A train of thoughts I guess

Coming back home, I was immediately hugged by Brianna.

"Ari where have you been I've been looking all over for you?!"

" I was at the school library studying for a test I'll he having tomorrow"

" Oh that explains a lot, you are a nerd after all "

She giggles and hugs me again. Then saw Eros.

"Baby? What are you doing here"

I was coming over to your place the I saw ariadne walking so I decided to give her a lift"

" Awwn baby thanks for taking care of her"

She then pecked him on the cheek then brought her attention back to me.

" Dad was looking for you and I shopped so we get to play dress up"

She squealed loudly in my ear, and I smiled back at her, whilst thinking of my betrayal. But I headed out meet Dad, whatever he wants from me now I don't know, but I hate talking to him.

I walked up to father's room and I knocked twice before getting a reply

" Come in"

I pushed his door open and gently walked inside.

" Father,I heard you requested to see me"

" Yes , where were you "

" I was in the school's library sir "

" It better be that, because if I hear you playing around with Eros Russo, your sister's betrothed you'll regret it. Do I make myself clear?!"

" Yes sir"

" Now get out"

I walked out of his room trembling with fear, and I met Brianna waiting in the living room for me.

" How'd it go?"

" Well he wasn't happy with my coming home late "

" Don't worry it'll get better between you guys"

She hugged me after saying that and I can't help but wonder if she found out I kissed Eros will she keep acting nice or turn back to the bitch she was.

It was already late in the night and I headed up to my room. I changed into my thong and silk nightie that left barely anything to imagination and I crept into the covers of my bed. I closed my eyes remembering the kiss Eros and I shared, it was magical I kid you not.

" Fuck! What have you gotten yourself into ariadne Gonzalez?"

The next day I planned on going to my best friend's house. Her name is Samantha but I call her Sam, Samantha is a mouthful. I haven't seen her in two months and I can't wait to give her the juicy details of waht ensued between Eros and I .

Still packing and my phone rings, and once I see the caller ID I smile and pick up my phone.

" Bitch, you better be on your way to see me I miss your ass "

" I'll soon be on my way Sam, just need to get a few more things and I'll fone right over, but I'll stop at McDonald's to get two chicken nuggets, is that fine by you?"

" Yeaa,just be quick about it tho"

And she hung up, I bid farewell to Brianna and I headed to Sam's place, but I made a stop at McDonald's then continued my journey. From my house to hers is a fifteen minute drive basically.

I stepped out of the car and pressed the door bell and her dad opens the door.

" Riri, it's been so long without you, how have you been."

Sam and her parents call me riri.

" Yea Jimmy, I've missed you too and what about mom is she home?"

" Nope she's on a weekend getaway, which I'll be joining today so I'm glad you came to see Sam and keep her company"

"If I didn't know dad I'll think you are trying to steal riri away from me"

Our heads whipped around to look at Sam leaning on the wall and staring at us with an amused look in her eyes. Jimmy lifted his hands in surrender.

" Look kiddo I was just on my way. You two should have and just don't do drugs kids."

" Yes Dad"

" Okay jimmy"

We both replied at the same time. With Sam's parents out of the picture, we headed to her room and she spoke out.

" I want to get laid, so we are going to a club tonight"

I smiled at her, and just shook my head. Yup I missed Sam alright.

After we got ready I only had lipgloss and mascara on with a short tight dark blue gown with long sleeves and a plunging neck line, and I straightened my hair. While Sam had on a smokey eye with red lipstick on and a dark red strapless body con gown, that complimented her boobs alright. We took her car and headed to a club named ' panic room '.

Yup so much for originality. It was a very beautiful place own by a rich brat of course. But we came here to party and get laid. Bob the bouncer already knew us, so we high five him and entered even though he knew we were under age.

I took two shots of tequila and feel the warm buzz of alcohol through my veins and slowly relaxed and felt the music move me as I moved my waist to the beat. Sam was totally grinding with one sexy brunette. I just let myself feel the rythm of the music and I slowly started feeling eyes on me. I turned around to look for who my stalker was and I saw Mr Eros Russo, staring at me from the VIP lounge looking so relaxed and as sexy as ever. I kept dancing but with my eyes still on his and it felt so sensual.

He stood up from his seat and moved through the crowd so slowly and it felt like a predator stalking his prey. He finally came in front of me and started grinding on me. After a few minutes of dancing I felt my phone ping, so I took it out to read what text I have. I got a text from Sam saying that she had gone to sexy brunette's house and when she's back I'll give her the tea about who that Greek god is. I just chuckled and then I felt Eros hot breath on my ear

" Let's head over to my place"

" Sure"

I knew what this meant but I was going to do it anyway, besides i was too horny.