Dark And Light Clones

"Okay I know you have secrets you can't tell me so I won't pry, I trust you" The Sage Dragon said to Felix with a nod.

"What?.., why did you suddenly change your mind?" Felix asked curiously because he hadn't expected for the Sage Dragon to change its mind.

"Well let's just say, it's instinct" The Sage Dragon said with a mysterious grin as it used one of its claw to slit it's finger which it placed in front of Felix who had the same size as the finger.

"It may be a little painful, and the pain increases as time passes, you may fall unconscious but that normal" The Sage Dragon said as it looked at Felix who trembled slightly due to excitement.

Felix also slit his palm and placed it on the finger, as the two connected, a golden like suddenly erupted from the point of contact as Felix was suddenly overwhelmed by pain.

'The fuck do you mean a little painful, and the pain increases as time passes?' Felix said in disbelief as he felt an overwhelming pain that almost made him blank out on the spot.

As time passed, the pain increased to the point that he was forced to his knees, as he was suffering this unbearable pain, the Sage Dragon had a carefree expression on its face but deep within, it's mind was in turmoil.

'He is still conscious, how strong is his tenacity, to be able to hold on for this long when signing a beast contract with a Semi-divine beast, only a few people can achieve this, It is to be expected knowing his background' The Sage Dragon thought to itself with shock.

Meanwhile Felix was this close to blanking out, the pain had become so intense that his mind couldn't function well, and after some seconds, he finally lost consciousness.

After losing consciousness, he appeared in another void, similar to the one he was previously in, his environment was filled with darkness, he felt like he was standing in space because there wasn't any ground beneath him but he wasn't falling down.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Felix asked as he walked through the void, he didn't even know where he was going because as he walked the environment remained the same.

"Hello, is there anybody here?" Felix shouted in frustration as he wandered aimlessly across the void.

"What is that?" Felix said as he squinted his eyes and stared into the distance, he could see a hint of light.

"Could it be a person, maybe it could tell me what I am doing here and how to get out" Felix said as he walked towards the light and as he walked, the light intensity grew, but the interesting thing was that he had walked for at least 20 miles but he didn't feel the least bit tired.

"I am getting closer" Felix said with excitement as the light grew brighter and lit up a part of the void.

"What the fuck is that?" Felix said in shock as he stared at the source of light in confusion, the light was actually a exact replica of him.

"What is this place?" Felix asked himself with wariness as he moved closer to the clone which had several chains on it, and as he did, he felt a strange familiarity to it, like it was part of him, he didn't understand it but he felt like going closer to him, because the clone radiated a certain feeling of peace.

"Wow, I feel so peaceful" Felix said as moved closer to her and felt himself grow calmer with each step but suddenly he felt a strong feeling of destruction appear behind him and when he turned he was shocked out of his mind, behind him was another clone but this clone was pitch black with more chains on its body than the light clone and it radiated a strong intent of destruction, if the light clone was like an angel then the black clone was like a demon.

"What is this?, I feel like I know this feeling, but the feeling feels so distant" Felix said to himself with furrowed brows, he was trying to understand what it meant but all the theories he came up with, didn't come close to explaining what was happening.

"Hmm, maybe I should meditate" Felix said with some uncertainty as he sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes, as he did, he felt nothing but after some hours, he felt like he was slowly creating a link with the dark clone.

Time passed quickly, days passed, weeks also passed and due to the fact that he didn't feel hunger or tiredness, he didn't feel the need to stop meditating, he slowly felt the link between him and the dark clone increase.


"We have searched the entire forest but we can't find him, now what do we do?" Xander said with anger as he stared at the crowd of espers that were gathered there, after their meeting with the Forest Beast King, they had decided to search for the Shadow Walker and deliver him to the C rank beast king under the reluctance of a few parties but after searching through the whole forest, they hadn't caught a hint of him, and their time was up.

"It's like he has disappeared" Yu Yan said with confusion.

"I told you that you wouldn't find him" Justin said calmly, the others may not know what had happened but Justin knew that Shadow Walker had entered a cave and disappeared, he had also tried to enter the cave but it was surprisingly sealed off.

"So what do we do now?" Feng Shui asked with furrowed brows.

"Now we have no choice but to fight, we are left with only a few hours before the time limit of one day is over then we can be transported out, we can only hold on for now and hope for a miracle" Damien said calmly.

"If we want to survive this, we need to have a proper strategy, otherwise we will just be sacrificing ourselves" Justin said with a nod, he knew that this was what would happen eventually so as the others were searching for Shadow Walker, he was busy planning their strategy.

"I believe you already have a plan so fire away" Damien said with a nod as he glanced at Justin.

"Okay so this is what is going to happen...." Justin said as he explained the strategy he had prepared but halfway through, he suddenly stopped and furrowed his brows with a frown as he looked towards a certain direction with a sign.

"It is time" Drake said with a frown, he was a battle maniac but when it came to situations where the odds were highly against him, he knew when to be serious.

"We all may not make it out alive but I am sure that with my plan, we will be able to minimize the casualties to the minimum" Justin said confidently.

"Get into your positions and advance towards the enemy" Damien shouted with a grunt as he waved his hand causing a long sword with a small diamond on its hilt to appear in his hands before rushing forward with a battlecry

The others also did the same and took out their weapons and followed Damien as they rushed towards the enemy who was also approaching.

"Attack!" Damien shouted as he swung his sword at the nearest opponent, ending it's life' instantly.

As the two sides clashed, the beasts side was suppressed immediately by the espers who attacked with both abilities and weapons.

"This isn't right, these are all F and F+ ranks, it seems like the Forest beast king wants to tire us out with waves of weaker opponents, then kill us easily when we are exhausted" Justin said with a calm look.

"Just like you predicted" Xander said with shock.

"Yes now we just follow the plan and everything should progress smoothly" Justin said with a calm look as they continuously killed the F ranks easily.

"Huff, huff" Some espers panted in tiredness after they had successfully taken care of the first wave, these were the weaker ones.

"Rest well, we don't have much time, the second wave will be here, there will most certainly be E ranks among them so be careful, weaker espers move to the back, if any monster manages to get through our formation, it is your job to take care of them" Justin said calmly as he distributed his orders efficiently.

"They are here, get ready" Drake said as he sensed the ground trembling slightly.


"A D rank beast?" Xander said with shock as he glanced at Justin who stared ahead calmly as if he was expecting it and he was because he had already predicted that this would happen in his plans.

"Feng Shui, you are up, you are in charge of taking care of the D rank" Justin said calmly as he gazed at the incoming beasts before rushing towards them.

'He is really scary' Feng Shui thought to himself with shock, how could someone predict things up to such a level, was this the power of the 4th rank.


Meanwhile Felix was still in the void, he didn't know how much time had passed, but he had reached a point where the link formed between the dark clone and himself had reached a stop, no matter how much he concentrated, he couldn't strengthen the link any further, so he shifted his concentration to the light clone who he felt a strong connection to.

"Hmm, balance, could it be the answer?" Felix asked himself with a frown, he had been meditating for who knows how long and this was the only answer he had gotten.

"Hmm, it's worth a shot, I don't stand to lose anything" Felix said with a helpless look, he had been here for so long that he decided to give anything a shot, If anybody else was in his place, that person would definitely be helpless in this situation but Felix had been through a lot and his mind and heart has been tempered so he was a lot calmer than most people.

"Hmm it's not working, I need something else, maybe this is what is referred to as a bottleneck" Felix said with a shake of his head as he stood up, he wasn't making any progress, he felt like something was missing but he didn't know what it was so he decided to stretch his legs.

"What the?" Felix said with shock as he glanced at the sky that was now filled with bright lights.

"Is this the result of meditation?" Felix asked himself with a look of confusion.

"Could it be that I am creating a world?" Felix said as a random thought flit across his mind but he quickly discarded that thought with a shake of his head.

"Hmm what if?" Felix said to himself in deep thought as he suddenly reached towards one of the lights out of instinct, what happened next was something totally unexpected.