II. New Companions

The next morning, Lucien woke to the sun shining through the window, the golden rays warmly brushing over his skin and causing him to look as if he was glowing in the light. The birds chirping and singing were like a whimsical alarm and lullaby all at once. The scratchy blankets were wrapped loosely around the boy's waist and Lucien couldn't have asked for a better morning.

The thought of an adventure was brewing in the front of his mind as his eyes opened, showing his inky black orbs that were still as warm in the morning as at night.

A knock on the door sobered Lucien's mind and without an answer, the door was swung open by Beorn. He looked at the boy with raised eyebrows and crossed his arms, "Put a shirt on, boy. You'll be leaving soon." He spoke gruffly but teasingly before leaving without shutting the door.

Lucien rolled his eyes and sat up, "I love you too, Beorn. Really, I do. And thank you for the privacy." He huffed, picking up his shirt from the ground, he quickly got himself dressed, swinging his coat back on and sheathing his trusty sword.

Lucien exited the room and found everyone sitting or standing around the kitchen table, discussing plans and getting to know each other. Sad that they hadn't woken him sooner.

"Ah, Lucien, my boy. Come sit." Gandalf patted the seat next to him which the boy gladly took. He received a few smiles but also quite a few looks of suspicion and caution.

"Good morning Lucien," Balin greeted merrily.

The young wizard grinned, "And good morning to you...?"

"Ah, forgive me, my name is Balin. At your service," The older dwarf bowed slightly, "And this is my brother Dwalin." Said dwarf looked at him sceptically, Lucien only smiled.

Searching the room, he found the hobbit standing against a wall as if he was not wanted by anyone there, which was terribly untrue. Lucien motioned for Bilbo to come closer and the creature listened hesitantly. "You are looking quite skinny for a hobbit, why don't you eat something." He handed over a piece of bread from the table which Bilbo quickly took. Lucien watched as he shoved it into his mouth and almost swallow it whole, he chuckled quietly as it reminded him of how he ate.

Feeling something burning into the side of his head Lucien turned away and found blue eyes staring back at him. Bold, hard and wise. They contrasted against his pure black orbs, mixing to create something darker, something different. They almost tore through the wizard's walls and into his soul but he pushed back and turned the tables, looking into his soul instead. What Lucien saw was heartache and fatigue and worry but there was strength and mystery as well and a lot of it.

Thorin Oakenshield was just as unusual and puzzling as he was, though he would never admit it. They were similar but as unalike as they come, could there be a connection? Lucien loved those.

Blue eyes looked away first, listening in to the conversation that was happening around them. He spoke of Azog and Beorn talked of his past. It made the wizard sad.

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood," Gandalf said firmly. Mirkwood, where the trees were sick and the elves were unfriendly. Unlike Rivendell where they were welcoming and the lands were rich and cared for.

"A darkness lies upon that forest, fell things creep beneath those trees." Beorn uttered as he tended to his small animals, "There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and The Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there, except in great need."

"We will take the Elven Road, their path is still safe."

"Safe? The Wood Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise and more dangerous. Much like this one." The skin-changer pointed to the young wizard who seemed to be laughing loudly at something Kili had said and not paying any attention, even when all eyes turned to him. Kili was also laughing, falling ever so slightly from his chair while his older brother was rolling his eyes behind him as he kept a hold on both of their shoulders. Beorn soon returned back to the topic at hand, "But it matters not."

"What do you mean?" Thorin tore his eyes from his nephews and the strange boy.

"These lands are crawling with Orcs, their numbers are growing and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive. I don't like dwarves, they're greedy and blind, blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own." He made a point to pick up the mouse Dwalin had pushed from his shoulder, giving him a short glare, "But Orcs I hate more. What do you need?"

The company and Lucien followed Beorn outside to his horses, it was made clear he was going to be a new companion on this journey which had Thorin suspicious of course.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked the older wizard, seeming to ignore the boy walking in front of him.

Gandalf gave a small smile, "Thorin, are you doubting Lucien." He was simply poking fun at the prince but Thorin was a serious person.

"I never said that."

"Tell me this, would you rather have a friend or an enemy?" Gandalf questioned, turning his eyes down to Thorin expectantly.

He thought for a moment, "A...friend, I guess. Why?"

"Lucien's mind is like a child's. If you do not respect him or if you reject his help, he will be angry. It's just the way he is."

"So you want me to babysit a child on this important task?" Thorin frowned.

Gandalf shook his head, "Lucien can care for himself, do not think otherwise. He will just be a little difficult to handle." It was obvious Lucien did not act his age, he was much less mature then Gandalf and it showed with the way he spoke and how he got along best with the younger dwarves of the company.

"You just made this ten times harder, didn't you?" Thorin narrowed his eyes.

"No, I just made this ten times more interesting." Gandalf chuckled to himself. The dwarf could only huff in annoyance and continue to walk ahead.

Lucien chose a horse and hopped on, making sure it was well fed before they set off. The dwarves and hobbit around him also tended to their new horses, some having to share with one another but there was no complaint.

Staring over the lands, the young wizard wondered how this journey would and was in store for because the beginning was both rocky and quite welcome, he didn't know what to make of it. Lucien understood Thorin's caution around him, he did suddenly join the company halfway through their travels after all. But Bilbo, Balin, Fili, and Kili were nice enough and awfully welcome as well.

"Lucien, can you teleport us all the way to Erebor?" Kili questioned as he trotted over on his own horse with his brother sitting behind him.

Lucien laughed, throwing his head back slightly, "No, Kili, I can not," He told him with amusement towards the young mind, "My magic does not work like that." He wished it did, however, as that would be immensely helpful right now.

"Let's go!" Thorin called from the front of the group.

Lucien and Kili rolled their eyes at each other and followed behind.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, they grew closer to the dead forest of Mirkwood. Lucien could feel the sickness within the trees and the darkness of the creature that resided inside it. Though he was sure the palace was a grand place, just not as beautiful as one of his homes, Rivendell.

The feeling of uncertainty crept through his bones and meddled with his nerves, he very much disliked this type of emotion so he tried to push it to the back of his mind but Gandalf felt it too and gave his friend a knowing look. Lucien only scowled and turned his eyes ahead, already seeing the entrance.

Great. He had to walk through that place.