
Now, let me tell you that ignoring someone for a whole ass month is not a joke, I dyed my hair light blue, I've started to feel a certain change in me.

"Ari? Could I please borrow your Fendi bag I can't find my Prada?"

"Yea, sure you can"

"Thanks and by the way you look nice"

My relationship with Brianna has grown in the last few months, she compliments me , borrows my clothes,invites me to her sleepovers, and it's been fun. But, the downside is that she always talks about eros but I've learnt to mask my emotions. I pull up my boots, wear my head band, apply lipgloss,and I run down the stairs to get breakfast..

Even Mrs Smith and I have learnt to compromise around each other.

Bryan has still been indifferent to me, but I couldn't be bothered.

"Good morning bryan, how was your night?"

He just brushed my shoulder and rolled his eyes.

"Why would I talk to a peasant?"

"Bryanwatch your mouth she's your younger sister!" Brianna scolded

"Pfft, like I bloody care she could go to hell for all I know, and when did this nice act of yours start and we all know it's fake."

"Ari, is my sister, I was wrong to treat her that way In the past"

After that I stopped paying attention to their banter,see the thing Is I was afraid that this will go away, because it felt to good to be true.

Heading to school now driving in my own car felt nice, Brianna pulled a few strings with dad. Walking down the hallway try to grab to my locker I saw Eros standing by my locker with his eyes locked on me. I had two choices to make, risk going to class without my notes,or pick up my books and simply walk away like I didn't see him there. I decided to go with plan b.

I walked to my locker swallowing my fe and wiping off the beads of perspiration off my forehead. Opening my locker I heard his voice

"Ari, can we talk?"

"I'm busy I have a class to attend"

"This will only take five minutes of your time."

" This better be quick."

"So we started of the wrong foot, I know I made it seem like i wanted to be more than friends and if it made you uncomfortable then I'm sorry"


" That's it? We are cool?"

"Yea, totally"

"So can we hang after school,as friends ofcourse no funny business."

"I'll think about it."

And with that I walked away wondering if I just made the right decision.

I found myself standing by the school gate waiting for Eros. He parked his car, slid down his window and shouted

" What are you waiting for? Hop in "

I smiled and skidded down to the car.

" I'm glad you decided to come "

"Yea, what are friends for ?"

I smiled nervously and took a deep breath so many things could go wrong today.

"Friends huh?"

And we drove away. We kept driving for hours and hours, well actually just one hour but I was getting agitated.

What if he was going to kill me, and hides my body so no one can find me. I started fidgeting and he said,

" Relax I'm not going to kill you we are almost there."

Woah, he sensed my distress. We parked at the side of a forest, and my heartbeat increased by two paces.

" I'm taking you to my favorite spot, I come here to think and calm down."

He came out of the car, I took a few deep breaths and then I stepped out. He let out his hand and of course I reluctantly took it. We walked for twenty minutes until we came to a clean and clear pond, and it was magnificent, butterflies surrounded the trees and the area was cool.

Eros began taking off his shirt, his pecs were well developed, he was sporting an eight pac which was magnificent of course. After staring for too long, I turned away and asked what he was doing.

He simply replied " I'm getting in of course and you are too."

Eros and I in pool.... Nah I'll pass.

" I'm not getting in there, I have nothing to change into"

" You do,you can simply use my shirt and your underwear."

" What about you? What shirt will you wear after this."

" I always keep an extra pair of clothes in my trunk."

He smiled knowing he had won.

I huffed

" Fine I'll change,but turn around, no peeking."

He pouted.

" I'm serious Eros, turn around"

"Fine I'll turn, but be quick Bambino"

I quickly shrugged out of my clothes and wore his shirt. When I turned around he was in the pond, but he was still backing me.

" How's the temperature of the water?"

He turned around, looked at me and smiled

" The shirt looks nice on you,it accentuates your legs too Bambino"

I blushed and knew I was turning red

" Eros, you didn't answer my question."

" Oh yeah, it feels just right"

I dipped my leg in and well it was pretty warm and nice. I slowly got in the water, it stopped at my shoulder, but for Eros it was at his abdomen.

" Tall freak"

" What did you just say"

Shit I said it out loud

" Nothing"

He started moving dangerously close like like a lion moving to it's prey.

" I heard you, you called me a tall freak."

Though intimidated I stood my ground

" What if I did"

" Then you are in for it"

He chased me in the water,I tried swimming really fast, but he caught up to me, and he dragged me underwater.

For a moment everything was peaceful and a calm and all I could see was him, we came up slowly, and stood just staring at each other

" Fanculo, do you know how beautiful you are Bambino"

I shook my head, he stepped closer to me and I was breathing fast and an irregular interval , he held my face and came so close to my face to the extent that our noses where touching.

And then he placed his lips on mine, he tasted like peppermint and chocolate, his lips moved softly against mine. I stood in shock for a moment before I started kissing him back. I felt butterflies in my belly and I felt like I was in heaven that was the most Magical kiss I've ever gotten.

And that my friends is how Eros Russo stole my first kiss.

" What about brianna?"

" It'll be our secret, she'll never know"

I nodded my head, and wondered how I'll keep this away from Brianna.

He hugged me, and pecked me at intervals,for what seemed like hours.

When we saw it was relatively dark he decided to drop me home.