XXVI. An Escape

Everyone knew now that Lucien and Thorin were engaged to be married and most of them were quite upset and angry. Balin knew the wizard was unhappy but he also knew he still loved Thorin and that just came down to the toxic relationship they were putting themselves in. Fili and Kili thought it was a bad idea and tried to tell him so, however, Lucien was much too stubborn and there was also the fact he was doing this for more than one reason.

Another ring was added to Lucien's collection and he was sure it would be enough at that, what else would Thorin want or need to get him?

Well, now he had his own crown.

It was smaller and less extravagant but it was a crown and it shocked him. Did he really want him to wear that?

Kili had started calling him 'Uncle' rather condescendingly although not cruelly. It was now a running joke that slipped through the cracks of tense, disapproving behaviours. It felt good to chuckle at something, even if something so little and Kili knew this so he continued with the title.

Thorin made it feel like nothing had changed between them and it made Lucien feel comfortable, he was not forcing it on him and he probably knew why he said yes.

Bilbo was mostly indifferent. He had his own problems at hand, he told Lucien what he wanted to do and how he could not hold onto it anymore. Lucien agreed and their plan was set in motion.

The wizard told Thorin he was going to spend the day in the library, something he had done numerous times. That would give him around five hours before Thorin came to check on him, that would be plenty of time for him and Bilbo to make it down to Dale and talk Bard and Thranduil. Apparently, the hobbit had seen the elven king arrive not but two days ago so it was really perfect timing.

The rings came off and stuffed into his coat pocket as the unconventional duo climbed down the edge of the wall hiding the entrance. Lucien couldn't help but worry for Kili and Ori but the excitement for seeing the new king of Dale and the elven king pushed those concerns away for the moment. They wouldn't be caught, everything would be fine.

"What if things go wrong?" Bilbo voiced his thoughts, "What if he finds out?"

Lucien sighed, "He might have to, Bilbo." Something in the near future will probably go against them, though things would be better in the long run and that was what most mattered.

"He'll hate me."

"He could never." The wizard scoffed, "He may just be very disappointed and hopefully he will eventually see what good we were doing."

With time passing of the pair speaking of past events, thoughts and worries, they finally made it to the land of Dale

Lucien was a little torn between finding Bard with Bilbo or Bain and Carson and possibly the two new princesses. Maybe he could do both.

Bilbo pointed to a considerably large tent, guards surrounding it with serious expressions and who else would be inside beside the elven king? He was much too extravagant to ever be hidden from sight. Thranduil was one of those people that loved the attention solely on him, good thing he knew how to deal with it, he was also beautiful so there was that too.

Lucien rolled his eyes and stalked towards the entrance before Bilbo could think of a plan to sneak inside.

The guards instantly see him and hold out their spears. Lucien was already having enough of their condescending gazes and pushed with all his might, catching the two by surprise and causing them to topple over before they could widen stance and catch their balance. They fell to the ground with a crash which was an amusing and shocking sight to see, an elf falling over? People behind him laughed while he stepped over them and entered the tent.

"What is going on out the-?!" Thranduil was silenced by the sight of a familiar creature strolling in, Bilbo standing next to him with wide eyes.

Gandalf was not far away, a frown present on his aged face. He found the presence of an old friend to be rather comforting, it was good to know Lucien was alright although they had been separated for periods of time in the past so it wasn't terrible.

The other man in the tent frowned and turned to see what had the king so tongue-tied. "Lucien?" He breathed in disbelief. After waiting for his return for over a month, he had secretly given up hope and now he had suddenly taken a trip from his home up in the mountains. Thorin refused to show the wizard to him and that is when he knew the wizard was being held against his will, he just hoped the dwarf wasn't treating him poorly.

He appeared tired and sickly with dark circles under his eyes and pale skin, almost grey. His hair was flat against his forehead, his cheeks slightly sunken in. There was a shake in his steps and in his hands while his eyes seemed much more dull and sad. This was not his wizard, not his Lucien.

"Hello, Bard. Hello, Thranduil. And Gandalf, my friend. It's good to see you all again." Lucien gave a shaky smile.

Bard sped forward and wrapped his arms around the wizard in relief, Lucien melting right into his hold. He had no idea he needed a hug like that from someone that actually seemed to care about it him.

"What are you doing here?" The man muttered.

"Bilbo needs to speak."

"Does he know you're here?"

"I snuck out. He wouldn't let me leave."

Bard sighed and let him go to see Bilbo had taken charge which Lucien was immensely thankful for.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the Halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards." Thranduil spoke, his 'I am better than thou' look on his face.

Bilbo grew red for a second, " Yes. Sorry about that. I came to give you this." Out came the Arkenstone from his pocket, after receiving a nod from the wizard.

"The Heart of the Mountain. The King's jewel."

Bard raised an eyebrow, "And worth a king's ransom. How is this yours to give?" He questioned the jumpy hobbit.

"I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure."

"Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty."

"I'm not doing it for you. I know that Dwarves can be obstinate and pigheaded and difficult. And suspicious and secretive with the worst manners you can possibly imagine, but they are also brave and kind and loyal to a fault. I've grown very fond of them, Lucien as well, and I would save them if I can. But Thorin values this stone above all else. In exchange for its return, I believe he will give you what you were owed. There will be no need for war."

Lucien was very proud of his little hobbit then, not so much of the nervous creature he once was. Bilbo was brave and he was loyal beyond doubt, something many hobbits only think of.

And that was that. Bard took the stone into his possession and the weight was lifted from Bilbo's shoulders even if only slightly. The wizard could see it was crushing the poor creature.

"Wizard." Thranduil nodded in greeting towards Lucien.

He grinned, "Thranduil. Aren't you looking quite regal?"

The end of the elven king's lips twitched, "Of course. I am the king."

Lucien bowed playfully, "Of course."

The king of Dale appeared, a smile playing on his lips, "I'm sure the children would love to see you, Lucien." And the wizard gasped.

"The children!" He squealed, grabbing the man's hand and pulling from the tent. "How is Carson?" He hoped beyond hope he was alright.

"He is fine. He and his mother have moved into our home. Bain has taken quite a shine to that boy."

"Oh, that's marvellous. Might you lead the way, my king?"

"I might." Bard nodded, the two laughing to themselves as they walked.