Behind the window

"Ring ... ring ... ring" the sound of the alarm clock is ringing near my ear.

"Wake up dear, don't you hear your clock has gone off." babble from mama who woke me up.

As usual, my mom always woke me up, well, I can only rely on that alarm clock shaped like a tiny turtle pentagon pattern. Immediately I heard my mother's voice, I suddenly woke up from my sleep and quickly saw the alarm clock that had rang. And how surprised I was, when I saw the alarm clock.

"Gosh mama, I'm late again." I was surprised at the clock I was holding.

I immediately took a shower and got ready to go to my favorite school, "Antera Heritage Middle School". Oh yes my name is Randy, I'm in 3rd grade junior high school. Why do I always get shocked when I wake up in the afternoon? That's because the distance between my house and the school is quite far, about 8 KM. At school I used to be called "The Class Star", it was a habit for students to call me. Yes, because I am the only student that the teacher dreams of. Who is the student in this school who doesn't know me? Apart from being smart in lessons (not mean to be arrogant), basketball is also my favorite

That morning was Mr. Hendra, the killer teacher who taught Biology subject. The student's tension became even more when the teacher, who was called a sadist, carried a piece of rattan, which was clutched in his fingers. Unexpectedly, all the students had the wrong guess, it turned out that the rattan that he thought was to hit the student turned out to be to tie the cloth flag on the table. How relieved the students were, just exhaling the breath that had been tense, because of Mr. Hendra.

After a while, the recess bell had sounded. We are very happy, because finally the killer teacher's lesson is over, that's what we hoped for. As usual, during a break the novel entitled "The Pen Owner" I often read. Apart from being an interesting story, it is also very motivating for puzzle lovers. Because there are many puzzles in the novel. When I finished reading, I had time to see a window in the corner of the classroom. What I saw was a hand that touched the surface of the window glass, in my mind it said that it was just a student who was playing tricks on the students who were in class. But what I wonder is that the hand continues to poke endlessly like a person who is trapped in a place and wants to ask for help.

"Hey don't daydream" Anga's voice broke my daydream.

"Oh you didn't just startle me. I said sighing.

"Anyway, I just daydream. Oh, Ran, have you borrowed the History book from the library yet? " Asked Angga.

"Oh already, I borrowed yesterday" I answered.

"Well, I'm the only one left." Angga grumbled.

The time to come home from school has sounded, I will immediately go home. I couldn't sleep for a while thinking about this afternoon at school, I'm still wondering.

Who exactly is he?

And what does he mean?

Drowsiness began to appear, without thinking I immediately closed my eyes and as if I didn't experience the incident strange at school.

In the morning I woke up again with an alarm clock that was always ringing in my ears. But this morning something was strange.

Why don't I wake up in the afternoon again, it's not like usual?

And ... wait a minute. Where is Mom, who used to wake me up every morning?

Strange questions always popped up in my mind. This morning I returned to school, and again it was that hand that I always saw. Lately I often feel strange inside of myself.

"I have to find out the cause. Maybe Ali knows behind all this. I have to find Ali. " I grumbled to myself.

I rushed outside the classroom and looked for Ali whereabouts, it happened that it was still recess time. After I entered several rooms, it turned out that Mang Ali was in the library room. Then I immediately asked about my meeting

"Ali ... Huh ... huh ... huh. Apparently is here "I said breathlessly.

" Aden is looking for me, what's wrong with Randy? " asked Ali confused.

"Ali, can I ask?" I asked.

"Ask what den" said Ali.

"Do you know about a peeping hand in the corner of the window in my classroom. If you know please tell me, lately I have been terrorized by this figure a lot. " I said.

"I don't know den, just try asking Aden. I go first, I have a lot of work to do "said Ali, who suddenly left me without answering my question.

" Ali, answer my question first. " I shouted annoyed.

Ali seemed to know the answer behind this all, but he did not want to tell me the truth. When I came home, and had arrived home. I immediately knocked on the door and said hello, as I usually do every time I come home from school. Again the oddity appeared, I already said greetings 5 ​​times but no one answered my greetings.

Without further ado, I immediately put my feet in, because I felt like this body had to quickly lay down on the basis of fatigue. When I entered the house, the light suddenly went out and it felt very dark, I immediately turned it on. And suddenly…

What happened? There are many people in my house including my mother, father, brother, Ali and my friends who are carrying tarts like someone who is having a birthday. I asked everyone.

"What's this?" I asked, surprised.

"Happy birthday, we say ..." the song they sang.

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked mom.

"Happy birthday dear" greeting from my mother.

It turns out that today, June 3rd is my birthday. I didn't even remember it.

"Mom, is this my happy day" I asked mom.

"What do you mean?" Mom amazed.

"Why on my birthday, so many strange things happened to me ma."

"Actually the weird you experienced, it was part of our plan." said mama.

"Plan, what plan?" I asked confused.

"Yes, the plan to prank you on your birthday."

"So it was all a hoax? Then, Ali "

" Yes, it's all just a trick. That's an order from mama den Randy. " Ali explained.

"Wait, wait, then the hand figure in the classroom, is that your trick too?"

"Ha hand figure, it's not from our plan Randy." said mom.

"Whaaaaaaa !!!" I shouted.

"Where's Ali?" I was shocked about the existence of Mang Ali, who suddenly disappeared as if swallowed by the earth.

"Don't let it be Ali ..."