XIII. The Party

Bard held Lucien tightly as he calmed down from his episode. It was painful to watch and it was painful to endure. Who knew the wizard was so broken?

Lucien sniffled and pulled away slightly, "Thank you, Bard." He smiled with tears still waiting to fall. The tracks on his cheeks shined against his glowing skin, it only made him look more ethereal in the human's eyes.

Lucien couldn't think properly but he did see the change in Bard's eyes. How they flickered over every feature of his face. It was like being seen for the first time.

Before either of them could speak more, the wizard was pulled away from the man's warmth both gently and harshly. Shocked, they both found Thorin glaring down at Bard. He then turned to Lucien, "Are you alright?"

He nodded, "I am now." He smiled at Bard.

"Come," Thorin spoke softly, "We must attend a party."

"A party?" Lucien questioned, the dwarf prince only hummed in response as they followed slowly behind the company. He turned back to find Bard but only found nothing, he was already gone.

They entered a room grander than any of the sights around Lake-town. It looked to be that all the money was put into this one house than the rest of the town. It honestly irked the wizard how selfish their master was. The townspeople deserved better.

Lucien found himself sitting between a standing Thorin and Dwalin again, how he ended up there? He didn't exactly know. Lucien was still a little shakey after what happened, losing your breath will do that to a person.

"What's wrong, Lucien?" Ori questioned the wizard with an innocent gaze.

The wizard grinned fondly, "Nothing is wrong, little Ori. I'm just thinking of the past." He spoke truthfully. His past has always haunted him in one way or another, it followed him wherever he went, plaguing his mind with doubts and terrible thoughts. It was a miracle he was still alive.

After that, Ori went on his merry way and Lucien went over to the food and beverages. He chose a large pint of beer and completely ignored the food. "Maybe you should eat something, laddie." It was a concerned Balin, of course. Lucien only shrugged and downed the entire cup. It would not affect him in the slightest, he just wanted to taste it.

Later, the wizard found himself dancing like a maniac with Fili. Everyone around him thought he was intoxicated to the point of almost blacking out but it was just his normal self coming through and he didn't care in the slightest.

Bilbo Baggins laughed in joy at seeing Lucien dance with a random woman, turning her this way and that. He was graceful, and sometimes a little clumsy, while the woman was giggling up a storm, probably very drunk herself. He had never seen the wizard this comfortable, this happy, and it was nice.

Lucien dipped the woman and she kissed him for a second, causing shock from those watching. Lucien, however, didn't seem fazed at all as they finished their dance and walked in opposite directions.

Dwalin frowned when the wizard sat down beside him, "Why did that woman kiss you?"

Lucien shrugged, "She was just saying thank you." He explained, taking his coat from his shoulders and hanging it on the back of the chair.

"With a kiss?" The warrior dwarf questioned further, confused about the situation, "That is a very intimate gesture."

"It was meaningless, Dwalin," He tried to explain, "We were both having fun. It was no harm."

Thorin peered down at him, "Did you enjoy it?"

Lucien shrugged once again, "I guess. It was just a kiss."

They left it at that and went back to the party, well, Lucien did anyway. He drank more and also decided to eat something after a telling off from Balin. Which also meant the brothers, Ori and Bilbo had to eat as well. Lucien definitely felt like a child now.

Not long after, the little minion known as Alfrid walked over, his disgusting features contorting in one of suspicion and curiosity. The wizard could only try to not give him any attention but now he was standing much too close for comfort. His smell was horrendous, even for a poor town such as the one they were in, and the feeling flowing off of him made Lucien extremely uncomfortable.

"Yes?" The wizard questioned, looking up at him from his seat.

Alfrid raised his eyebrow, seeing as he only had one, "What are you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lucien deadpanned.

The man glared, the side of his lips pulling up in distaste, "Are you suggesting I am unintelligent?"

"I'm not suggesting anything. Maybe you are just misunderstanding."

"I do not misunderstand anything." The little man was now growing angry.

"I doubt that." Lucien scoffed.

Alfrid let out a growl that could have been an imitation of a dying pig, "How dare you, you miscreant. I-!" At that Lucien was out of his chair and towering over the man, standing a good foot and a half taller as he almost leaned to crane over him with what looked to be malice in his eyes.

"Never try to insult me again, you hear me?" The wizard muttered menacingly so only he could hear, eyes blazing and lips snaring, "And never, ever, speak to anyone such as that. You are nothing if you keep acting like that, so, be gone with you." He pointed to the door.

Alfrid peered up in fear, no one had ever spoken to him like that. He also hadn't realised how tall this being was, if he had known he wouldn't have said anything. Turning to see if anyone was watching, the man sighed in slight relief for his pride before looking back up to the glaring creature and fled the scene as quickly as he came.

What a pathetic thing he was. I hope I never see him again. Lucien thought to himself.