The End Of The First Round

"You" The Giant wolf spat out as it stared at the beast which injured it, it was a large Hawk with blood red feathers, behind it was an army of birds consisting of various ranks.

"Seems like our reinforcement have arrived" Justin said with a groan as he clutched his head in pain.

"Did you know that they would come?" Vane asked with shock.

"I wasn't sure they would come but i had a hunch that they might come" Justin answered with a grin.

"How did you contact them?" Damien asked with a confused expression.

"I didn't, when you told me that it was injured I knew that it must have been a C rank beast which was responsible and I knew that when it found out that another force had weakened the strength of its enemies force, it wouldn't miss this chance to conquer it's enemy" Justin explained as he caught his breath.

"So they aren't really our allies?" Drake asked with a frown.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Justin said as a loud boom sounded from above.

"This is a fight between two C ranks, we should focus on attacking the forest king's forces together with our reinforcements, it would be really bad if we don't gain the upper hand" Justin said with a sign as he stood up and glanced at the battle between the beasts.

"You are right, we only have some few minutes before it's time" Damien said with a nod.

"All espers attack" Damien shouted as he burst with frightening speed towards the battle with the others following close behind.

Meanwhile in the sky, the battle between the two C ranks was ongoing seriously, but it seemed like they were evenly matched.

"You stupid bird, how dare you attack me again, do you want to end up like your brother?" The Giant wolf mocked as it tried to slash the wings of the Giant bird.

"Hahaha, do you think you can kill me in your current state, you are weakened and vulnerable" The Giant bird said with a smirk as it waved it wings which sent several wind blades to the Giant wolf who was forced to block.

"With the combined forces of my army and those humans, your army will soon be wiped and then you will be bombarded by all our attacks, do you think you can survive that?" The Giant bird said with a chuckle as it spat out a huge ball of fire.

"You.." The Giant wolf said speechlessly, as it glanced at the battle on the ground, the Giant bird was right, his army was losing the upper hand, it had to think of something fast.


"Arrg, my head, my body" Felix groaned as he struggled to sit up, his whole body was in pain.

"Where am I?" Felix muttered as he tried to focus his groggy eyes in his surroundings, as his eyes gained focus, he could somehow see his surroundings, he was in a cave there was light coming from somewhere, then it all came back to him, how he entered the cave, fought the bats, met the Sage Dragon, signed a beast contract, appeared in a void, black and light clones, seeing visions, destroying the void.

"I don't feel different, hmm, maybe I should take a moment to stabilize myself" Felix said with a sign as he laid on the ground, not knowing that some distance away, a serious battle which he caused was going on.


"This is great, we have gained the upper hand, we can win this battle" Feng Shui said with a smile as he tore off the head of a D rank beast.

"That might seem right but the outcome of the battle mainly depends on them" Justin said as he glanced at the C ranks above.

"Wait, where's Damien?" Vane asked with a frown as he searched the battlefield for a sign of him.

"He isn't here but where could he be?" Drake asked as he tore out the hearts of two D ranks.

"Hmm" Justin just kept quiet as he recalled the words of the masked man earlier, he had a hunch that it was true but he didn't really care but now it seemed like it was true.


A loud sound echoed above them as they all glanced up to see the giant bird with a large injury on its wing, as it struggled to stabilize itself, the Giant wolf leaped on it and sunk it's fangs into its injured wing before tearing it off its body causing it to crash onto the ground with a Boom.

"Damn it, it's injured" Drake said with a grave expression as he stared at the injured Bird.

"Hahaha, foolish bird, did you think you could match me, how gullible, now you shall all die" The Giant Wolf's voice boomed above then as it glared at them, it looked especially terrifying with the birds blood dripping from its mouth.

"Huh, it's ready" Justin said as he took out a jade medallion which was glowing signifying that the teleportation array was ready.

"Should we leave like that" Justin asked himself when a loud voice sounded behind them.

"All espers leave now" The voice sounded as a bright light flashed which meant that an esper had left, immediately the entire battlefield was filled with bright lights.

"Hmm, I guess I have no choice" Justin signed as he also injected his man's into his jade medallion and left.

"Arrrrg, noo" The giant wolf shouted in anger as it watched the espers leaving, there was nothing it could do but watch.

"Now that half of the army has left, how will you survive" The Giant wolf said as it glared at the giant bird on the ground.

"Huh, where's everyone" Felix said with surprise as he arrived at the battlefield to discover that there were no humans.

"You.., you are the human who killed my people, hahahaha, you are foolish enough to come to your death" The giant wolf said menacing as it walked towards Felix, it recognized Felix due to his mask.

"Oh so you are the Forest beast king, well, goodbye" Felix said lazily as he stared at the wolf before snapping his fingers, as he did, a loud boom sounded as the head of the giant wolf exploded causing its body to fall limply on the ground.

"Huh, there's another one" Felix said with furrowed brows as he glanced at the injured Bird on the ground.

"Wait, I am not your enemy, I am an ally" The giant bird said with fear, its soul almost left its body when it saw how Felix had easily killed the giant wolf.

"Oh okay, if you want me to spare you, trade something with your life" Felix said as he walked over to the giant bird.

"What?, I mean, yes, I have a faint bloodline of the Ancient Roc, my feathers contain some of this bloodline so it can be used to create armours of weapons" The giant bird said happily when Felix said he wouldn't kill it as it plucked some of its feathers and handed it over to Felix who placed them in his dimension Ring.

"Good, I will spare you today but is you ever come before me again, hehehe" Felix said menacingly as he placed the body of the giant wolf in his dimension Ring and left.

"Whew, that was dangerous" The giant bird said with relief after Felix disappeared, it constantly felt a very dangerous feeling from Felix, but now he had eliminated it's foe so it was now free to conquer the forest so a few of its feathers were nothing.


Meanwhile the espers had returned to the city and were receiving treatment, the first round was about to end.

"All espers gather around for the end of the tournament, place your beast corpse in front of you, a F rank beast is worth 50 points, F+ rank is worth twice, an E rank beast is worth 200 points, An E+ rank is worth twice, a D rank beast is worth 500 points, a D+ rank is worth twice, a C rank is worth 10,000 points, let the counting begin" A D rank judge said as he explained the rules to them.

As the count continued, some people beamed with smiles while other's expressions were down, some had few beast corpses while others had mountains.

"And now we will announce the results of the first round" The judge said which caused some to start feeling nervous.

"We will start from the bottom, Rank 508, Zhao Feng, points: 500, 10 F rank beast corpses, Rank 507, Mo Fan, points: 550, 9 F+ rank beast corpses and 1 F+ rank beast corpse, Rank 506, Ronny Lane...." As the judge started announcing the results of the first round, those whose names had been announced revealed looks of sadness.

The judge continued announcing the ranks, some people stood tall with confidence as they revealed looks of indifference, they already knew their position.

"Hmm, I haven't heard Shadow Walker's name even after reaching the 10th rank, could it be that he is dead?" Sharpshooter said with a frown, he was looking forward to another battle with Felix after his embarrassing defeat at the training facility, he had gotten the 13th rank so he had renewed confidence.

"He better not be dead, I still need to cripple him like he did to my brother" Feng Shui said with gritted teeth, he was the 9th rank.

"Rank 9, Feng Shui , Points:...., Rank 8, Yu Yan Points:...., Rank 7, Xander Blaze, Points:...., Rank 6, Vane Griffin, Points:...., Rank 5, Justin Long, Points:...., Rank 4, Hua Mulan, Points:...., Rank 3, Drake Alexander, Points:...., Rank 2...." The judge said then paused for a second which caused everyone to feel the suspense, they were all wondering who was able to push them below their original rank but one person stood proud and confidently as he waited for the result, it was Damien, he knew that he was the winner for sure.

"Rank 2, Damien Silver, Points: 120,000, 400 F Rank beasts, 300 F+ Rank beasts, 100 E rank beasts, 50 E+ Rank beasts, 40 D Rank beasts and 10 D+ Rank beasts, Rank 1, Shadow Walker, Points:130,000, 500 F rank beasts, 300 F+ rank beasts, 100 E Rank beasts, 50 E+ rank beasts, 30 D rank beasts, 10 D+ rank beasts, 1 C rank beast" The judge announced finally which caused everyone to turn silent with shock, did they hear it right?, Shadow Walker got the first and he even had a C rank beast's corpse but at this moment someone was feeling the most anger out of all of them, it was Damien.