leaned on the glass that divided the both of us. My eyes were locked on his own, for we stared at each other silently now. It was like we were having a discussion with just our eyes.
"That's enough!", ordered a voice that made me jump. One of the armored men yelled this out, as if impatient. "We are taking you back to your cell!"
I could only step away from this mysterious man, who all but leaned further into the glass the more I walked away from him. His eyes never left me neither for it was like I felt them on my back, as I was slowly escorted back to my cell. I glanced over my shoulder to look toward him, and as expected he watched me leave with great curiosity and interest.