Part 20

The spirits said grabbing my leg and dragging me.


        "No! I'm not leaving you!" Just then Ren was dragged away from me.

        "NO!" I yelled as they took us away from each other.

        I was alone for the majority of the time. Even though Kysler was with me I felt alone. My heart sank into a pit of despair. I loved her and she was taken from me.

         I remember when I had my first love. I was 8 sitting on the bench at school. I was alone sitting there. That's when I saw her the most amazing girl I had ever seen. She was bright blonde with Crystal blue eyes. Her name was Rory amazing girl. She came up to me with her lunch and sat down. 

         "Hello," she said with the sweetest voice. 

         "Hi?" I said back. I remember the smell of her. It was like Vanilla kisses and candy just opened from the wrapper. The smell of tree sap was in the air.

         "My names Rory, I have something important to tell you."

Ummm, well dear reader if you would like another book of this story let me know by commenting and I will try my best to make a second volume!