Ch 3 Part 6

Sachi just could not help but feel anxious, she could not explain the feeling. After sighing a lot, she got up and headed outside. Without the threat being as intense as before she could now leave, though she kept her guard up. Her parents naturally being worried, followed her outside they headed toward the main hall. The cooks already fast at work making breakfast for the warriors. Her nose led her to the fresh food. Sachi grabbed something small to eat. She still did not have a large appetite, though she knew she had to eat something. It was already roughly ten in the morning now as she helped a little with the decree papers that were being written. As she sat, pen in hand, she lifted her head abruptly sniffing the air. Her wolf Jenna seemed to perk up, since that dream, she was far more connected to her than she had been in the past. Getting up, she set her quill down, she closed her eyes and sniffed the air once again, her eyes flexing between her human form and her wolf's eyes. Her father and mother looked upon her with curiosity until they seen her eyes, they knew that reaction all to well. They watched as their daughter walked out of the building following her nose. Staying close to her, they simply tagged along as they seen her head down the main path once again. Stopping at the stables, Sachi stood as she once again smelled the air, the fresh cut grass smell mixed with the fresh water was quite strong now. Her wolf seemed to be dancing as she softly howled. Her parents seemed to sniff their air themselves, a new scent hit their noses they were not familiar with.

Coming over the last small hill, Madoc and Zayeden seen the outskirts of Sanguine Lunar Tribe. Their excitement built to an intense level, their wolves had woken up fully and seemed to be dancing. Kace and Tristin were howling in excitement as Madoc and Zayeden looked at each other, connecting to their wolves for the first time fully themselves. As they neared, the overwhelming smell of raspberries and ocean breeze hit their senses. In their excitement, they rode their horses at a leisurely gallop till they came upon the stables. Slowing to a stop, in their view, stood the woman from their dream and two others. Dismounting their horses, Madoc and Zayeden stepped forward at the same time as Sachi. All their senses filling with the overpowering smells of each other. All their eyes seemed to flicker to the shade of their wolves eyes, soft playful growls came from all three as they all said the word "MATE" at the same time. Sachi's parents stood there shocked momentarily before the realization of what was happening hit them. It was the mate bond. And it seemed quite powerful, walking next to their daughter, they decided to ask who they were. But they scanned their forearm carefully first. Their arms bore the same mark as their daughter, looking at them slightly shocked, they finally relaxed their guard and introduced themselves.

Adie Bennion: "Hello. I am Alpha of the Sanguine Lunar Tribe. This is my Luna Ceilic and my daughter Sachi. I am aware of what you all said to each other just now, but where do you hail from?"

Madoc Ferreire: "I am Madoc. First born son of the Crimson Lunar Tribe."

Zayeden Ferreire: "I am Zayeden. Second son and identical twin brother of Madoc."

Sachi's eyes grew wide at the site. The two standing before her now, the very same ones from her dream. Though as she was not of this world originally, she did not fully understand what was going on. No one gets two mates, right? Hopefully, things would be explained.

Sachi Bennion: "I am Sachi, youngest daughter of Alpha Adie. I am a little puzzled. How is it that I have two mates?"

Her parents looked at her with slight smiles upon their faces as they answered the question burning in her eyes.

Adie Bennion: "My daughter, they are identical twins. A naturally occurring clone. When there is a set born this way, or triplets, they tend to share the same mate as they originally started out as one. That is why you have two mates."

Madoc Ferreire: "Yes, we asked the same question of our druid. She explained that same thing to us. Tonight, we all will experience our first complete shift now that we have found each other."

Zayeden Ferreire: "I almost forgot about that. You are right. We are going to have to be just outside of the village just in case."

Sachi Bennion: "Just in case of what?"

Ceilic Bennion: "Just in case your wolf is a little out of control on their first time out. It is just a precaution, so no one gets hurt."

Sachi Bennion: "Okay I understand. I there a clearing here we all go on our first shift, or will you take us somewhere?"

Adie Bennion: "No there is a place on the outside of the village to the west. I would ask you three head over there within the hour in case the shift happens sooner. I will have your brothers escort you all."

Adie stood still as he closed his eyes, opening a link to her brothers. Keyon was the first to answer.

Adie Bennion: "Keyon, Cowen, and Farrel, please answer me."

Keyon Bennion: "Yes father what is it"

Cowen Bennion: "I am here father."

Farrel Bennion: "Please let me know what you need father."

Adie Bennion: "Yes, come to the stables now. It is not an emergency, but it is incredibly important. Besides, they are people you will need to meet anyway."

All three at once: "What really?"

Adie Bennion: "Stop screaming in my head at once, yes really. Just get here."

With that he broke the connection and turned his attention back to Sachi and the twins.

Adie Bennion: "I have let her brothers know. They will be here shortly. Please feel free to put your horses in the stable, your colors are on them so we will know them from ours. Our stable hand is quite good."

Madoc Ferreire: "Thank you very much. I hope we are not causing any trouble."

Adie Bennion: "No, no trouble at all. We will discuss why you have arrived tomorrow. It is obviously a good reason for it. We will get you settled first in one of the guest houses."

Zayeden Ferreire: "Brothers? Are they triplets?"

Ceilic Bennion: "No. They are just the oldest of my children. Then she has two older sisters. One of which is no longer among us."

Madoc Ferreire: "Oh is see. Then Sachi is the youngest child."

Ceilic Bennion: "Yes, yes she is. Though she has recovered nicely from her ordeal."

A low growl came through without them realizing it, the twins eyes darkened slightly and fluxed several times as their wolves were clearly upset at the statement. They turned and looked to ask what she was referring to. Sachi flinched slightly at their stare, as her wolf whimpered lightly. She took a deep breath and looked at them.

Sachi Bennion: "A little over a week ago, one of my sisters and a cousin conspired to try and kill me. They pushed me in the river and I took a very unwanted ride through the rocks and eventually ended up over the falls. Thanks to the help of the medicine my mother made, it helped to heal me in record time."

The pained look upon their faces was evident as they continued to listen to her story concerning her own family members.

Sachi Bennion: "Then two days ago, while on our way to a village meeting in the town hall, my sister Arlynn and cousin Tarai conspired with feral wolves to try and kill me, but before that could happen, we were already aware of the plans."

Adie Bennion: "That is right. I ordered all my betas to do a sweep of the village and any they did not recognize were rounded up and placed in our holding facility over the course of the past two day."

Ceilic Bennion: "But just before that, Sachi was used by the goddess, Selene herself, to send a message to all of us. My daughter has spent the last two days recovering from the Lunar Queen's use of her body. She had also spoke in front of our elders when the two were brought in. Banishment was their punishment with conditions from the goddess herself. So, other than the feral wolves, the guilty have been dealt with."

Madoc Ferreire: "Wow, I can hardly believe my ears."

Zayeden Ferreire: "So the goddess herself, with the use of our mates body, spoke to the people and set the judgement. And you already executed the punishment on the two original party members?"

Adie Bennion: "Yes, I did it under threat of death from the goddess. I was not about to defy a direct request. I was to send the two into the wilds and send word to all I could reach about her direct decree."

Madoc Ferreire: "Wow, I wish I could have seen the sight."

About that time, the three oldest boys showed up and greeted their father and mother. Turning to the side, they spotted the two newcomers. With stern looks upon their faces, they watched them carefully.