Part 2

They all came up stairs  and I killed every single one of them. Judith started laughing. "Come on you," I picked her up and we walked to a safe place and slept there for the night.

    "Bubba I tired,"

    "Come here," She went and cuddled up next to me. The only way she could be warm was to sleep next to me. But one day she died of the cold for her age it was too cold for her to be outside. I took her to the graveyard and buried her the soil was damp with my tears and old blood. I cried for hours upon hours. I then walked for about an hour and found myself outside a mask shop. I went inside and found a ripped mouth smile mask so of course with no money I stole it. I then ran up some house and jumped into a window. It happened to be a twins bedroom on one bed was a little girl with the name Raynen carved into the wood. The other one was a boy's with the name Ryanen carved into the wood. I stood in the window for a minute then grabbed my axe and shoved it into the little boy's chest. As I pulled it out I saw his eyes open and look at me filling with tears I watched as the light went out of his eyes. I then did the same to the little girl. I quietly opened the door and saw their dad downstairs drinking beer and smoking he was watching the football game. I walked into their room and found the mother sleeping on her bed. I took her and put cuts all the way down her wrist and forearm.