III. The Mirkwood 'Princess'

It seems Gandalf had left the group, off to do whatever a mysterious wizard liked to do. Honestly, Lucien just joined this company and now he was leaving him? Something seemed a little unfair there.

The company had to follow the path through the sickness of the forest and it only slightly caused relief for Lucien. He knew the power this place had against wandering souls, it would affect them.

Fili, Kili, Bilbo and Lucien all stuck close together for the benefit of their own reassurance of the safety of one another. They didn't dare step a foot over the stone path for fear of losing their way, they would never get to Erebor if they were to get lost amongst the trees, they would all surely die

"Does anyone else have a bad feeling?" Fili questioned his companions, receiving nods in return.

"This place is sick," Lucien informed them, his eyes sharp and staring at anything that moved, "Dark creature roam the land, ready to kill those that they deem threatening."

Bilbo's eyes widened, "What?!"

"Don't worry Bilbo," The wizard grinned as he placed a hand on the hobbit's shoulder, bending slightly just to reach it, "I shall protect thee. It is my job after all." It was true that he was a protector of middle earth but was it his job? It seemed it was now. Though he did not mind, the hobbit was adorable and he knew they were going to be good friends.

The company turned through the neverending stretch of trees and felt as if they had been walking for days which they might have been, they could not tell through the thickness of the trees above what time of day it was.

The dwarves ahead of Lucien were obviously exhausted as they dragged their feet along, bumping into one another and nearly walking in the opposite direction it wasn't for Lucien pulling them back onto the stone which the only sometimes noticed.

"I think we should stop Thorin," Balin suggested from the front of the group, "The others won't last much longer."

The prince grumbled, turning to look over his shoulder, "If we must." The small sentence caused half of the company to drop to the ground, groaning and complaining of sore feet.

Lucien shook his head in amusement and bent down to pull Ori off of his brother and have him sit next to the dwarf instead, knowing there would soon be a squabble. "Is everyone rather comfortable?" The wizard sarcastically questioned and he received many groans and grumbles as an answer which sounded a lot like a yes. This made Lucien grin, trying to keep his laugh at bay. "Good. Very good."

"Wizard," Lucien heard Thorin call, "Does this...spell affect you as well?" He raised his eyebrows in question. Did he think he was unstoppable? That would be nice. Lucien's ego had suddenly been boosted and that was never a good thing.

The wizard nodded, "I'm afraid so. Though maybe not as strong, it would still throw me off course and I would surely be lost forever in this place." His black eyes glared at the swaying branches of the trees, it irked him that this place was once a beautiful forest. Why did this have to be?

Kili hummed in thought, "It would be best for you to stay here then, hm?" He spoke rhetorically but Lucien had to agree with him, it definitely would be in his best interest.

Stepping over the resting dwarves, the wizard made his way to the front to see what the path entailed though he did not see much from beyond a few feet. It was dark yet they could see quite clearly.

Moonlight. It was high in the sky and it loomed over them like a watcher of the night. If Lucien squinted hard enough he could catch a glimpse of the sparkling stars through the branches. Specks of flickering light shining into any gaps they could find. It almost looked like glittering diamonds that had caught the light, like gems woven into the rotten wood making it appear there was some beauty there after all. But it was just the world outside peering in, nothing more.

"Something on your mind, lad?" A voice asked from below.

Gazing down, Lucien found Balin standing next to him peering up. His long white beard catching the moonlight creating a glow around the dwarf, as if he was an angel sent from above, here to help those in need with his intelligence and kindness.

Lucien shook his head, "No. Just catching some moonlight." He gave the older dwarf a soft smile, "It's good for your skin, you know?"

Balin frowned, playing along, "Now that I did not know, laddie." He chuckled quietly, trying not to disturb his companions.

Nearby, Thorin watched the two converse curiously, wondering how the wizard could go from a loud and childish person to one of serenity and who is soft. He must be around the same age as Gandalf and that was a tremendously long time to live. What had he been through? His past must have been a long and arduous one. Why was he not as wise or mature as Gandalf? Something must have happened for his mind to be the way it is.

Seeing the wizard turn his head, Thorin did not look away, instead, he stared right into his black eyes. They sparkled and shone like jewels, his skin appeared to be glowing, making his dark hair stand out against it. His face was one of beauty and grace but his personality was that of a child, who was this being?

After a couple of hours lying on the ground to get some sleep, they were back on their journey. This time Lucien walked next to Balin and behind Thorin who was leading the group. The mismatched pair passed the time by telling each other stories of the past, nothing serious but entertaining all the same.

"So, I tore through their village, killing everything that moved. I think it was around three hundred orcs." Lucien spoke proudly of himself, it was obvious he had a knack for killing vile creatures which can come in handy.

"Wait! Where's the path?" Bifur called from the back of the group. Everyone turned their attention to him then to the path they were supposed to be following.

Thorin pointed ahead, "The path is this way." And he began walking after it.

"This way," Dwalin interjected and lead them another way.

The forest was affecting them, Lucien could feel it too. His chest constricted slightly and his mind felt cloudy as if something was blocking his thoughts and emotions. All he felt was a sudden wave of fatigue take over his body, it almost made his knees buckle but he quickly caught himself and tried to shake the feeling away.

"Air..." Bofur gasped. "I need air."

Oin tripped over his own feet, bumping into whoever was in front of him, he did not know, "My head, it's spinning! What's happening?" The dwarf questioned, his voice strained with confusion and exhaustion.

Lucien was there to slap Bombur slightly on the cheek before he fell over due to dizziness.

"Keep moving," Thorin told them but Nori suddenly stopped. "Nori, why have you stopped?"

The one in question looked up with wide eyes, "The path, it's disappeared!"

The wizard peered around him at the darkness, of course, this happened, he was expecting it. Why did he always have to be right? It was tiring.

Lucien had never been through this place before but he had felt this before. Trapped, unable to breathe and wondering if you were ever able to leave. His head spun and his palms grew sweaty, making Lucien wonder if he was going to throw up all over one of the dwarves.

"Enough! Quiet! All of you! We are being watched." The sound of Thorin's voice sobered Lucien's mind slightly as he was brought back to the present.

However, all of a sudden, something jumped out from behind a tree. A large black body with eight legs, beady eyes and long fangs sneering at them. Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders?

The company yelled in fright and surprise, some falling over each other to get away from the creature while others stepped forward with their weapons raised. Lucien was one of them as he pointed his sword forward, eyes narrowed and mindset.

"Where's Bilbo?" Came Bofur's panicked question, it distracted Lucien as he looked over the group, no hobbit insight.

"I'm up here!" Bilbo was heard from above, causing confusion but they chose to deal with the problem at hand first.

Another spider jumped out, a little too close for Lucien's liking. Grabbing one of its legs, the wizard pulled himself onto the body of the beast, plunging his sword into the top of its head and killing it almost instantly.

It shocked the dwarves to see him move so swiftly and effortlessly.

"Kill them, you idiots!" The wizard yelled and they quickly listened.

Lucien threw his sword towards the next spider he saw before running up the trunk of tree and landing on another. Wrapping his hands around its thick neck, he twisted, hearing a satisfying snap and it fell to the ground.

Speeding over to his weapon, the wizard spun around just in time to slice the abdomen of the spider that was going after Thorin. The prince gave him a quick nod of thanks but the two did not stick around as they ran further into the forest.

"Come on, keep up!" Dwalin called to his companions.

They weren't so lucky in escaping, though, one of the vile beasts leapt in front of them while others descended from the trees.

"Great," Lucien mumbled to himself.

Before anyone could move, an arrow the struck down the spider and another to the one behind them. Lucien frowned, no one here had a bow and arrow. That meant one thing.

A figure grew closer, as quick as lightning. The wizard didn't bother trying to protect himself, he knew more would soon arrive. And there they were, falling from branches above and surrounding them from every side.

Lucien eyed the arrowhead pointing directly at his temple, a brunette elf being behind the imminent and possible danger. His black eyes pierced into the brown of the elf's, he was irritated and he had no problem showing it.

The one leading the elves appeared to be the only one that was blonde. He had an air of arrogance with a whiff of entitlement and an overall potent teen angst feel that wants to rebel against their parents but respects them and loves them enough to not follow their thoughts. Yeah. That is a perfect way to describe this one. What a princess.

"Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf," The blonde glared as he pointed his weapon at Thorin, "It would be my pleasure."

Lucien couldn't help but huff a short laugh though he quickly tried to cover it up with a cough.

After having a whole ordeal with another elf showing, Kili was saved and he soon joined the group, taking his place next to his brother and the wizard.

"Search them!" The one in charge ordered.

Lucien's sword was swiped from his grip. It did annoy him but he knew not to fight back, their egos would surely deflate.

Speaking of egos, the blonde elf was staring at Lucien curiously. Damn, he knew he was good looking but damn. That being said for both himself and this stranger.

"And you are?" He questioned.

Lucien raised his eyebrows as if he couldn't believe he did not know him, "The most beautiful being to grace middle earth, of course. Who are you?" He frowned, receiving quite a few glares from both parties. Lucien noticed this and shrugged, "The third most beautiful it seems."

The elf appeared to be quite shocked by his sarcastic remark, much like someone else though he was nowhere near as majestic.

"You are human I assume."

"Well, you assume wrong." The wizard spoke to himself.

"Tell me, what are you doing in the company of dwarves?"

Lucien shrugged once again, "They're my friends."

"You are willingly friends with dwarves."

"Yes. Jealous?"

The blonde scoffed and moved on to someone else, leaving the wizard smirking in his place. Kili was heard chuckling behind him.

"Hey, give it back! That's private!" Gloin yelled.

"Who is this? Your brother?"

"That is my wife!"

Lucien laughed, "You just became the fourth most beautiful, my good sir."

He glared, "And what is this horrid creature? A Goblin Mutant?"

"That's my wee lad, Gimli!"

"Fifth!" The wizard sang.

Having enough, the group was pulled in the direction of Mirkwood palace. Lucien was honestly quite glad for that meeting to be over. Mirkwood elves, always so stuck up.