The green wizard worried in silence for the company that he called friends. He worried especially for Bilbo and Kili, that damned arrow was ruining everything.
He could hear talking and yelling, Bard trying to keep the dwarves hidden in their barrels, now covered in dead fish. Lucien had a good laugh at that one, doing everything he could to remain silent at the same time. He knew Thorin was having a hell of a time.
Bard disturbed the wizard's hiding place after a lengthy amount of time, pulling the coat from his head and motioning for him to follow. The man kicked over the barrels and dwarves came sliding out, smelling horrid might he add.
As soon as Thorin was on his feet once again, the first thing he did was give Lucien a look as to say, 'Do not tell anyone of this or you will be six feet underfoot.' Lucien simply chuckled with a hand over his mouth.
Fili, Kili and Bilbo grumbled at his sides, complaining about everything that came to mind. Lucien picked a piece of fish from the hobbit's head, receiving a thankful glance.
They followed the man down to the waterside, wondering what they were doing. The group of four was not listening at all to what was being said.
Dwalin seemed to glare, mumble something angrily and slip into the water hesitantly, shaking due to the coldness.
"What's going on?" Kili questioned from the spot at the back of the group.
Balin sighed, "We'll be swimming through the toilet, laddie."
The four grew disgusted with Lucien being more amused as he knew he would never fit through. Dastardly wizards, Fili thought.
Bard hid his smirk and walked over to the crouched wizard, who was whispering something to the youngest appearing dwarf below, both of them chuckling rather obnoxiously. It was unclear as to what they were talking about but no one seemed to care.
"Here." Bard handed Lucien the coat once again, "Put it on and let's go."
With little thought, the wizard did as he was told, pulling the hood over to cover his head securely. A hand was placed on his back and he was lead to a house not too far away. It wasn't anything fancy by any stretch of the imagination but it did feel homey and safe, with obvious life keeping the place nice and comfortable.
Lucien turned his gaze to the man at his side, having to look around the hood over his face, "Nice place." He spoke the truth even if it came out a little sarcastically.
Bard huffed a short chuckle, "Thanks."
The door was opened with a creak and footsteps were already heard running towards them at full speed. "Da!" A young voice yelled as they rounded the corner. A girl around the age of seven ran into her father's arms, the man easily catching her. Lucien smiled fondly.
Another girl and a boy made themselves known, "Who's that?" The boy asked suspiciously of the stranger. His father never brought anyone home, who was this?
The wizard took off the hood, his dark eyes piercing through into their very being, his fair skin clear and his black hair brushing his shoulders slightly. This person appeared so different, so pure and magical. He was skinny and tall and the children couldn't help but stare.
Bard smiled at his children's awestruck gazes, he was the same when he found out who this being was, though he calmed himself and did not stare as openly as they had.
Lucien simply stood there, not sure how he should react. Was he supposed to do something? He should probably greet them, right? He waved slightly, "Hi." His voice was smaller then it would have been around anyone else, maybe it was because he was feeling so awkward or maybe it was because he had never seen anyone look at him like that.
The older girl waved back, a large smile forming, "Hello, I'm Singrid. This is Bain and that is Tilda." She pointed to the small child hiding slightly behind her father's leg.
Lucien grinned, "Well, it is very nice to meet you three. My name is Lucien."
Bain stepped forward, "Who are you?" He asked again, "Are you father's new lover?"
It took a moment for the comment to register but when it did Lucien was holding his stomach in laughter, hunching over slightly when he lost balance. Bard seemed a little embarrassed as he told his son to not make remarks such as that. Tilda and Singrid were giggling, though the older girl was trying to hide it.
Lucien placed a hand on Bard's shoulder, "Your son is hilarious." He exclaimed.
The man huffed, "Children, this is Lucien the green. The wizard I have told you stories of." It was clear he was trying to ignore Bain's sudden question and Lucien's continuos chuckling.
Tilda gasped, pushing away from her father, "You're the wizard?"
"Aye," He nodded, bending down to shake her hand, "How do you do, miss?"
She giggled, "This is so cool."
"Father, why are there dwarves coming out of the toilet," Singrid questioned as one by one the company swam through.
"Finally," Lucien sighed dramatically.
"Will they bring us good luck?"
Gross, Lucien thought as he watched Gloin poke his head through the toilet. He did not want to go near any of them. He thought being covered in fish was bad enough but this was just disgusting. The wizard pushed the thoughts away, however, as he helped Bilbo and Kili out with little effort.
Grabbing a few blankets and towels from, Singrid, Lucien wrapped the dwarves and hobbit up, hoping they would warm up soon after that freezing cold swim. They would surely get sick.
"I hate you," Fili mumbled to the wizard as he shivered uncontrollably.
Lucien chuckled, "I hate you too, my friend." He replied, holding up a towel which was snatched from his hand.
He was receiving quite a few glares for not having to follow them but there was nothing he could do about, he would never have fit. For now, all of them tried to get warm, Thorin brooding in the corner as he thought over the plan.
Great, what was next?