XXVII. The Children

"How are the girls?" Lucien asked the man next to him as he inspected the street they walked down. The surrounding area was very dirty and dark with people milling around, older humans hobbling around while the children strolled with their parents in a glum sort of way. Lucien swore nothing had changed since the time they lived in Lake-town although there was a lot more energy amongst the people.

Bard grinned, "The girls are good. Singrid still has a hard time with the new title the people have given her but Tilda loves it, prancing around like the princess she is." He chuckled. It was good to see the man so happy, to see that light glimmer in his eyes and the newfound strength in his stride. Bard was a changed man and Lucien was proud to see it.

"And you?" The wizard questioned, hands behind his back, "How are you dealing with this new responsibility?"

The two passed a young girl who waved their way and they pair returned it causing her to giggle and ran off to her father that was closeby.

"I think I am doing well. As well as I can without you here to help me." Bard gave Lucien a pointed to look.

"Oh, you are fine without me, Bard. Look at you, the epitome of royalty I say."

The pair laughed.

"I thank you, Lucien. Your opinion means a great deal, you know."

Lucien cocked his head to the side in question, "And why is that?"

"Well, you pushed me to be my best in my time of need, of course." Bard frowned at the sound of doubt hidden in the wizard's words, "You helped me through a difficult situation and now whenever I must make a decision I think back to what you told me."

"I-" Lucien was at a loss for words, "I didn't know it meant that much to you." His tone dropped in shame as did his head, he honestly thought Bard would forget about him and everything he said and go one with his life not that something he did impact his choices in the future.

The man wrapped an arm around the wizard's shoulder, knowing he was struggling with his own problems. "It meant more than you'll know."

The man's new home was bigger, nicer, although anything but extravagant. The wood wasn't rotten, the structure wasn't crooked and there were no visible holes in the walls or roof. A very good change for the family indeed.

They walked inside, finding the children and Martha inside. They all seemed rather content and happy as the girls sat by the fire, Singrid reading to her sister while Bain and Carson took up the couch and Martha milled around the kitchen. The sight was homely and warm.

Lucien grinned, "Don't you all look cozy?"

This caught the attention of the five, their eyes widening in surprise as Bard's done minutes ago. "Lucien!" They exclaimed. Tilda ran forward and jumped into the wizard's open arms, squealing glee.

"You came back." Bain stood, hazel eyes shining with disbelief and elation.

"I did," The wizard smiled, "It just took me a while." He chuckled rather humorlessly and set the young girl down so he could wrap the boy in a hug, one hand running through his light brown locks.

Singrid was next, not excitable but Lucien didn't mind one bit. There were tears in her eyes and rings under her eyes, matching those of the wizard's. It was clear the girl was worked in taking care of everyone. So mature and caring for such a young thing.

"I was worried for you, you know?" Bain frowned as he pulled away.

Lucien nodded, "And I, you. How is your friend?" He asked the three children.

The three siblings stood there, grins brightening their features. Tilda jumped up and down, hands clasped together, "Oh, he's wonderful, Lucien. Doesn't talk much but Bain really likes him," She received a glare for that, "He's also doing much better. Not so sick, you see?" The girl ranted on to the wizard, hidden energy unlocked at the sight of his green attire and wild hair. She missed him dearly.

"Well, I should see him then, hm?"

Bain held out his hand and Lucien stared at for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, before he took it into his larger one and was guided over to the couch nearby. Carson lay there, blanket over his lap and a lazy smile on his lips. He still looked pale and shakey but seemed a lot better than the last time he saw him.

Lucien crouched next to him, "Hello, Carson."

"Lucien," He held out his hand just as Bain had done, "I had wondered where you went off to."

The wizard chuckled, tears forming as he gripped the young boy's hand, "Just a walk, my dear child. A very long, treacherous walk."

He nodded, "I thought so."

"I'm glad you're alright."

"It was just a little cold." Carson shrugged, his eyes holding that mischievous glint they didn't before.

"It's so lovely to see you again." Martha appeared, raising her arms and Lucien was quick to melt into the motherly touch. It was a comforting feeling, one he hadn't had in a long while. Lucien actually couldn't remember the last time he had his own mother figure, it must have been centuries prior. "Bard told me they weren't letting you leave that place."

"I was sick, Martha, but I am better now. Much better."

"Oh, well, that is good. Would you like something to eat? Drink? A bed perhaps?"

Lucien would love to stay, possibly have a much-needed nap but things could not be and he knew he had to leave soon. He needed to find his hobbit and be on his way back to the mountain where he belonged. It wasn't only for his benefit, not really, but for the others. They were most of the reason why he said yes.

"That's very kind, Martha, but I cannot stay for long." He confessed.

"But you just got here," Singrid exclaimed, anger flaring.

Lucien couldn't help but feel ashamed. She was right. He spent ten minutes with them and now he had to leave, it wasn't fair or kind of him. He knew they would be fine, the three siblings had each other and Bain had Carson and Carson had his mother while Bard had a family and his people to look after. They would be fine.

"I'm sorry, children. Things are transpiring to be very difficult and I must be there when things get too out of hand." He tried to explain, though it all sounded like riddles to them. Why did wizards have to be so encrypted?

Carson sat up, "It's obviously important if he must leave us, guys. He is a wizard and wizards must do lots of things to help us. Why, if he didn't leave us the first time I'm sure we would all be quite tired of him by now." This caused chuckles and giggles from those around him, lightening the mood immensely. Carson really was special and this family needed that. Lucien admired the small boy.

"That is right, Carson. I am not very good company to have around all the time. The dwarves will tell you so."

An hour later and Lucien was saying goodbye once again, though with a lighter heart he still felt guilty for leaving them. Bard had remained quiet through most of the farewell, choosing to stand behind the children with Martha at his side. Lucien wondered if he was happy to see him go, or if he really had grown tired of him. Why else would he only nod when Lucien uttered his goodbye?

Lucien left, a frowned quickly forming as he turned his back. He needed to find Bilbo and get out of Dale, they still had a long walk to go.

"Wait!" Someone called, "Stay here. Stay with us." Lucien frowned once again, confused, he thought the man wanted him gone. Even so, he was always there when Lucien needed someone and right now he did but it was really what he deserved.

He wanted to but... "I can't."

The man huffed, "We can protect you, Lucien, you will be safe here."

"I know, but I need to protect him from himself and right now that is more important than I."

"Your well-being is important as well." Bard frowned, trying to get him to see clearly that none of this was right, to him or anyone. Lucien was locking himself away and Bard wasn't having any of it.

"I highly doubt it." Lucien scoffed.

"You do not care for yourself?"

"I didn't say that." The conversation was growing onesided and the wizard never liked that. Call him immature, he didn't really care. He knew he was childish and never really serious in terrible situations but it was who he was or better described, it was who he stayed after everything that happened.

"You didn't have to."

Lucien knew Bard was only trying to do what was best for him and he was grateful but there was a bigger picture he wouldn't understand or even try to. Lucien needed to do this.

He sighed, "I will see you soon, Bard. Protect yourself, protect Gandalf and Thranduil. They may be strong but sometimes even the strongest of beings need help." The wizard gave him a pointed look.

Bard didn't like that he was staying, he despised that dwarf king up in the mountain because he knew he was corrupting the mind of his wizard. He tried to respect his decisions all the same, however. "I will. Though I wish you would remain by my side."

"And I will do just that. Just not now, in future." Lucien assured, knowing what he was saying to be the truth.

"I will be waiting, my friend," The man recited from memory, "Waiting for you to come back to me safe and sound."