Part 3

She woke up screaming. I tied her to the bed so she couldn't move. The dad came upstairs and saw me I looked over and saw a baby she also laughed just like Judith did I then started crying and chopped the dads head off. His blood splattered all over me. I then went to grab the baby's neck.

    "Don't hurt her please," Her mother cried.

    "I give you mercy child," and I broke her neck. I then went and cut the mother's face up a little bit, "I do what I want lady none of you people can stop me. I was just simply helping a few children out of this miserable world. I do hope you can join them but first I'm going to do some stuff," I then started pulling out her teeth. I also pulled off all her fingernails and ToeNails. She then passed out. I laughed and cried for some of it. I then took her by the throat and hung her by her ceiling fan in the room i went out back and buried the kids. The dad I threw into the river. I went upstairs and grabbed my axe and cleaned it off in the sink. I ran out of the house after washing my clothes. I then got a feeling like I needed to kill someone just then I saw 3 girls playing jump rope. On one of the girl's arm was lots of cuts I went up behind her and seen if I could talk to her the other 2 followed us. I then grabbed all 3 and with the first her name was Judy I recognized her because she lived next to my house. I then hung her by a tree after torturing her. The 2nd and 3rd girls names were Heidi and Haiti they always went over to Judy's house after school. I did the same thing I did to them as I did Judy.