Ch 4 Part 1

Chapter 4

Turning to her brothers, Sachi just gave a stern look of her own. Keyon suppressed a smile as he looked at the two with curiosity. Taking them in, it slowly dawned on her brothers who they were to their little sister. They were her mates.

Keyon Bennion: "I think I have it figured out who they are to us now father. These two are her mates, identical twin mates."

Adie Bennion: "Yes son. They are the sons of the alpha from the Crimson Lunar Tribe. They have yet to tell us why they are here earlier than we had agreed upon."

Madoc Ferreire: "Oh that. We had a dream about our mate the other night. With the village druid told us that the goddess has sent the decree, especially after we received the written one from you guys; my father insisted that we come here straight away in case something had or was going to happen to our mate."

Adie Bennion: "Yes, that makes sense. It is a move I would have done. I completely understand that now. Show them the guest quarters near the stables and then take them all to the clearing to the west. I do not know when they will shift."

Keyon Bennion: "Yes father. We understand."

Adie Bennion: "You can have the chance to spend more time with them in a bit."

Sachi Bennion: "I understand father. Thank you."

Ceilic Bennion: "Since it will be your first shift, go get some loose training clothes from the barracks for all of you to change into when you shift back. Now go and get those."

Nodding their heads, they followed her brothers to the guest house, where the twins placed their bags for now. Leaving, the then went down to the barracks and picked up three sets of loose clothes. The twins and Sachi went into the changing area and put on the loose clothes. When Sachi came out, she handed her dress and string to tie her hair to her mother. Smiling softly, she kissed her cheek and turned to leave. Her brothers walking back up to their sister and the twins; they looked at their sister with a happy look upon their faces. They could not be mad that her mates came to her and they were still in search of theirs. Besides, they were there for the meeting about Sachi's idea for the unmated to meet on neutral ground, they were quite happy about the idea. Perhaps theirs would be there. But for now, they had their sister, and the twins follow them out of the barracks.

Following the path, they headed west toward the outskirts of town. In the middle of a thicket, a large open space in the middle. This must be the clearing father spoke of. She raised up on her toes and kissed her brothers on the cheek as thanks for showing her the place. It was nearing evening time now as her brothers handed each of them a jug to drink off of. The sun was setting as the night was approaching fast. Her brothers backed up enough and climbed some trees. Sachi and the twins each stood behind a tree as they removed the training garments and set them neatly on the ground. Sachi took her hair out of the loose braid the rest of the way, allowing most of it to cover her body almost completely. The twins standing by their trees as they were a little nervous as well.

The sun finally set completely as the moon showed itself from behind the clouds. Sachi's eyes were aglow as was the Madoc's and Zayeden' s. Sachi screamed loudly as her bones broke and reformed themselves. Elongating claws showed on her hands, her ribs shifting into different positions as her muzzle stretched out from face. Her skin rippled and moved just beneath the surface like snakes or worms, her skin falling off as fur emerged in its place. She stood on the ground, breathing heavily as her body took the form of a wolf standing roughly 1.2 meters tall. Madoc and Zayeden dropped to their hands and feet, their bones broke and shifted into different placements. The feeling of snakes and worms sent chills down their spines as their body took shape. Claws elongated and as they watched their feet reshape. Their muzzles lengthening as their skin fell to the ground. Both breathing heavy as they finally stood in their wolf forms at roughly 1.5 meters tall. Their sizes much larger than that of normal wolves of the wild.

Walking out from behind the trees into the clearing, her brothers watched as their sister's wolf walked into the light that shown down. Her wolf the darkest black with white tips left them in awe. The twins came to the clearing to meet her. Pure white with black tips. They marveled at the polar opposite looks as they watched them all sit side by side. Looking up at the moon they howled in unison. Sachi was in awe of herself as her wolf took over. Jenna, so eager to run, playfully nipped at Kace and Tristin. They playfully nipped back as the ran in circles in a playful fashion. They leaped and bounded as if there was nothing around. They then began to run circled laps in the clearing. The smells of the forest so amplified it drove them seemingly insane. So overly happy to be running free finally, the three wolves ran though water and chased a few animals for fun. After around an hour or so, all three returned to the clearing where their clothes were at. Concentrating on what their human forms looked like, their bones broke and shifted as back into position with a more fluid motion as they all screamed in pain. Being their first transformation, Sachi and the twins seemed to be relieved that it was not as bad as it could have been. Standing up on semi shaky feet, Sachi put on the loose clothes as her brothers came down from the trees.

Staring at their sister with pride and a bit of envy, Keyon picked her up to carry her back. Madoc and Zayeden growled in displeasure but did not argue. They were her brothers after all, to get to possessive over that would just be foolish. Walking back toward the village, they headed to the guest house first. Looking at the twins, he pointed to the door letting them know their stuff had been taken inside while he held onto his sister.

Keyon Bennion: "We had some of our people put your things into the guest house. You guys can get settled in for now. Since our sister has had so much happen in the last couple of weeks, I am sure mother will want to make sure she gets a dose of her medicine that helps rejuvenate the body."

Madoc Ferreire: "Why can she not stay with us? We are her mates after all."

Keyon Bennion: "Please speak to my father on this issue. I just know what instructions my father gave me. Meet us at the main house. It is the longest one. He will speak to you more."

Zayeden Ferreire: "Okay. We will do as you ask. We are visitors after all."

Keyon Bennion: "Okay, now that the issue is settled for now, we will see you there in a little while."

With that, the twins headed into the house and got themselves settled in for now. Sachi and her brother headed to their family home. After about ten minutes they finally arrived, Cowen opening the door for them as they arrived. Sachi appeared rather tired as she yawned big. Keyon set her on her bed. Getting up, she stumbled to the outhouse momentarily and came back in after a few minutes. Sitting back on her bed, she picked up her comb and ran it through her hair. Her dress sitting on the dresser with her hair tie. She picked up the string and held it in her mouth while she braided her hair, putting the tie in, she set the comb down and poured herself a glass of water. Picking up her nightgown, she stumbled her way to the screen and changed. Climbing back into bed. She leaned against the wall with a stretch and yawned again.

Her mother then walked over with a bottle of medicine designed to help recoup after shifting. Sachi drank it down, the over powering sweetness was a welcome change from the bitterness of the medicines before. After about twenty minutes, Madoc and Zayeden made their way to the House of Bennion. Knocking on the door, they waited as Adie answered the door. Welcoming them inside, they all took a seat at the stools gathered around the fire closest to Sachi.

For a few minutes, there was almost a defining silence before Adie began speaking to them once again.

Adie Bennion: "I understand that my daughter is your mate. But there would have normally been a formal meeting. It was already set, but circumstances being what they are, kind of messed that meeting up. Is there any way to get your parents here to finish the meeting process properly as we would have originally done?"

Madoc Ferreire: "I understand what you are saying. Yes, thanks to this odd situation, the traditional formalities got put on the sidelines. I respect that you want this meeting done properly. I will do my best to send word to my father."

Adie Bennion: "I appreciate that I truly do. I can have one of my best messenger runners send word to him first thing in the morning. Or are your mind link skills good enough to go that far?"

Zayeden Ferreire: "I do not believe either of us are that good, though it does not hurt to find out. But have the runner head out first thing in the morning anyway."