Part 19

She went by Ren. Some days we'd hang out together. She was cool. But one day she moved. Today I feel like she is here. But the only one here is Serennity. She is just like Ren. When me and her first met she even said her name was Ren. I started to wonder about her. I really like Serennity but I first want to get to know her.

Unaware of the conquense. Felix decided to go back to the mental institution. With Serennity. Serennity had told Felix over and over again that it was a bad idea. But Felix of course didn't listen.

¨Listen Serennity I need to ask you something,¨


¨When you were six did you go to Salem Bridge Elementary?¨

    ¨Yeah? Why…..I mean I went there for the last of Kindergarten and then the beginning of 1st,¨

    ¨Serennity….It's me Felix…..We were best friends...Remember?¨

    ¨Wait Felix…as in Felix the one who killed Timmy?¨

    ¨Yeah...Also known as Unfaithful...or the Bully killer,¨ Serennity started crying, ¨Why are you crying, Timmy was dick you even helped me,¨

    ¨I'm not crying because of Timmy….I just can't believe it's you,¨ She hugged me. I then started to cry.

    ¨I missed you so much after you left….I can believe you're here,¨

    ¨Me too,¨ I missed her so much I just couldn't believe that my best friend was back. We hugged for about 2 minutes. Then we walked to Jack's house and burnt it down.

        "Gross…." Kysler said


        "You guys, it's gross. This is bad…..Let's go,"

        "Wh-Shit! Ren let's go," I said grabbing her arm and dragging her with me. We ran for what seemed like forever. When we finally lost the cops it was all the way to my first house. The first house I ever killed at, "No no no no…."


"We cannot be here,"

"What? Why?"

    "They know I'll be here."

    "Who's they?"

    "The spirits. Shit..SHIT!"


    "It's too late now ….."