IV. Here Comes The Queen

Lucien was dragged along by the blonde elf. He had been asking for his name the past ten minutes but only received silence and obvious annoyance. The wizard had told him his name so it was only fair that he should know the name of the 'princess'.

"Seriously, you are much too uptight. What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Lucien teased with a smirk as his arm was pulled harshly in whatever direction they were headed.

The blonde turned to glare at him, "No cat has my tongue."

The wizard snorted and rolled his eyes, "It's an expression, blondie. Do you know what that is?" Again, silence. He huffed. "Loosen up a little, would you? You're bringing down my mood."

"Lucien!" A deep voice rang halted his mindless chattering, turning back the pair saw Thorin also being dragged along, "Enough!"

Lucien frowned, "Geez, sorry." He sarcastically apologized.

The elf next to him chuckled slightly, "So, you are a pet to that one then?" He had the audacity to smirk at the wizard as if he was completely safe from his rath. As if Lucien was harmless.

He glared, "How dear you, sir. I am my own person that does as he pleases."

The blonde elf shook his head, trying to rid the dull pain that was slowly intensifying due to the 'human's' incessant talking. He had never met someone that was seemed so confident but also act like a complete child, not even a child itself. This Lucien person was something else entirely and he didn't even know what race he was.

His blue eyes watched as the trespasser he dragged along was pulling himself around the best he could to talk to the other dwarves, mostly to two that looked much younger than the rest. Every time he yanked him back to walk forward, Lucien would just act as if nothing happened and continue what he was doing. Was there something wrong with his mind? Is he mentally insane? He certainly appeared to be.

"Isn't it lovely of them to personally escort us, Fili? I think so." Lucien laughed as he leaned slightly on the elf accidentally causing the blonde to flinch and almost let go of his hold.

The one knew now as Fili chuckled, "You are right, Lucien. I feel rather special."

Thorin Oakenshield glared from behind both of them, almost growling in annoyance while Kili simply grinned boyishly along the way, eyeing the redheaded elleth that held his arm.

The company was lead through the door of the grand palace and through a large hallway. The wizard looked around in awe, not having stepped foot inside there in hundreds of years. "Nice place." Lucien breathed, ignoring the smug expression on the elf leader's face.

"My father would like to speak to you first."

Lucien raised an eyebrow, "Your father? King Thranduil? You're Legolas?" Came his quick reply, easily putting two and two together.

Legolas was quite surprised by how quick he figured it out, he thought his mind worked like a child and when had he ever been wrong about something?

"Yes, now come along." Legolas pulled him in the opposite direction from his friends.

"Lucien?!" He heard Kili call after them.

"I'll be fine!"

"Don't do anything stupid!" This time Thorin was the one to speak up.

The wizard huffed, "I love you too!"

As the two walked down a hallway, Legolas gave Lucien an odd look, "You love him?"

Black eyes met blue and Lucien shrugged, "Yeah, sure." He spoke nonchalantly before turning back what was in front of them, the grand door that probably led to the throne room. Lucien could already feel the arrogance and self-entitlement from behind it, Legolas was definitely his father's son.

The guards on either side, in perfect synch, opened each door and bowed as they walked through. The wizard pretended they were bowing to him.

Strolling in, a mighty elf with a large ego sat atop his tall throne. Clad in silver robes and a crown made of what looked to be branches he found in the forest nearby. To tell the truth, Lucien was not the slightest bit impressed or intimidated by this act.

"Well, what do we have here?" The kingly figure questioned, his voice deep and smooth like honey.

Lucien stopped himself from rolling his eyes once again and turned his eyes to the one next to him who he knew would speak first. "Seemingly a human among a group of dwarves. His mind appears to be a little sick."

The wizard frowned, "Your mind is sick."

Thranduil eyed the boy suspiciously and quite curiously. Young, different, obnoxious. How unusual. With a green coat down to his calves and wavy black hair. He did, in fact, seem most like a human. What else could he be? But there was also something else, something whimsical and pure-hearted, unlike men, could ever be.

"What is your name, boy?"

"Boy? No, I'm no boy, thank you. I am Lucien." He smiled goofily

"You are a boy, are you not? No older than twenty." The elf king was quickly believing his son about this creature having a sick mind.

Lucien shook his head, "I'm older than you and more, my good sir."

This time the two blondes frowned.

"What are you?"

"Uh, definitely something special," Lucien nodded to himself, "I'm as old as Gandalf, and let me tell you that guy is old. I usually travel on my own and go where I please. Um, I-"

The hand on his arm tightened, "You are a wizard?" Legolas asked, looking shocked and a little awestruck, much to Lucien's pleasure.

"Correct, princeling." The wizard pointed.

The elf narrowed his eyes, "I am not a princeling."

"Whatever." Lucien shrugged.

Thranduil, who was sat silently watching the two converse, felt rather smug to have a wizard standing in his throne room. And if his thoughts were correct, which they mostly were, then he was the green wizard nobody personally knew and now he had him in his palace.

Despite all of this the king had to be himself and speak condescendingly, "So, you're the legendary wandering wizard? I must say, I'm a little disappointed."

"Well, that's nice. I wasn't really trying to impress you anyway. Tell me, again, who are you?" Lucien had dealt with people underestimating him most of his life, he was used to it although he still hated it and that's why he still hid his identity.

Thranduil glared as he tried to hide the small smirk of amusement, he had never met someone so outrageous in all his years. "Take him away," He waved his hand dismissively, "We will talk when he has calmed himself."

"What?!" Lucien exclaimed, "You can't do that to a wizard."

"I can do anything I want, green wizard, it is my kingdom." There was his famous smirk, Lucien was just too infuriated to admire it as he was dragged away once again and down to the dungeons where his friends were.

"Lucien!" Fili saw him being pulled along.

"Are you alright, lad?" Balin was the one to ask.

Lucien just grinned at Legolas, almost dreamily while he stared back at him cautiously.

"Oh, yeah guys, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."