Ch 4 Part 2

Sachi Bennion: "I understand fully. I am in no real hurry and I am quite tired. So much happening in such a short time. I am sorry, but I am going to sleep now. I will see everyone in the morning."

Getting up from their places by the fire momentarily, Madoc and Zayeden both walked over to Sachi and placed a kiss upon her cheek. The touch was just so hard to describe, like lightning tingling the area that was touched. Sachi wondered if they felt something similar. She smiled at them. Kissed their cheeks back and yawned once again. Snuggling down into her bedding, she closed her eyes and was almost out as soon as she closed her eyes. Her mates could not believe how fast she fell asleep. Walking back to their seats with semi worried looks upon their faces. Ceilic decided to let tell them why she was so worn.

Ceilic Bennion: "I see the worried looks upon your faces. But do not worry. The medicine I gave her will help rejuvenate her. All the things from this past week or so have just made her exhausted. Recovering from damn near dying, being a conduit for the goddess, and her first shift after she barely healed from the murder attempt, anyone would be wiped out."

Madoc Ferreire: "I understand what you are saying. I cannot argue the logic or go against the mother of our mate. And when you word it that way, I feel like an ass for demanding she be in the guest house with us."

Zayeden Ferreire: "Yes, that is a lot to go though. What of her sister and cousin that tried to kill her? Do you think they will try anything again?"

Adie Bennion: "I honestly do not know at this point. They are both low ranking betas, but the act as though they were entitled more. They were jealous, we are talking human style jealous, of her fate as the special alpha female. So much so that they tried to kill her before you two or the other two males were supposed to come here initially next month."

Ceilic Bennion: "Apparently, the two of them fancied someone from your tribe. Either one of you two or the other to unmated males that were supposed to come with you. In their misguided attempt, they figured they would have a shot at them if Sachi was dead. Where this human behavior came from, I do not know."

Madoc Bennion: "That is rather odd. We have plenty of humans staying around us and no one has bothered to mimic their behaviors."

Ceilic Bennion: "Well that is the situation. We are in the process of deciding whether or not to send the humans to the outskirts, so the pack members do not try it again."

Adie Bennion: "Yes, we have not come to a decision yet on that. We have been busy mulling over, in great detail, the idea Sachi put forth at the meeting concerning a gathering for all the unmated wolves throughout the region. She suggested a neutral meeting spot and all wolves age eighteen to sixty would be required to attend. It could be a ritual event that could be held up to two times a year, that way we could avoid wolves being dumb enough to try and form a relationship before they found their mate. That is the main issue."

Madoc Ferreire: "I see. Get all the ones in a specific age group gathered together on a neutral space, hopefully find their mate before they let their hormones talk for them. I like the idea. I am more than sure father will too. And this was Sachi's idea?"

Adie Bennion: "Yes. She even wrote out a detailed plan for it. That was what part of our pack meeting was about. The council members loved the concept. It was also brought up as part of the reeducation of the younger wolves that needed to be reminded of the goddesses laws. After all, we have our specific ways, and those who confuse human behavior for their own will just end up in failure."

Madoc Ferreire: "I do believe I understand what you are saying. Yes, there have been many throughout the tribes that are adopting ways that are not our own. To think of how mad the Lunar Queen has gotten to actually speak, then it must be bad. I hope she does not intend to make a habit of using our mate as her personal mouth piece. Look how tired she gets, I really wanted to get to know her, but I understand why."

Zayeden Ferreire: "Yes, I to was looking forward to getting to know her. But certain things cannot be helped. One of us will try to mind link father when we are in the guest house. I hope we all can get along further."

Adie Bennion: "As you say then. It is getting late and we are tired. It has been a long week or so. Please see yourselves out, if you need anything further, let us know and we will try to accommodate as long as it is reasonable."

Madoc Ferreire: "Very well. It has been a long day."

Zayeden Ferreire: "Agreed."

They both stood up, stretching big as one of them yawned. Nodding their head respectfully to Alpha Adie and Ceilic, they headed out the door toward the guest house. On the way there, the two seemed quite put out that their mate was in her parents' home, but they understood why. They have greeting traditions between pack tribes. If those simple niceties are ignored, it would not look well upon the members of any tribe let alone theirs. The Crimson Lunar Tribe was among the top five tribes with the largest count of warriors. The Sanguine Lunar Tribe was basically their equal. They simply sighed in frustration as they headed toward the guest house. They made idle chit chat between themselves on what they might need to do in their home village and how their father would react to coming here for a formal meeting.

After about a ten-minute walk, they finally managed to make it back to the guest house. They were taken aback by how neatly this alpha's tribe kept things for a guest to stay in. It was quite the large living space for people there were only going to be here for a short time. They both decided it was time to sleep. But Madoc tried his best first to open a min link to his father, no such luck, they were just to far away. He laid his head on the bed and was almost out instantly, it had been a long day. They were both more than sure tomorrow would be no different.

That night, in the wilds, roughly sixty to seventy kilometers away, Arlynn and Tarai had been left to fend for themselves, with a pack board of essentials each. They both just looked upon the road, unsure of what they were going to do. Arlynn just looking at Tarai with hate and disgust in her eyes as she tried to find some way to make this situation completely Tarai's fault. In all her time sitting here, she still would not take responsibility for her own actions. The words that Selene told her, just swirling around in her mind. Her only thought to it all, "Why should I have to suffer this? And why should I make offerings for this, it is not fair." She kept giving Tarai and evil glare for some odd reason. Tarai just could not understand why Arlynn would think it was her fault. Shaking her head slightly, she started thinking on all the things that Selene had told her.

Tarai was sitting on a rock, the words that Selene had told her swirling about in her mind. The chance to have a mate as long as she made offerings and repented for her actions upon a family member. That was her only redemption, she looked upon the sky as she seen the stars above, a few seemed to dance while others seemed to fly across the sky. Standing up, she took a deep breath and let it out. Picking up her pack board, she geared up and began her search for some kind of shelter. Since she had been the daughter of a wood worker, she had a fairly good idea of what she needed to do and look for. For now, she would see if she could find a good-sized fairy den and make it her temporary home. She did not care to have Arlynn with her in any capacity. She was the main cause to help get Tarai in this mess and Selene seemed to know this. She was determined to do everything the goddess wanted her to do to make amends. As for Arlynn, she could figure it out on her own. Standing up, she headed toward the moon, trusting the goddess would help her find what she needed to survive. Hopefully, there would be no feral wolves in the area.