Ch 3 Part 3

Ceilic Bennion: "Do not worry, I will be right behind you. I will be bringing you some medicine. It should help you quite a bit."

Sachi Bennion: "Thank you mother. This has been a tiring day so far. Maybe while on the way to the house, the feral wolves will be dumb and show themselves."

Keyon Bennion: "You really think so? Would they be that dumb?"

Sachi looks up at him just before he picks her up in his arms and begins carrying her out of the meeting hall, on the way to the main house, she began speaking again.

Sachi Bennion: "Okay answer me this brother, what motivations would cause a feral to risk coming into a tribes village?"

Keyon Bennion: "What do you mean, motivations?"

Sachi Bennion: "What types of things would a feral do for money, almost like an assassin? That is what I mean. Humans do things for motivation of money gain, or something equivalent, such as property, items, excreta. Feral wolves seem to be doing things somewhat similar to a human in trade of their services. Were as we would do our best to help each other for equivalent trades?"

Keyon Bennion: "Oh I see, it is another one of those things they tried to adopt from humans then. If that is the case, I do not know what they would want past money for an equal trade. Perhaps they would be so shameless to take the females here as a prize."

Sachi tensed up at the very thought, she looked up at her brother with wide eyes, the look coupled with the pained expression must have been enough. Keyon moved quickly as he took her to the house. Sachi tapped his shoulder a couple of times for holding her to tight without realizing it. Just the thought of the females of the tribe being taken as nothing more than mere spoils seemed to really anger him. As a future alpha leader, it is his duty to make sure everyone in the tribe stays safe. The feral wolves pose a real threat. To make matters worse, his sister being the special female alpha sent, is being targeted. He could not even argue that she was after the demonstration twice by Selene herself.

Within roughly ten minutes or less, they were back at the main house. Setting her down, she carefully made her way into the outhouse tending to her business. She opened the door and stumbled toward her brother. He caught her and finished guiding her into the house and set her on her bed. She smiled up at him as he backed away from the bed.

Sachi Bennion: "Thank you brother. I am sorry if anything I theorized upset you so. It was not my intention for that to happen."

Keyon Bennion: "I know that. It just upset me more than I thought it would. As alphas we are sensitive to the needs of our people to varying degrees. The thought of someone taking anyone as a prize just pissed me off. Sorry."

Sachi Bennion: "I understand. It made me sick at the thought. I do not wish that horrible fate on any of our females, they deserve better than to be held as plaything to some jerk."

Keyon Bennion: "Anyway, I will be back shortly with some food for you. Looks like the maids already refilled your pitcher with some fresh water. I will make sure that there are some of my best guards at the doors. So, you just relax. I am more than sure mother will be here shortly."

Sachi Bennion: "Alright, thank you again brother. I will see you in a little bit."

He leaned down and gave his sister a hug and left out the door. Ten minutes or so later, her mother came in carrying some medicine. She set it on the table next to Sachi. Sachi yawned big before turning her attention to her mother once again. Her mother simply smiled and sat on the bed next to her.

Ceilic Bennion: "I have brought you a standard dose of the special medicine. The mild form should help you recuperate from all that today. I am happy the town elders liked your idea of doing that large gathering. It relieves me a lot."

Sachi Bennion: "Me as well. By the way, can you help me fill the tub. I would like to wash up before I take that medicine and pass out. I would appreciate it."

Ceilic Bennion: "Sure that is no problem. Your brother will be a bit since he is getting your food and sending some of his people your fathers way."

Sachi Bennion: "Thank you mom."

Ceilic helped her daughter off the bed and the slowly walked toward the tub. The cauldron had been filled earlier so there was plenty of hot water. Handing Sachi a bucket, her and her mother filled the tub with plenty of warm water. Thanking her mother for the help, she went behind the screen. As she started taking off the dress, it was then that her mother remembered she had to help her put on the lightweight armor she was wearing. With all that was going on, she never had a chance to show it off. Walking up to her daughter, she helped undo all the ties holding each piece on. Carefully setting it to the side, Sachi then climbed into the tub and sat down. Her mother went and sat by the fire while she bathed herself. Since she had one earlier that morning, she made her scrub down quick. It was just enough to make sure all the particles from the armor she made came off.

While she was in the tub, her mother put the armor she made back in her part of the house. Her mother came over to her with a clean nightgown. She realized that Sachi forgot to take one over. And just in time to, Sachi was in the middle of drying off when her mother handed her it from the side. Thanking her mother, she put on the nightgown and slowly walked back toward her bed. She noticed her mother sat her armor design next to her bed while she had bathed. She sat on the edge of the bed, more tired than before. She poured herself a fresh glass of water and drank some down. She was in the middle of combing her hair when her brother finally returned with some food. He smiled at her and set the tray down on the table next to her. While he finished organizing the tray, she quickly put her hair into a braid and tied the ends. Turning back to him she thanked him.

Sachi Bennion: "Thank you brother. I appreciate it. Mom brought me some medicine and helped me out of my lightweight armor."

Keyon Bennion: "Armor??? What armor?"

He looked at her bed and seen the wood and grass plates sitting next to it. He walked over and picked up a piece of it to inspect it. He marveled at how she wove the hue grass together with the cottonwood. He did not think it was possible to make a lightweight armor that was tough. Taking his fist, he punched several sections several times to test its strength. He could not believe how well it was holding up to his fists. He could not seem to break it no matter what he did, at least with his hands. He looked to his sister in wonder over the armor.

Keyon Bennion: "Where did you come up with this concept?"

Sachi had already began to eat while he was in the middle of looking over the set of armor. She looked up at him as she answered.

Sachi Bennion: "Oh that, I needed something lightweight and strong. I do not know how well it will hold up to a sword though if you would care to test it out for me. I would have done it already, but too much going on with our sister, cousin and the feral wolves."

Keyon Bennion: "Okay, I can do that for you later this evening or in the morning. Mom's medicine is already going to knock you out. But so far from what I seen; I like the overall concept. Lightweight and disposable if need be."

Sachi Bennion: "Yes, yes I did. The design concept is not that hard and can be taught easily to anyone. Just let me know how the sword test goes. Take it with you and put it on one of the practice dummies for the test. No need for anyone risking to get hurt."

Keyon Bennion: "That is a good point. Well, I will be off now. You take the medicine and rest up."

Sachi Bennion: "Sure and thank you."

Ceilic Bennion: "Yes, thank you son. Make sure to test her armor style out well. I and your father could hardly believe the strength of something so light. If it stands up your tests, then we should think about making it for starter armor."

Keyon Bennion: "Sure mom. I will put it though the works. I will be off now. Sure, father could use the added help."