IX. The Way I Am

The mountain was now in sight, it was a grand sight to behold and a chilling one to those that were there to witness its downfall. Dark, grey and marvellous were a few ways to describe it. Lucien couldn't believe a living breathing dragon now resided within the rock, hidden to prying eyes and protecting the treasure he had stolen for himself. A greedy creature indeed, more so then the sick mind of a dwarf.

Bilbo stood close to Lucien as they spoke to Bard who was steering the barge. The hobbit was quite a curious thing, something hobbits definitely weren't and Lucien admired him immensely for it. He was different.

The wizard grinned down at his small friend as he continued to ask questions about Lake-town and the people in it. Bard spoke calmly of everything he could, even speaking of his three children and late wife fondly. It made the two of them warm inside, hearing the love he had for those he cared deeply for, neither of them had that. Yes, Lucien had a hand full of people that he loved dearly but he wanted something else, he wanted what Bard had, a family, but was he really ready for one? Probably not.

"They are good kids, really." Bard went on with a small grin, his eyes never leaving the mist in front of them.

Bilbo nodded, "Yes, they sound wonderful."

Lucien had to agree. He had not been around many children but the ones he knew were the purest and the loving things he had ever laid his eyes on.

"What about you two?" Bard took his eyes from the water to glance at the hobbit and wizard, "Do you have families?"

"Oh, no," Bilbo chuckled slightly as if it was preposterous to even believe that, "I don't think I could handle children or a wife."

Lucien laughed, nudging his friend with his hand, "I think you'd be a great husband, Bilbo. You just need to find the right person." It was true, Bilbo Baggins was an absolute sweetheart, who wouldn't want to be with him?

The hobbit's face grew rosy red, stuttering in a flustered kind of reaction. He was obviously not used to honest compliments.

Bard grinned in amusement, "You are quite different to what I was always told." He spoke truthfully, a small frown playing on his dark features. It didn't mean he was any less magical or wonderful, he was just so unique, so unusual. Wasn't he supposed to be one of the oldest beings in Middle Earth?

Lucien raised an eyebrow, "And what were you told." The wizard leaned against the barge railing, his arms crossed, although he was anything but hostile, just curious.

The bowman shrugged, "Mother used to say you were old and wise and full of grace. Magic in every step you took and kindness in every act you made. She spoke as if she had known you as if you were the most wonderful thing she had ever heard of." Those words had Lucien flattered but also doubtful, he was not as amazing as others described. Sure, he eliminated any orcs and goblins he came across but what else was there to tell about him?

"Maybe I did know her," He shrugged, Bard, turning to him aghast, "You can't be sure and, honestly, neither can I." Lucien looked down to his feet in what looked to be a shame, "You see, I have met many people and creatures over my years of living, most being very kind and good but I didn't like them knowing who I was, they underestimated me and I always seemed to cause trouble. So, I said I was human. Those who met me had no idea of my identity and that is how it stayed for a very long time."

"What brought you out from the shadows?"

"Gandalf," The wizard chuckled, "He wrote to me, saying it was time and I was ready. I didn't believe him but I let him have his fun anyway." Their eyes locked once again, "There are reasons why I act the way I do, Bard. Reasons why I hide from people."

Bard thought over what he had been told for a moment. Lucien seemed so broken, so torn and hurt and was trying to cover the cracks with jokes and sarcasm. His childish behaviour was a coping mechanism? For what reason? Bard felt as though it was too private to ask.

"Maybe I will tell you later, hm?"

Their conversation was left at that and they returned to silence. Bilbo didn't know what to think of it, he wondered if he had intruded on a very personal exchange. Lucien had assured him, however, that he was fine, giving a small pat on the back and a smile. He told the hobbit the discussion was nothing important he would not have told Bard those things if it had been, they did not know each other.

Sighing deeply, Lucien left the company of the bowman to sit with Kili, Fili and their uncle. Taking the spot between the leader's and blonde's legs on the ground. Both didn't appear to mind as one of them smiled at him while the other simply ignored him. Lucien paid no mind to Thorin's attitude.

"How's the injured doing?"

Kili grumbled, giving his tall friend a glare, "I'm fine, Lucien. Thank you." His reply was dripping with sarcasm and it had Lucien and Fili grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, isn't that great to hear? I'm so glad." Another sarcastic answer coming from the wizard.

Fili nodded, "So am I. Must be your magic, wizard." They laughed.

Thorin groaned in irritation, "You three spend too much time together."

The three looked at each other before bursting into laughter again, "Definitely." Fili agreed.

Over time, the dwarves and hobbit were all ushered back into the barrels with quite a bit of complaining. Lake-town was nearing and that meant it was time to hide. But there was only one problem with that idea, where was Lucien going to hide?

A hand on the wizard's back had him flinching in surprise. Bard was softly pushing him behind a stack of boxes and there was no time for questions as he was pushed down.

"Stay there and don't move." The bowman draped his coat over the wizard, hiding him from any prying eyes, leaving him cramped in one place for Eru knows how long.

Great. His legs were already starting to hurt.