The power of the Jìng yǎn Bloodline

"What do you think about him?" The Emperor asked calmly as he gazed at Felix from the sky.

"He's strong and dangerous, we need to take him out" Shadow replied with a frown.

"You mean train him" Alexander said as he observed Felix calmly.

"He's hiding his true rank" Mei Ling the silver haired woman said with glowing Eyes.

"Hmm, nothing can hide from your eyes, let's see what your grandson can do" Griffin said with a grin.


"The next match will now commence, both participants should step onto the stage" The referee announced after 10 minutes.

"Huu, let's get this on the road, I've got three more people to face" Felix said as he did a couple of squats.

"If after 20 minutes, I still haven't won then I will admit defeat" Justin said calmly as his purple hair flowed in the wind.

"Don't worry this won't take long" Felix said with a grin.

"Underestimating your enemy before you haven't even started is a big mistake" Justin said calmly as he drew his sword.

"He directly drew his weapon, looks like he isn't taking any chances" Felix said to himself.


Justin slashed his sword lightly as an overwhelming sword aura spread out into the area, a bright light suddenly appeared that seemed like it could slash the sky apart which headed towards Felix. Seeing this, Felix smiled as took out his bow and arrow

"He's an archer" The now recovered Jonny Swift said with a look of understanding.


As Felix released the arrow, it suddenly turned into a beam which shot towards the slash as it turned into a raging storm which struck the slash and released a frightening energy that destroyed the slash and continued it's advance towards Justin who gripped the handle of his sword and slashed downwards.


Another destructive slash appeared which caused the air to tremble, to the onlookers it looked like it wanted to split the sky in half and when it clashed with the arrow, it split it into two before it dissipated.

"I need two moves to neutralize one move of his, good that's all I need, time to get serious" Justin said as his eyes glowed.


He dashed towards Felix and slashed at him, seeing this Felix dodged to the side using his speed to effectively dodge, but as he did, he suddenly saw the blade turn towards his location like it predicted his move.


Blood splashed as Felix received a light cut, he had managed to dodge but he wasn't quick enough.

"How did he..." Felix said with a frown as he backed off, this was the first fight in the entire competition where his opponent had actually touched him with his weapon.

"It was like he had already known where I would go, was it luck or..." Felix said as he stared at Justin's glowing eyes.

"When it comes to strategy and cunningness, among the top 5, it undoubtedly falls in the hands of Justin, with his 'Jìng yǎn' bloodline, he can near perfectly predict his opponents actions" Drake said with a smile as he watched the battle with a grin.

"His eyes, so that was what was constantly giving me a bad feeling, his eye bloodline is strong" Felix said with a frown.

"I guess this battle won't be as easy as you imagined" Justin said with a rare smile.

"Hmm, let's see if you can predict this" Felix said as he nocked 5 arrows and fired.


Justin easily blocked the 5 arrows but as soon as he finished, he felt a sharp wind on his face as he dodged to the side.

"You can't escape me" Felix muttered as he threw a kick towards Justin who swung his sword towards a point on his Felix's chest which caused him to pause the move and retreat.

"Shit, he saw through it" Felix said with a look of shock, Justin had seen the flaw which he had so meticulously concealed.

"Nothing is hidden from me" Justin said calmly as he stared at Felix.

"We'll see about that" Felix said with a grin as he crouched and shot towards Justin, as he did, the ground underneath his feet cracked.


As he ran, lightening suddenly condensed on his fist which he threw towards Justin but as he did, he suddenly saw a similar fist covered in lightening with similar power which clashed with his and due to his shock, he lost concentration which caused Justin attack to reign over his and push him backwards.

"He copied my attack, how..." Felix said with shock.

"Hehehehe, the main characteristic of the Jìng yǎn bloodline is the ability to copy it's target's skill almost perfectly, that's what makes Justin the most cunning out of all of us, he always has tricks up his sleeves" Drake laughed as he saw Felix's expression.

"Now you see that this battle is not as easy as you thought" Justin said calmly.

"What is your eye's exact ability" Felix asked curiously.

"Telling you this is like giving myself out, I've already given you a hint at the beginning" Justin said with a mysterious smile.

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"Hmm, so your eye can see almost every flaw in an opponent's skill, it can also copy it's target's skill almost perfectly, but I'm guessing it has a limit, I mean everyone has a weakness and so do you, I just have to find it but until then, let's play" Felix said with a smile as he appeared in front of Justin and threw several punches, each of these were were blocked by Justin who also threw his own.

As the battle raged on, they exchanged several moves as the shockwaves from their attacks battered the stage and caused cracks to appear.

"I can do this all day, let's see who drops first" Felix grinned as he unleashed a series of complex skill which was somehow countered by Justin whose eyes glowed weirdly, as he saw this, he felt uneasy but he couldn't understand why.


A fierce and destructive attack suddenly appeared behind Felix who was caught off guard, but once he sensed it, he pushed his speed to the limit as he turned and unleashed a raging fist, due to its impromptu release, the raging fist wasn't as strong as intended so he was the one who was on the losing end.


"Space isolation.." Griffin said with a look of shock as he glanced at Mei Ling who also looked shocked even though she tried to hide it.

'Even his father couldn't do it at his age and he was said to be a one in a million genius' Mei Ling thought with shock.

'That boy is bound to a thorn in my side, maybe I should get rid of him' Shadow thought with a frown but as he glanced at Mei Ling, he immediately took that thought out of his mind, he knew how terrifying she was and knew that she would hunt him down to avenge her.


'Jusy how many abilities does this guy have, I guess I have to take him more seriously' Felix thought back to how he had almost lost his arm.

"Your eye is bizzare, it reminds me of someone" Felix said as he thought back to his time on earth, there was a particular Eastern Fantasy book which he liked it was called, "King Of Gods", it was about a normal guy who obtained an eye bloodline which gave him the power to defeat superior opponents, he was al..., wait wait, back to the story[Authors Note: If you are interested, read it cause it's really good, peace]

'Why is it taking so long?' Felix thought to himself with anger.

'This guy is tricky but I think I have a fair idea of his abilities and his weaknesses, he can detect a flaw in his target's skill, he can teleport a skill to any where in his immediate environment, he can also copy his opponents skill and I'm sure that's all but everything has a weakness, teleporting will by all means have a range, and copying his opponent's skill will also have a limit both in time and magnitude, if the skill is too powerful, it will strain his bloodline which will also have a limit so I'm guessing....In 20 he was informing me..." Felix said with a smile as he glanced at Justin

"Stop holding back or you will lose" Justin said calmly.

"Well okay then I also have an ability similar to yours, it's called ability steal, so I want to find out if yours is better than mine" Felix grinned as the environment became silent.

"Oh really, well I also want to find out, guess it's no holding back now" Justin said with a smile as his hair turned silver in color.

"As expected, he was also holding back, now that I have an excuse, I can go all-out" Felix grinned as clenched his fist which made cracking sounds.