XIV. It's Not Your Business

The next morning, Lucien woke to the sound of snoring in his ear and an arm over his face. It seemed he was trapped in a circle of sleeping dwarves as if he was going to run off and leave them at any moment. Now, Lucien would never leave them but he did want to get out of the predicament he was in.

The wizard moved the arm and did his best to roll Bombur over so he would stop blowing hot air into his eyes, it was a very unpleasant experience. As quietly as possible, he stood to his feet and jumped over everybody in his way, heading outside into the cold early morning.

It must be around five-thirty. Lucien internally groaned as he pulled his coat tighter to his body. It was freezing.

Staring up at the mountain, Lucien couldn't help but marvel at it. It was definitely a sight to see and he had only seen it a couple of times in his lifetime. Something about it drew him in, something about it reminded him of home. Now, it was dangerous and desolate and dark. Lucien knew that the dragon would be the death of all of them.

"Couldn't sleep?" The wizard jumped, turning to see Bard standing there a little awkwardly, hands in his pockets and eyes to the floor.

Lucien chuckled, "I guess," He shrugged, "What are you doing here?"

The man walked forward to stand at his side, peering up to the mountain just as Lucien was doing a moment ago, "I couldn't sleep either. Took a walk and found you." Bard spoke bluntly with the obvious fatigue playing on his voice.

The wizard nodded and they went back to silence. Lucien felt weird to be like this. It was as if they had known each other all along and now something happened that both of them weren't too fond on. Hell, Bard was fuming the last time Lucien saw him.

"...Are you angry with me?" The wizard questioned, wrapping his arms around himself in both need for comfort and want for warmth.

The man frowned, "Angry at you?" He almost laughed, "Of course not."

Lucien wondered what that was supposed to mean, he wasn't very good at emotions. Yes, he could read people like a book but when it came to their feelings and how to deal with it he wouldn't know where to begin.

"Ok." The wizard replied, biting his lip apprehensively.

Bard's trailed from the mountain ahead to the wizard beside him, to the lip between his teeth and how he nibbled on it slightly. His tongue wet his lips and his jaw twitched as he chomped his teeth together nervously. Bard didn't know why he was staring but he couldn't look away. Maybe it was admiration. Maybe it was curiosity. The man didn't have a clue.

Lucien now knew what it felt like to be gazed upon like that as he had done. It was nice but also nerve-wracking. He quite liked the attention.

"I'm sorry about Thorin." The wizard spoke quietly. It meant nothing, he just wanted to say something.

Bard averted his eyes, "It's not your fault. He is stubborn."

Lucien chuckled, "Aye, that he is."

"Are you two lovers?"


"You and Thorin, you seem like you are together. I was just wondering."

The wizard raised an eyebrow, "Would that be a problem?" He smirked to himself.

"No...I am-I'm just a little worried is all."

"Worried about what?" Lucien turned to face the man.

Bard sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, "That your relationship with the dwarf is unhealthy."

Black eyes widened in disbelief, "Unhealthy?" Lucien scoffed, "Well, I don't see how our relationship is an of your business."

The man dragged a hand down his face, frustrated with the wizard's behaviour. He was acting like a love-struck teenager, waiting to fall only to realise they are stuck, stuck in something they shouldn't be in. Why couldn't he be an adult?

"It's not."

"Too right, it's not." He laughed incredulously.

"I'm just trying to voice my concerns." Bard's voice raised.

"Your concerns are not needed!"


"I'm sorry." Bard sighed. He felt defeated. Was this really how his children would act when they grew up? If they ever do that is.

The door behind the pair opened, "Lucien, come inside."

Of course, who else would it be? Bard glared.

Thorin stood there, his blonde nephew standing behind him with concern and curiosity written over his face while Thorin was just angry.

The wizard gave the man one last look before heading inside, Fili following behind but Thorin staying for whatever reason, Lucien didn't want to know.

They entered the room the group was staying and saw most of them were awake, some eating food they had found, other talking in whispers while few, like Bombur, were still fast asleep. Lucien chose to take a seat next to Kili and Bilbo on the floor, Fili joining them soon after.

"What was that about?" Kili questioned his friend.


"Heard you yelling outside." The dwarf motioned to the door with his head, his hands occupied with holding his leg in pain. It wasn't getting any better and no one thought it ever would.

Lucien frowned, "I was not yelling." He guessed dwarves loved gossip, that or just Kili and Fili.

The three before him hummed although it was anything but agreement from the trio. They only gave him looks of disbelief and knowing.

The wizard rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up. We have to leave soon anyway. Get ready." He ordered, overall the arguing for one morning.

Something about what Bard said brought Lucien back to his past, back to something he would very much like to forget. He was worried? What did he have to be worried about? There was nothing going on between him and Thorin. The man must be misunderstanding something about their situation, how else would he come to the conclusion that they were lovers?

The company packed up their things, trying to ready themselves for the journey ahead. They were close, so very close.

When they exited the room, Bard was not there and Thorin was appearing very smug. Lucien was suddenly very suspicious about that, he ignored it though, and followed the rest to the boats. He wanted to run off, find Bard and apologize but both his pride and his friends beside him stopped him. They would never let him do that.

Hopefully they ould meet again soon.