XIX. Admit It

Lucien, Kili, Fili, Oin and Bofur walked. Through hills of green and boulders as big as the trees surrounding the area. The cold burned their noses and chests as they heaved strong breaths, their legs aching from the nonstop journey.

Fili was in charge, it seemed. Giving orders as to when they would stop, when they would rise and if they should eat any more of their rations. Sure it wasn't the longest of journeys to make, but Oin was older than them and Kili was still mostly recovering.

Currently, they were sitting around a small fire on the first, and probably only night they spent together as just the five of them. Laughs were loud and proud as dwarves usually were, sogs were sung and stories were told. It was a momentous occasion to be had.

Lucien and Kili leaned against a fallen log while Bofur poked at the food on the fire. Fili both watched their surroundings and listened in to his friends and Oin propped himself against a nearby rock quite peacefully smoking a pipe.

"Admit it, you like him!" Kili chuckled boisterously, his shoulder touching the wizard's as they spoke.

"What are you trying to achieve with this information, hm?" Lucien mused. His eyes glowed and his grin shined in both the firelight and the moonlight, the mix giving him an otherworldly appearance, sparkling like the stars above and warm like the heart he held within.

The young dwarf shrugged, "That is for me to know and for you to maybe, probably not, find out."

The rest laughed.

Lucien glared playfully. "Well," The wizard crossed his arms stubbornly, "I guess you won't know to the answer to your oh so important question then."

"Oh, come on," Fili turned away from gazing over the hills and into the trees to give his tall friend an expectant stare.

Lucien feigned ignorance as he frowned, "What?"

"Admit it!" Kili shook him.

"Admit what?"

Bofur took the food from the fire and placed it onto a plate, all the while rolling his eyes, "You are immensely infuriating to have around, my friend." He passed around the plates.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Bofur."

"You like my Uncle." Kili spat out, eating at the same time.

Lucien gave him a look of disgust, watching as the food was shot from his mouth like ammo. "Your Uncle?"

"Who else?"

Oin sat up slightly from his relaxed place, "What about that man back in Dale? Bard was it?" The older dwarf question, a smirk growing, "He's quite the handsome fellow."

Heat rose to the wizard's face, putting him off his dinner.

Fili pointed with his knife, an agreement written all over his face, "Oh yeah." The blonde gazed Lucien with a spark of mischief, "You two got quite close, huh?"

Bofur nodded, "I'd say, yes. You had a very touching goodbye." The dwarf puckered his lips and made sounds of kissing. Like he had ever kissed anyone in his life, Lucien internally grinned.

"Hey!" The wizard exclaimed as he was beginning to feel rather attacked, "We did not kiss."

"Really?" Kili sniggered.

"Of course not!"

"No, but he did kiss that one woman at the party." Fili pointed out, "That was weird."

"How was that weird."

Oin shrugged. He cleared his throat in that croaky type of way that just wanted to make you do it as well. "Dwarves don't do that, Laddie. Kiss random people, I mean. We go for traditional things: courting, marriage. You see?"

"Uh-huh," Of course Lucien knew that, "It was just a friendly gesture."

"Yeah, you said that," Kili uttered.

"Well, it's true." The wizard raised his arms as if it would put his point across better, it probably didn't, however.

The rest of the night went on like that, with teasing and jokes and stories. It was a good one and when it was time for the group to rest, there were no complaints of hungry stomachs or fear or cold bodies. They were equally happy for the moment.

They were all excited to get to the mountain, to see their friends and the halls of the grand place Thorin and Balin often described.

The next morning was pretty much a blur. They woke up at sunrise, packed up their things and set off again towards the mountain. They were close now, very close and something about it made Lucien feel both happy and anxious.

Bofur tripped. Everyone laughed. Kili was playfully pushed. Lucien was ignored for almost an hour. Oin grumbled. The rest rolled their eyes. Fili encouraged them. No one listened.

After a good four hours, they made it to the door where two were already waiting for them, probably having heard them on their way up.

Balin, who appeared tired but overjoyed, and Bilbo, who looked somewhat anxious and relieved to see them. The pair greeted them with open arms.

"Boys! It is so good to see you!" Balin chuckled joyously upon seeing the five climb over the hill.

"Yeah, it felt like a century without you sorry lot," Bofur remarked.

Lucien was the first to greet the hobbit as he kneeled down in front of him, seeing that look in his eyes, a look he knew all too well. "How are you, my little hobbit?" He spoke calmly and as warmly as he could, no ounce of ignorance or childishness found.

Bilbo flushed, "W-well, I have been quite well, Lucien," The smaller one stuttered slightly, "And yourself?"

"Good." The wizard nodded, "It is good to be back in your company."

Bilbo was pulled into a hug, a rather welcoming one at that. He felt safe within his very tall friend's arms. It was the closest thing he could get to Gandalf, comforting and warm, it was just what he needed.

"Lovely to see you again, Lucien." Balin hugged the wizard next and it was the same, "Things have been rather difficult here." The older dwarf mumbled only to him before they pulled away.

Lucien gave him a nod and the group was lead inside. They marvelled at everything in sight, the stone, the carvings, the structure, but that was all soon forgotten at the sight of the treasure room.

The room was completely covered in gold and jewels and silver and shining items. It was vast, like the sea and it almost blinded every one of them. The things inside that room were ancient, they were beautiful and glowing like nothing they had ever seen.

Lucien did not care though. He only saw Thorin Oakenshield who was watching over his men from a far-over ledge. He was different. His clothes, his hair, the feel flowing from him. Even his eyes. The ones Lucien liked so much. They have changed and it wasn't for the better.

The dwarves worked endlessly in the mounds of gold, looking for something.

Kili and Fili left the wizard's side to greet their Uncle and he couldn't help but cringe.

This was not good for any of them.