XVIII. Goodbyes

It was finally time for the group to leave and join the rest at the mountain.

Kili was feeling a lot better and he didn't look so much like death was knocking at his door. Everyone was quite relieved.

Bard wasn't doing too well with the death of his people piling up, but he was getting there, and it was slowly affecting him less and less. It was a terrible thing to get used to, but it happened every day and it wasn't going to wait for anybody.

Bain stayed beside Carson from the moment they met. Lucien had done his best to try and save him, he could stay the inevitable was close and Bain would not be able to handle another grievance such as that. Something about those two held such a connection and everyone could see it. They treated each other as life long friends even if they didn't exactly speak much, Carson didn't have the energy to anyway.

Lucien packed up the little things he had, including the few items people had given him as a 'thank you.' It was touching really. He honestly wanted to stay with Bard and Bain and especially Carson but he also wanted to see Bilbo and Thorin and Balin, even Dwalin a little.

The wizard said his, quite lengthy, goodbye to Carson and his mother, Martha. They thanked him and wished him well on his journey, there were tears and hugs and it was all rather depressing. Lucien did not handle goodbyes very well.

"I am sorry to be leaving you two, but I am sure Bain and Bard, as well as his two daughters, will take excellent care of you," Lucien muttered softly, a hand on the woman's shoulder and another holding the hand of the sick boy.

Martha nodded with a sad smile, her eyes watering, "I am sure as well. Carson and Bain have been getting along very well." She chuckled softly, "I hope we see each other again."

"As do I."

Bain let his eyes slip from Carson's form for a moment to the wizard before him, the boy dividing but not separating them. "Will you come back?" His innocent eyes holding something of hope and a glimmer of hatred, not for Lucien but for the fact that he had to leave.

"I'm not sure," Lucien spoke honestly, anything could happen and anything will.

Bain sighed, "Promise you will come to visit if you do. Promise you will come to see me and Carson, and Tilda and Singrid. I know you will see Da either way." He mumbled, Carson, nudging him with a tired smile.

Lucien let out a chuckle, "I promise, Little One. I will visit thee."

Saying goodbye to Singrid and Tilda was both easier and harder, Lucien and the two had not bonded as well as everyone else and Lucien was sad because of it. Tilda was crying mess by the time the wizard approached them, however.

The young girl jumped into his arms, being lifted off the ground by at least two feet, her bear clutched to her chest and little hiccups leaving her lips every few seconds.

Singrid watched with a small smile, admiring the wizard and all that he was. Lucien the Green was like a legend, you wouldn't believe it if you were told you would ever be meeting him in your life but here he was, right in front of her eyes.

"I must go soon, will you be good, my Little Princess?" Lucien grinned down at the girl in his arms.

Her head poked up and she giggled at the nickname bestowed upon her. "Of course I will, Lucien. I'll be the best princess ever!" Singrid cleared her throat purposefully, "We will be the best princesses ever." Tilda rolled her eyes.

Tilda was set back on the ground and Singrid stepped forward to hug the tall wizard's waist tightly, "I'm glad to have met you." She mumbled into his shirt.

Lucien grinned, placing a hand on her head, "Yes, it wasn't the best of meetings but I think we made do, wouldn't you say?"

She nodded, unable to speak.

Bard made an appearance as Lucien and the rest were checking everything and making sure they still had Bofur with them, can't have him left behind for a second time. The man looked just as saddened as Lucien and that was alright.

The two stared for a moment. Another ominous feeling ahead, not of death they thought but something else, something that would keep them apart.

"I will see you soon, my friend," Lucien spoke, bringing the man to his chest and wrapping his arms around his back. He smelt of rain and dirt and pine. Bard instantly returned the warm gesture and gripped onto his coat. He smelt of nature and leather and rain. They all mixed together into one.

"I will miss you, my friend," Bard spoke. The wizard had helped him through this kingly situation, given him advise and believed in him when he didn't himself. What was he to do without him? Bard didn't know if he could handle the job, but he must.

The pair pulled away. Gazing at each other in a timeless type of way, unable to focus on anything else and not noticing the people that were walking around them.

"Take care of those children, they are special," Lucien began, "Take care of your people and also yourself. Remember what I told you?" Bard nodded, feeling like a child again, "Not everything can be fixed, though don't give up on the things that can be. You will be fine. It's hard but things will get easier as you begin to understand the world and the hardships that follow," Lucien raised a hand and gently held the side of the man's face, "You'll do great things. Know-nothing will ever be the same again and by the time we meet again we will be two different people, whether that be in a few days or weeks."

"You know?"

Lucien smiled softly, running the pad of his thumb underneath Bard's eye, "I will, soon, but I want to leave the future as it is, I do not like to meddle." He shrugged.

This was goodbye but hopefully, a see you later too. Things were definitely going to get more difficult from here.