Whispers from Heaven

The tall shady trees look creepy at night. But looks sturdy and beautiful in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Towards the semester break, Dance took the time to visit the Bengkayang regional library. A prince-like handsome man appeared in front of him, standing around the bookshelf located at the right corner of where he was standing. It is a librarian. Tari is busy looking for her favorite fiction book. Namely, the latest fiction books. However, about ten minutes of flipping through the neatly arranged books, Tari still hasn't found a new fiction book, only an old book.

"Mas, is there a new fiction book or not?" Tari asked the library keeper, smiling, showing his neat white teeth.

"Yes, mba. Here." replied the library keeper, pointing to the bookshelf in front of him.

"MYSTERY RECORD FROM HEAVEN" is the title of the novel that Tari found. He immediately borrowed it.

"Mas, please paint it. I borrowed this novel, yeah, "said Tari, while holding out the novel he borrowed.

" Okay, mba. Please sign here. "

" Wow, I finally got a novel, from the title alone made me curious to want to quickly read it to completion, "said Tari as she left the library. He immediately rode his motorbike to go home.

Suddenly, 'Gubrakkk!' The sound of the motorbike collided right in front of him, fortunately he was not affected by the accident. Suddenly, Tari was shocked and immediately parked his motorbike on the sidewalk. People who saw the incident immediately helped one of the injured parties, namely the woman only. While the party who hit was a man who was about the same age as Tari, many saw it but no one wanted to help the poor man. Tari finally chose to help the man, he immediately called the ambulance and said where his current position was. About five minutes the ambulance arrived on the scene, they immediately headed for the nearest hospital.

"Where am I?" came a voice from the bed. Tari, who was reading a novel, finally turned to look at the source of the sound.

"It turns out that you are awake, thank goodness," said Tari, while approaching the man.

Suddenly the novel he was reading fell off the table. He was surprised and confused, while looking back.

"Didn't I put it right in the middle of the table, why did it fall? Is the wind blowing it? seems like no wind is passing by, "muttered Tari, in his mind.

" Miss, where am I now? " That voice brought Tari to life from her reverie.

"You are hospitalized. Earlier I saw you an accident right in front of me, so I brought you here, "said Tari, followed by a sweet smile.

" Oh yes, I remember a little about the incident before that, there was a white shadow covering my vision, while I was driving and my brakes felt not. function. How did I get hit? Did I hit a pole, animal, or ... human? " the volume of his voice got lower at the end,

The guy's words made him think for a moment. "Shadow? Is it a ghost? " thought Tari, in his mind.

"Hey, miss. Why don't you answer my question? " said the man with an expression raising his right eyebrow.

"Ehh yeah, I don't know the condition of the woman you hit, people immediately gave her help" said Tari, nervous due to thinking.

"Hm, thank goodness. I hope he doesn't get hurt badly. What's your name, miss? " he asked.

"My name, Tari. What is your name?" Tari asked back.

"My name, Rais. Can you help me get my cell phone, miss? I want to contact my mother.

Dance immediately went to the table where the cellphone was lying.

"Hello .. kid, where are you now? Why haven't you come home yet, I'm worried about you, son. "Rais's mother heard a clear voice of anxiety.

" Sorry, ma'am. Rais accident, now Rais is with the beautiful lady who has helped, and brought Rais to the nearest hospital "that's Rais's answer to his mother who is very worried.

" What ?? Mother will be there soon, son "heard sobs from Rais's mother.

After calling his mother, Rais finally took a short break to darken his eyes that looked red enduring the pain all over his body. Meanwhile, Tari returned to her seat to continue reading the novel while waiting for Rais's mother to arrive.

"This novel is very interesting, only 15 pages have made me really curious, and I want to quickly know what the ending will be like." He spoke in his mind.

The scream "Raisssss" startled Tari, as well as woke up

Rais from his sleep. "Ibuu" said Rais.

Rais's mother looked worried, her face was so sad when she saw her child lying weakly with lots of bandages on the head and feet, of course it could not be denied that the sadness emanating from the tears of a mother. Rais told his mother what happened to him, apparently he forgot to read the prayer when he was riding a motorcycle.

"Miss, what's your name? Thank you for your help, sweet lady, "said Rais' mother.

" Introducing, my name is Kumala Dewi Dance, ma'am. Glad to be able to help your child, "said Tari while spreading a smile of sincerity.

" This is my name card, maybe the beautiful lady needs help, you can contact me. Don't ask, yeah "Rais's mother gave her a name card and was immediately accepted by Tari.

" Fine, ma'am. Thank you, I will say goodbye to go home first, I want to continue my college assignments that are not yet finished, ma'am. "Tari said goodbye and immediately left the hospital after Rais's mother invited him.

Five days later. The atmosphere was quiet, the night sky was accompanied by a beautiful spectrum of stars, only the sound of crickets shouting out. The sign is that he should go to bed soon so that he won't be late to wake up in the morning, so that he can witness the cool atmosphere of dawn, and of course this atmosphere is eagerly awaited by Tari every day.

"Dance! continue reading my novel, there is a message that I want to convey to you, a message that is my greatest hope. You have to find out right away, "Sob whispered it in his ear.

" Why? why do you force me to read it at midnight like this, what message do you want to convey? Why do you so want me to know the message immediately? Do you recognize me? Dance talks to the figure of a woman who is so beautiful, wearing a luxurious white dress and carrying a familiar novel.

The woman smiled and then left without answering the questions that Dance gave her.

Alarm suddenly rang, 'krining krining krining '"Oh so fast the alarm went off, I'm still so tired, what time is it? I think .. I've only been asleep for an hour. " Dance wakes up and is surprised to see the clock,

"Yes. no doubt, it's still two in the morning, even the sun is still asleep on the western horizon, why is the alarm ringing? Then, who is the beautiful woman who approached me earlier? Really like real, maybe.

'aww sick' turns out to be true I'm in the real world right now, whereas an hour ago? Hahh it turns out I only dreamed that the woman visited me, and… novell !!! What is this? Is my eye seeing it or not? Why can this novel be beside my head, last night I really remember keeping it in a book drawer, then why is it here? Is there someone who entered my room last night? "

Those thousand questions are very comfortable parked in the 'brain'. He was confused by all that had happened in the past few days.

The morning was so bright, the pile of dew on the leaves began to hide and blushed, it seemed that the young clouds on the top of the mountain were getting higher, the sun was even more daring to show itself. Dance was tidying up his room that morning, perched a dove carrying a letter to the window of his room, then flew back leaving a message. When he looked at the window, he saw that there was a roll of white paper tied with a red ribbon lying on the edge of the window, he immediately went to where the paper was, he immediately took it, and it turned out that it contained a message.

Dear Tari

Hey .. how are you, miss? I hope it's all right. This is Rais, I want to meet you tonight, can you? I really hope you are willing to meet me tonight, I have something important I want to tell you.

Greetings from me


Tari was confused, how could she reply to the letter, while she did not know where to meet. Thinking of a way for a long time, finally Tari remembered the name card she had received. He took the name card that he did not know the name of the owner, Tari went to his book drawer to look for it, and finally found it. 'Yati' that's the name on the card. He immediately dialed the number.

"Hello .. with me, Yati. Who is this?" came the answer as well as the question from Rais' mother.

"This is Tari, ma'am. Can I have Rais's cellphone number, ma'am? Earlier I got a letter from him, but I was confused about how to reply, ma'am, "explained Tari.

" Oh. OK, son, I'll send you a short message later, yes "friendly answer from Mrs. Yati.

" Yes ma'am, thank you for your time, ma'am. " The conversation between Tari and Rais' mother ended.

Shortly thereafter a short message came in: 08953358 ***** that is Rais's cell phone number. Immediately he contacted via text message.

"Good news from me, I hope you are fine too. Anyway, where do you want to meet? " That's a short message that was launched by him,

"Hehe, thank goodness, I'm good too, at the Misbar cafe, would you?" reply from Rais.

"Okay, I will. Around 7 o'clock, yes "replied, Tari.

" Great, awaited "replied, Rais.

At 10:00, it was a sign that he had to go to campus immediately, in his mind always haunted by questions that sometimes made him daydream. After a 30-minute journey, he finally arrived at his campus, AkmenBS. At 14.00 noon, dance class hours are over, he meets his friend named Siska. Siska is the type of person who is timid and spoiled. When she heard the story from Tari, the hair on her neck got goosebumps,

It's scary, Tar. I'm afraid, "said Siska. After telling a long story, it didn't feel like the time had shown 15.05, and Tari immediately said goodbye to Siska to go home. Shortly afterwards, Tari arrived home, he immediately lay down on his soft mattress to relieve the fatigue he felt, while reading the novel that made him curious. Every time she reads page after page, Tari always keeps asking questions about the story that is told in the novel.

It doesn't feel like 2 hours have passed and Tari finds the message suddenly shocked beyond thinking. "It's true that this novel has a message, but why is the message weird like this," said, Tari.

* Once upon a time I hoped that a kind and sincere woman would replace my position for her, no need to have a pretty face, but the character must be good , and her heart must sincerely love Rais. I really hope that woman is willing to marry Rais. God said to me from heaven: 'Rais's soul mate is dance'.

You are the one, Tari. Greetings from me, Vira Santika, to you Kumala Dewi Dance. *

Her tears were flowing, soaking the soft pillow that had been supporting her chin since earlier. Dance is unable to contain this sadness, even though some of the questions have been answered, but there is a strange feeling that is blocked and raises new questions.

"Who, really Vira? Is it a daughter from heaven? " Tari closed the novel to see the name of the novel's author. It turns out ... Vira Santika. This is the sixth day that the novel is in Tari's hands, the sign is that tomorrow she must return the novel to the library.

The night was so cool, there was the cacophony of leaves touching each other because of the dancing breeze. This night looks very beautiful, the dark sky decorated with thousands of sparkling stars makes the atmosphere so calming. This is the atmosphere that Dance really wants to feel. Dance arrived at the Misbar cafe at 19.00. You can see that in the right corner there is a handsome and handsome man waiting for her.

"Dance, come here." Rais calls out while waving his right hand. He approached Rais then sat right in front of him. Suddenly he said "there are important things I want to convey" said Tari.

"Please, don't hesitate to say it, because there are important things I will also tell you" said Rais.

"I got a message from the novel I read, the message strange and makes me ashamed to tell you, but this time I have enough courage to tell the incident that I experienced, there is a message that says; 'RAIS MATE IS A DANCE' and see for yourself. Tari gave the novel to Rais as evidence so that Rais wouldn't laugh at him.

Rais smiled reading it while saying "As expected, this is true of him, actually I was dreaming" said Rais while staring at Tari's eyes.

"What do you mean about dreams? I don't understand. "She was confused at what Rais said. Until finally, Rais explained everything to Tari.

"Listen and understand my explanation, Tari. You know who the author of this novel is, right? Rais spoke with teary eyes; The author is Vira Santika, she is my old lover. Now .. he is gone, he left me in my arms after struggling with cancer that he suffered for a long time, one year ago we had a relationship with the status of dating, and only walked for 6 months, until finally Vira breathed his last right on my shoulder. When we were under a tree that was so shady, it was not far from where I had an accident a few days ago, I couldn't imagine how badly I was when Vira left me for eternity. However, now I have let go. Three days ago I had a dream, Vira came to me and gave me a message that stuck in my eardrums. "GOD SAYS TO ME FROM HEAVEN, RAIS'S MATE IS A DANCE; I hope you are happy with him. So, I will feel that happiness too. " That's what I want to tell you, Tari. "

Her tears kept flowing, she never thought there would be a story like this in her life, she didn't know whether to be happy because she had found her soul mate, or feel sad remembering her dream. All he knew right now was that he had to be happy so that Vira would feel happy too. Rais also erased the grains of compassion that kept dripping from the source of Tari's silence. He put the ring on Tari's finger, and Tari just remained silent.

The next day, the afternoon was so hot that it made Tari's forehead sweat. Today is exactly seven days he borrowed the novel full of mystery, and the sign he must return it today, when Tari opened his book drawer to take the novel, but the novel has disappeared.