Start Of The Second Round

"How is this possible?, how could he rank higher than me?" Damien said with anger.

"Since the Results of the first round have been announced, the second round will commence tomorrow, if anyone has anything to say, say it now" The Judge said as he observed the expressions of the people to find the one called Shadow Walker.

"I have something to say" A voice sounded as Damien walked out.

"What is it?" The Judge asked Indifferently.

"If you have studied, you will notice that the number of participants who survived are not even up to half of the total number" Damien said with a menacing grin.

"Yes I know but it happens Everytime the secret dimension is opened, and we also notified you of the danger before you entered so what are you getting at" The judge replied with a frown, it was true that this batch of participants had the least number than any of the other batches that had entered.

"It was actually due to the action of someone" Damien said as he glanced at Shadow Walker with a menacing grin.

'Why is that fool staring at me like that, could it be that he is..." Felix though as a horrifying thought came to his mind.

"What do you mean?" The judge asked.

"I mean that the one who had the first rank intentionally provoked the strongest beast in the forest then left us to fight for our lives which caused many of our comrades to die, I just want to ask for a fair judgement on behalf of our dead comrades" Damien said with a smile.

"So you wish for us to?" The judge asked.

"I wish for you to disqualify him from the tournament" Damien said with a grin.

"Hmm, I'm afraid I can't do that based on your words, we need solid proof to be able to disqualify him from the tournament" The judge shook his head as he said.

"Solid proof, what other proof do you need except the fact that we lost more than 60% of our forces not to mention the fact that he has a C rank beast corpse" Damien said angrily as he pointed at Felix who stood there scratching his head.

"Whenever the secret dimension is opened, losses are great so it's understandable and him having a C rank beast corpse is understandable" The judge explained as he glanced at Felix.

"With all due respect, I will also like to testify that this man cooperated with the C rank beast to kill us" Feng Shui said with a nod.

"Yes and he also attacked and also severely injured one of us" Xander also chipped in.

"He attacked me and threatened to kill me, then left us to die in the battle against the C rank beast" Cloudcrusher said with a pale expression as he stepped forward and showed his missing limb.

'Hmm, could it be true that he did all those things, if he did then him being disqualified is understandable' The judge thought with a frown.

"Cough, do you 'Shadow Walker' hereby deny all this offences?" The judge asked with a stern look.

"No" Felix answered as he stared at the judge.

"What?, you don't?" The judge asked with surprise and shock, he didn't expect Felix's answer, in fact nobody did.

"What?" Damien said with shock, he had expected Felix to deny so he could attack him with more incriminating evidence.

"I did all they said but for a good reason" Felix said with a calm expression under the mask.

"What reason could you have for injuring a fellow esper?" Damien asked fiercely.

"Shut it Rank 2" Felix said with a mocking tone.

"You.." Damien said with shock and anger, he knew that Felix was mocking him.

"Since you hereby accepted all the accusations, you will hereby be put under probation while I and the other judges decide your fate" The judge said with a stern frown as he turned and walked away.

'Hehehe, you are done now' Damien thought happily.


After some minutes of deliberating, the judges finally reached a consensus.

"Cough, after several deliberations, we have finally agreed on your punishment, since you are the first rank, your punishment will not be disqualification but you will be charged with a fine which will be paid with points, after several calculations, your fine has been agreed to be 40,000 points which will bring your rank down to the 10th" The judge announced which made several people in the crowd happy.

'Serves you right, an ant dares to go against me' Damien thought with a grin.

"Okay, so when is the 2nd round going to start?" Felix said calmly which shocked everyone, you have just been brought to the 10th rank from first but you don't even seem pertruded.

"Huh, oh it will start tomorrow so get some rest" The judge said with a strange expression as he stared at Felix, nobody knew what was going through his mind.


Several hours later, Felix could be seen on a bed, he was in an inn, at the moment he was thinking about his experience at Thunder Mountain.

"Everything seems so strange and connected, why do I feel so uneasy?, I don't like this feeling and where is James, he should be here by now" Felix said to himself as he sat up.

"With my current strength, I could easily kill everyone in the city, If I stay like this, I could easily win the tournament but what would be the fun in that, then how about I...hahahaha" Felix said then paused as he suddenly burst into laughter like a maniac.

"Yes, now that's a plan, I wonder how exciting things will be tomorrow" Felix smiled as he lay back down and fell asleep.


The next day was a very lovely one because this was the round that everyone was most expectant of.

"I welcome you all to the second round of the White Jade Seal Tournament, in this tournament the contestants will be placed in groups of 10 where there will be 50 groups in total, the rules of this tournament state that at the end of the tournament, the last people standing will have won the second round, any contestant who falls outside the ring will be eliminated" The judge announced as several large stages appeared.

"These are the names of the people in the 1st ring, Zhou Feng, Lu Piao, Shang Tsung, Justin Long, George Gray,...., these are the names of the people in the 2nd ring, Feng Shui, Layla Grey, Danny Cage,....., these are the names of the people in the 5th ring, Yu Yan, Tang Rou, Tommy Lee..., these are the names of the people in the 20th ring, Damien Silver, Bruce Ray, Sam Castle, Shadow Walker, Vane Griffin..., these are the names of the people in the 25th ring, Drake Alexander, Hannah Fray, Cain Zain..., these are the names of the people in the 30th ring, Hua Mulan, Justina Bane, Dennis Phantom...these are the names of the people in the 37th ring, Cloudcrusher, Jeffery Lannister, Mark Lannister, .... these are the names of the people in the 41st ring, Sharpshooter, Lincoln Pierce...., these are the names of the people in the 50th ring, Xander Blaze, Feng Shui, ..." The judge announced the names of the people in each ring and when he reached the 20th ring, he slightly paused then announced the names which caused some people to exchange strange glances.

"Now that you all know your rings, get ready because in a few seconds, you will each head to your respective rings" The Judge said with a nod as he headed to the other judges with something on his mind.

"Still no sign of him, where the hell is he?" Felix asked himself as he searched through the spectators for someone.

"Hey Shadow Walker, seems fate has brought us together again, I don't know how you got so many beast corpses but in a one on one fight, you will definitely be no match for me, I trained daily for a year, training to the brink of death just to achieve a minor breakthrough in my training only for you to just come out of nowhere and steal my limelight, I just have three words for you, you are dead" A voice sounded behind Felix as Damien appeared with a smile.

"Huh, did you say something, oh it's just you, what are you eve byn doing here, let me just make something clear with you, I am not gay okay, so leave me alone" Felix said as he came out of his deep though6 ,6ts and met Damien smiling strangely at him.

"You..." Damien said speechlessly as he stared at Felix, he didn't expect this.

"Okay participants of the second round, due to some complications, your referee has been changed, now head to your respective rings immediately, the second round will officially begin" A new judge appeared as all the contestants moved to their respective rings with battle spirit.

"As of now, the second round has officially begin, it will last for ten minutes, good luck" The city lord said with a smile.

"Crack, I am going to break every single bone in your bone then break those bones into even smaller bones" Damien said with a menacing grin as he cracked his knuckles then released his peak D rank aura which scared all the others contestants away as he walked towards Felix who stared at him without moving.

'Should I kill him or not?, maybe I should destroy his meridians, or should I break all his bones?' At this moment, Felix was thinking if he should just 'accidentally severely injure' Damien.

"Prepare to be destroyed" Damien said as he manifested his mana to cover his hands then stepped on the ground to prepare for a strong punch which caused the ground beneath him to crack, but as he was about to leap forward, he suddenly felt an immense force approaching him from his side which caused him to pause and turn to block.


A loud shockwave was generated as a figure slammed into Damien who blocked but was pushed back in the process.

"Who?.." Damien said with rage as he turned to see who it was.

"I told you that I would battle you again, my last defeat only made me stronger now let's have a rematch" A voice sounded as a figure appeared from the dust with a crazed grin.

"You..." Damien said with a frown as he stared at the figure.