Another C Rank

"It actually responded" Felix said in excitement as the light he reached out to suddenly flew towards him, when he touched it, his vision went blank as he appeared in a large plain with several huts around him, there were also people moving about and children playing around him.

"Where am I?, Hello please where am I, hello, can you hear me" Felix said to himself before trying to talk to one of the people passing by him, but no matter how much he tried, they didn't answer him.

"Oh shit" Felix suddenly shouted as someone walked through him.

"Am I a ghost?, no but where is this?" Felix asked himself with confusion, he had been transported to place after place and he was getting sick and tired of it.

"I was brought here for a reason so maybe If I find out what, I may be able to figure all this out" Felix said as he moved through the village until he arrived at a hit bigger than the rest.

"This must be the village head's hut" Felix said as he walked to it but he suddenly stopped.

"Hades where is your brother?" A muscular man suddenly came out of the hut as he glanced at a dark red haired boy around 9 years that stood behind Felix.

"Hades?, hahaha" Felix laughed when he heard the name.

"He is out in the fields together with the rest" Hades answered with a smile.

"Okay then why are you here?" The man asked with a smile.

"I don't belong with them" Hades answered with a sad expression.

"Don't say that, they are your family and will always be with you, never forget that okay?" The man said with a smile as he knelt near the boy and patted his head.

"Okay uncle, I am off to play now" Hades nodded his head with a smile as he turned to leave but at that moment another man came running towards them with a panicked expression.

"Village head, we are under attack" The panicked man said with fear.

"Who is it?, who dares to attack us?" The Village Head asked with a frown.

"It's your brother, he's here again" The panicked man said with fear.

"What!, how did he find us so soon?, Find the children and take them away, I will hold them off" The village head said as he went into his hut and took out a huge ax before walking away.

"Who is it that can make these people so panicked, I'd like to see" Felix wondered as he stared at the receding figure of the village head.

"Huh, was that it?, what exactly was that?" Felix asked with surprise as he appeared in the familiar black void but this time there were several more lights flying around him.

"Let's try this one" Felix said as he reached towards one of the slightly larger lights floating around him.

"A battlefield!, wow so real, I can even smell the blood, so much blood" Felix exclaimed with shock as he observed the new scene which was of a bloody battlefield, there was so much blood and thousands of bodies were scattered around him, in front of him was a man wearing golden armour, he had blue hair and his back was to him.

"It is finished" The man said as his sword fell to the ground then he also fell on his knees.

"Arrg" Felix shouted as he fell to the ground with a ground, immediately he heard the man's last words, he felt a splitting pain from his head like it was about to break as he got thrown backwards by an invisible force which caused him to appear in the black void again.

"Whew, I thought I was about to die for sure, what was that and why was it that when I felt that it was somewhat familiar, I suddenly felt a splitting headache, maybe I should pause with the lights, I need to meditate for sometime" Felix said with a sign of relief as he sat down to meditate, he felt all the energy in his body drain away.


"Huff, huff, this is the tenth wave and we have already lost more than half of our forces, how much time is left?" Damien said with fatigue as he caught his breath, he just finished killing a top D+ rank beast with the combined efforts of the top 3, he was now sharing the beast corpses.

"We have just a few minutes remaining, we just need to hold on for a little bit" Justin replied with a similar fatigued expression, he had also just finished killing two D rank beasts.

"I don't think we can hold on for much longer, we have already lost more than half of our forces and we haven't encountered up to 15 D+ ranks" Feng Shui said with gloom as he sat down to catch his breath.

"We should be expecting two things now, it's either they send all the rest at once without the C+ rank or they send all together with the C+ rank, let's hope it's the former, if not then we are all doomed" Justin said with a pale expression as he analyzed.

"So this is the final battle according to you, then that means that the difficulty may be higher than all the previous ones combined, well then if this is the final battle, then I will definitely give it my all" Vane said as his battle intent ignited once more.

'Is this guy even a human, even after all the previous battles, he still has such fierce battle intent?' Drake thought as he glanced at Vane.



"The last battle is upon us, this is the battle that shows where we stand, we don't need to win, we just need to buy time" Damien said as he felt the ground rumbling.

"For our survival" Vane shouted as he drew his sword and prepared to rush into battle but at that same moment, a loud howl resounded across the entire forest which caused all the remaining espers to feel a very strong pressure which caused them to fall to their knees while the stronger ones felt a piercing soundwave which caused their minds to shake.

"Arrg!, the C rank beast is attacking us, damn it, the other beasts are also coming, this is bad, if we don't find a way to negate the pressure, we will definitely die" Justin shouted in pain as he fell to the ground and grabbed his head, he could also feel the vibration of the ground growing stronger.


"Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate and.." Felix muttered as he meditated, he could feel a strange energy in him getting stronger and he concentrated then suddenly.

"Fuck, shit, how did this even get into my head, yuck, cough, damn it, sheesh" Felix said with disgust as he shivered, as he was meditating, an image of a bald donkey smiling suddenly came into his mind.

"Where did that image come from?, I am not even trying to think about that, is this supposed to be hell, cause it sure feels like it" Felix said with a grunt as he stood up.

"Well that was definitely fruitless, now how do I get out of here?, hmm" Felix asked himself as he studied his environment.

"I am definitely not going back to those lights, this void also has no end, so maybe I should focus on the light and darkness clones, maybe they are the key" Felix said with furrowed brows and he walked towards the clones to try and see if there was anything he missed.

"This clone seems to be made out of my light bloodline but this black clone, I don't know, it feels familiar but why, I don't think I have any other bloodline, but why did the Sage Dragon say it's been a long time it saw an hybrid, this is so frustrating, my whole life is a mess" Felix said with frustration as he punched the ground.


"What was that sound?" Felix asked as he looked around, he was sure he had heard a cracking sound.



"Oh my ..." Felix said with shock as he glanced at the ground which was cracking, the cracks were spreading across the void rapidly.





Within seconds, the whole void was filled with cracks which shattered and went flying towards Felix who opened his eyes wide with shock, he hadn't expected this at all.

"Damn it, I can't move, this is going to hurt" Felix said as he closed his eyes and waited for the impact, within seconds, screams of pain echoed could be heard.


"The stronger you resist, the stronger the pressure becomes!" Vane said with a grunt as he struggled to stand, he was the one feeling the most pressure out of all of them, because he was the most tenacious.

"We need to find a way to resist the pressure or we are doomed" Drake said with trembling hands.

"Use your manifested mana to resist the pressure" Damien shouted as a black liquid-like mana flowed out from his palms and covered his body like a cloak which halved the pressure he was feeling and made him barely able to stand.

"I need you all to inject your mana into this orb, it may just be able to buy us some time" Connor said from the crowd as he took out a colourless orb.

"Is that a Pressure Diffusing Orb, it is a low level one but you are right, we just might be able to turn the tables" Feng Shui said with a nod as he pointed his palm at the orb which caused a blue mana to rush towards the orb which absorbed it greedily but only lighted up a bit.

"Everyone direct your mana into the orb, we don't have much time" Damien said as he also directed his mana into the orb and within seconds, the orb was filled with several sorts of mana.

"Give it to me" Drake said as Connor threw it to him.

"Apodechteíte ti thysía tis mánas mas kai apalláxte mas apó aftí tin píesi [Accept the sacrifice of our mana and relieve us of this pressure]" Damien chanted as several runes on the body of the orb lighted up and as they did, a semi-transparent umbrella formed over them which caused the pressure to disappear.

"We may be safe from the pressure but the consumption is extreme especially since it's against a C rank beast" Connor said as the pressure disappeared.

"Hahahahaha, how foolish of you, did you really think that you could stop me with this, humans will always be humans" A loud and arrogant voice sounded above them.

"Shit, when did it even get here?, I didn't even see it, now what do we do" Sharpshooter said with fear as they all glanced above to see the Giant wolf staring at them with a playful smile.

"Justin what do we do?" Damien asked with furrowed brows, even he didn't know what to do so he had to ask the man with the plan.

"Hmm, I don't know, let me think, I need time" Justin replied, he himself was out of ideas, this wasn't included in his plans so he now had to create a new plan.

"I could kill you all instantly but that is no fun so why don't we make a wager" The Giant wolf said with a playful smile.

"Okay, let's hear it" Justin replied with a frown, he didn't know what sort of twisted plan the wolf wanted to provide but he knew that it was definitely not good.

"Okay, if you can withstand two of my attacks without dying, I will withdraw with my army, so do you accept?" The Giant wolf asked with a menacing smirk.

"We can definitely hold off one attack but two is going to be a problem" Drake said with deep thought.

"That's not the problem, the problem is that will it uphold it's end of the deal, I know better than to trust such a cunning beast" Justin said with a frown.

"How do we know if you will truly let us go" Damien asked with furrowed brows.

"You seem really confident that you will win" The Giant wolf said with a smile.

"He asked you a question" Vane said without fear.

"Hmm, I could kill you right now but I gave you a way to live and you dare question me, hmmp, whether you accept or not is your choice, I have given you a way" The Giant wolf said with arrogance.

"Do we accept or not?" Mulan asked with a frown.

"What choice do we have, all we can do is to trust that it would keep it's word but first we need to survive first" Justin said with a shake of his head.

"Okay we accept" Justin said with a sign.

"Good choice, now prepare for the first attack" The Giant wolf smiled as it glanced at them.

"The strongest at the front, the weakest at the back, when it attacks, attack with your strongest skills" Damien said with a shout as he implemented his strategy.

"The first attack" The Giant wolf said as it breathed in deeply and.


As it breathed out, a loud and fierce shockwave accompanied it which rushed towards the espers furiously.

"Attack now" Drake shouted as he slammed his palms together which generated a shockwave which shot towards the wolf's attack together with the attacks of more than 200 espers.

As they collided with the attack of the Giant wolf, the first set struck and lasted for a few seconds before crumbling, but they successfully weakened it and as the second set hit, they also weakened it before crumbling, by the time it reached the last attack, the wolf's attack had already crumbled.

"Hmm, you are stronger than I thought, get ready for the second attack" The Giant wolf said with a frown.

"That was easier than I thought" Sharpshooter said with disbelief.

"Yeah, that's strange, what's his angle?" Justin asked himself with a frown, he had to admit that it was too easy, he knew something was wrong but he didn't know what it was.

"Wait a minute, he may have intentionally reduced the power of the attack to make us relax our guard so as to attack us with an overwhelming skill, but now that we know it's plan, everyone prepare for the worst, use your strongest attacks to block it" Justin said with realization as he widened his eyes with shock at the wolf's cunningness.

"The Second Attack" The Giant wolf said as it closed it's eyes and when it opened them, they were green.


"Attack" Justin shouted with slight confusion, he could feel the strength of the attack and he knew for a fact that the attack was only slightly stronger than the first which made him feel uneasy.

"Justin concentrate" Damien shouted as he saw Justin standing there doing nothing.

"Sorry" Justin said with a shake of his head as he breathed in and took out his sword as it glowed with a green light.


Justin shouted as he waved his sword which caused a chaotic energy to slash through the air as it moved towards the wolf's attack, this time when it collided, it grew weaker faster than the previous one and before it reached the last attack, it had already dissipitated.

"What?, that's it?" Drake said with disbelief, he couldn't believe that they had blocked the two attacks like that, it was too easy.

"No, that isn't" Justin said with a frown, the others couldn't see it but his eyes could see the mana particles of the first and second attacks in the air joining together.

"What the?" Justin said with shock as the particles suddenly shot towards Drake at a speed that he couldn't see, by the time he knew what was happening, it was too late.

"It's the orb" Justin said as he turned to Drake but the attack had already struck.



When the orb was hit, it shone with a white light then exploded with a boom as the force threw all of them back.

"Cough, cough" Justin coughed blood as he struggled to stand, the explosion had struck him hard because he was the one closest to Drake who was holding it.

"Hahahaha, did you really think you deserved to make a deal with me?, how gullible, I only wanted to destroy the orb and now that I have, I shall kill you all, hahahaha" The Giant wolf laughed maliciously as pressure instantly descended on the espers once again.

"Arrg" Justin screamed in pain, some of them were dead, they were seriously injured and the army of beasts were already upon them, it seemed like this battle was meant to be lost when suddenly.


Another C rank beast's aura appeared which caused the pressure on the espers to disappear, and in the sky, a large shadow appeared, as the shadow of a large bird covered the espers.

"You" The Giant wolf spat out with rage as it stared at the beast which had injured it.