XVII. You Are Great

He had hit it. Bard had shot down the raging beast with the arrow his son ran all this way to give him. They were heroes. Both of them and Lucien told them that only over a hundred times. He was there to witness the whole thing, right behind the pair when the arrow was shot and when it hit. Lucien was feeling quite lucky to have been there and proud, can't forget proud.

Lucien found his friends and Bard found the rest of his children soon after. Tears were shed and hugs were given, loss had not touched their family this time and they were all very grateful.

Things were brighter, and not just because of the everlasting burning flames, no, fear of the unknown was gone. Death had followed but the fear of the beast laying inside the mountain was no more and people rejoiced in the killing of it. Giving their thanks to Bard as he walked by, handshakes and cries. The man didn't know what to do with himself.

The wizard did his best to help those in need but he knew he had to leave soon, to see the company. They must be angry with him for not joining them.

"Lucien, I need you!" A panicked call tore threw the agnising groans of those around him, begging to be put out of their misery or be saved at any cost.

Lucien followed the voice into a nearby shack, dirty and dusty, with people milling around to tend to the injured. There was not enough room inside so Lucien was taking care of the ones that were lying outside in the cold air of the morning.

"Yes? What is it?" The wizard questioned before he had a chance to see who had even called for him.

It was Bard.

And Fili.

And Kili.

And Bain.

All crowding around one bed with a small human laying still and lifelessly. What appeared to be the mother of the child crouched beside the makeshift bed, tears in her eyes and mud covering her face and clothing. Her eyes remained on the small boy, his small hand in her larger ones and a silent prayer hanging on her lips.

The sight broke his heart.

Bard stepped forward, grabbing his arm with the reassurance of himself as if having the wizard by his side would help him through this troubling time. "There has to be something you can do." The man whispered lowly, his dark eyes moving from his to the boy and back to him. He was feeling helpless.

Lucien shook his head, "I'm not sure there is, Bard. I don't have my staff. What makes this child different from the rest?"It sounded awful to hear but it was true. There were many children around waiting to die, some even wishing for it to come sooner, and no child should be wishing for their own demise.

A sigh left the man's lips, "His mother. She begged me to save him, begged, Lucien. But I cannot. What am I to do?"

Lucien frowned, sadness watching over him in waves, he felt everything. He knew what Bard was going through and it was difficult, painful. He took hold of his arms, bringing him closer so Bard's attention was solely on him and nothing else. "Bard...sometimes things cannot be fixed. Sometimes lives cannot be saved," Bard's eyes filled with tears, "Thinking as if everything is going to be alright will ruin you, mentally and physically. You are great, Bard, but even the greatest of people, the greatest of kings, cannot do everything in their power to make sure everything will remain safe and sound. Things change, good and bad will follow you, but it is up to you on how you deal with it, learn from it and make things better with everything you have left. You build anew when everything is burned, you care for those you have and not dwell too hard on the past because it will swallow you up into darkness as it has done to me. I do not want that for you, my friend. I don't." His gaze travelled to the, now, coughing boy, blood flowing from the side of his mouth, "I will see what I can do."

The speech had Bard caught off guard, everything he had said was true. He knew it, he just needed to hear it. It left the man standing there frozen as Lucien approached the sick child, eyes welcoming and smile soft and sad.

King? Was that what he was now? Bard was sure Lucien would make a far better ruler, though it seemed he did want the title. Did he want the title though? He could barely care for the sick or say no to a frail woman. Lucien was there to help him, what would he do when he left?

"Hello there," The wizard greeted the child, "What is your name?"

The boy gazed upon Lucien with a tired expression, eyes half-open, blood in the corner of his mouth and extremely pale skin. Deathly pale. "Carson."

Lucien smiled the best he could, "Carson. A lovely name. I am Lucien."

"The wizard?"

He nodded, "Yes, that is me. You know of me?" Lucien sat down at his side, Bain following soon after and the two brothers left, possibly to find Oin and Bofur.

The boy coughed into his hand. "Mama told me stories. Everyone knows about you." He turned to the woman at his side and she smiled at him and the wizard.

"I wish we could have met under different circumstances." She sobbed.

Lucien reached over Carson and placed a hand on her shoulder, "So do I, Miss. It is nice to meet you all the same, however."

She nodded.

As the adults spoke of the dying boy and his childhood, Bain peered down at Carson, who was already staring directly at him.

No words were uttered and none were needed as Bain ripped off a piece of his coat to wipe away the blood and the sweat dripping down his forehead. He moved the dark blonde hair from his face and slowly lay down to face him.

Carson grinned and shed a tear, the saltly liquid sliding down his cheek and under his nose to reach the dirty cloth beneath him. Bain did the same, the tears almost moving in the same exact way, at the same exact time.

They wished they had known each other sooner.