The Ability Steal System Vs The Jìng Yǎn Bloodline

"Four steps forward followed by a punching skill, counter: copying punching skill followed by a kick" Justin muttered to himself, as soon as he did, Felix who was standing in front of him, dashed forward four steps and threw a punch.


Justin who had anticipated this, stepped back and copied the same skill which neutralized Felix's attack then threw a kick to his groin which Felix blocked but was thrown backwards.

"So he can see my movements before I make them, if that's the case then what if he can't see my movements" Felix smiled as he increased his speed to 50%.

"He increased his speed but it's still not his peak, he's holding back, I'll teach him to underestimate me" Justin said to himself as he raised his sword for an attack.

As Felix was only a few feet from Justin, he suddenly turned into a shadow that disappeared.

"Huh, where did he go?" Justin asked himself with shock, even his eye couldn't see Felix's movement, as he was searching for Felix, he suddenly felt danger coming from behind him.


"That's Vane's skill" Justin's eyes widened in shock as he raised his sword to block.


"Arrg, my arms are almost numb, what type of strength does he posses, did he copy Vane's skill" Justin's thoughts were flying around as he tried to create a new strategy.


Felix suddenly appeared before Justin and threw a punch which Justin hurriedly tried to block but midway Felix suddenly paused as he bent low and threw his legs upwards towards Justin who was caught off guard.


The strike hit him squarely on his jaw with a boom which threw him into the sky but Felix wasn't finished because he jumped into the air and threw a kick to Justin's chest which threw him back onto the ground.


The impact caused the stage to crack as dust was blown into the surrounding.

"Arrg he's fast, my eye can't respond fast enough, his should I deal with him, my body isn't as strong as Vane's so I can't take many of his attacks" Justin said weakly as he soat out blood, he knew that his constitution wasn't as strong as Vane's so if he tried to indulge in a melee fight with Felix, he would definitely lose.


A shadow suddenly flashed before him which caused him to wince, the shadow flashed behind him again.

"He's too fast, if that's the case then I will use it" Justin said as his eyes suddenly glowed with a silver light as the surrounding dust cleared instantly.

"What the.." Felix suddenly said as his surroundings changed, he had appeared in a dark plain filled with smoke and fire.

"How did I get here, was it those figures in the sky?, no it wasn't... could it be... I'm in an illusion" Felix said with surprise.

"Got you, I'm sure it won't last long so I'm going to focus everything on this one strike and end this battle" Justin said coldly as he raised his sword which became covered in a silver light into the air and dashed towards Felix who was standing motionless in the middle of the stage.


The sword suddenly glowed with a faint light at the edges which caused several spectators to open their mouth wide in shock because they identified the light.

"That's sword qi, it's truly sword qi, I can't believe he can manifest sword qi" The City Lord said to himself with shock, sword qi was when the swordsman was able to physical manifest his sword will.[Authors Note: Totally made that up]

"His level of mastery is close to that of Mulan" Drake said with shock.

As the sword was about to touch Felix, he suddenly opened his eyes suddenly turned to Justin as the corner of his lips lifted into a smirk.

"Booo" Felix smirked as his eyes met Justin's eyes.

'Damn it, with his speed he will definitely dodge it and it will be over' Justin thought grimly but Felix's next actions left the whole spectators shocked, he extended his arm and tapped the tip of the sword which stopped it's advance.



After he touched it, a crack suddenly appeared on the tip then spread to the whole body of the sword with shattered.

"..." Justin just stood there blankly.

"..." Drake also say there wide mouthed with a look of shock.


"What just happened?" Frost asked with shock, even he couldn't help but be shocked.

"That just now was it..." Griffin said then paused.

"Yes that was a near perfect mana control which means he is a.." Before Alexander could finish talking, a loud boom sounded on the stage as a fierce aura gushed out of Felix's body.


"Yes I'm a peak D rank" Felix grinned as he stared at Justin who had landed a few feet away.


[The Jìng Yǎn Bloodline has been successful stolen]

"Took you long enough, time to end this" Felix said as he glanced at Justin who suddenly sensed that something bad was about to happen.


As Felix muttered these words, a large blade suddenly condensed in his hands from his mana.

"That's my skill" Justin said with shock as he Felix swung the sword towards him, seeing this approaching sword and comparing it to Justin's own, it was like comparing a twig to a long sword, Felix's own had the essence of it's name because it looked like it was about to actually split the sky.

"Why is it so slow..?" Justin asked himself as he watched the sword descend towards him, he felt like it was too slow.

"I have to give it my all of I want to survive this attack" Justin said as he gritted his teeth and activated his bloodline, his eyes glowed with a silver light as it condensed into a large silver shield which stood proudly to block the attack.

"It's still not enough" Justin groaned as he supplied the shield with his bloodline power which caused it to glow more brightly.


"Is he going to be okay?" Griffin asked with a frown.

"Yeah it looks like the guy is trying to kill him, I suggest we capture him and interrogate him on his origins" Shadow smiled menacingly.

"Open your eyes, can't you see that the boy is holding back, he's trying to give Justin the opportunity to block the skill" Alexander said with a mocking grin.

"He's using too much bloodline power, it may affect his eye adversely, wait could it be that he's trying to..." said with a look of shock as she stared at Felix.



As the sword struck the shield, it created shockwaves that struck the stage which was continuously battered by it, at first it looked like they were evenly matched but then it happened.


A single crack appeared which slowly extended itself and spread like wildfire across the shield which caused Justin's pupils to constrict.

"I need more..." Justin grimanced in pain as he used the last of his bloodline power to support the shield which resisted as it weakened the power of the sword which dimmed significantly 77 after sometime.


"Is this the end...I..just..need..a little..." Justin muttered as he fell to the ground weakly, his bloodline power was drained, he was starting to lose consciousness as he watched the weakened sword descend you.


Justin suddenly opened his eyes as a golden light burst forth that struck and shattered the sword before disappearing.

"Hmm, so it worked" Felix smiled as he appeared in front of Justin, he had intentionally used that skill to trigger Justin's Bloodline mutation.

"Thank you.." Justin said weakly, he acknowledged Felix's efforts to help him.

"Okay, it's exactly 20 minutes, you lose" Felix said with a smile as he extended his hand to help Justin stand up.

"Well, I sincerely thank you, I have obtained much from this match but you don't seem to have gotten much, thank you" Justin said with a weak bow.

'If only you knew, hehehehe' Felix laughed silently in his head.

"I surrender" Justin said weakly as he walked off the stage.

"It seems you were right, system, he is a.." Felix suddenly stopped mid-way as he glanced at the sky silently for a moment then walked away, he felt something was going to happen soon.

"Okay who's the next?" Felix asked arrogantly.

"He won again, this guy is a monster, he has defeated two of the strongest and he is still this energetic" An esper said with a grim look.

"This guy..." Drake said through gritted teeth, he thought that Felix's battle with Justin would end up weakening him but somehow he didn't look like he had just engaged in a major battle.

"This next match will begin in 10 minutes" The referee announced and as he was leaving, a D rank esper suddenly walked over to him and whispered something in his ears which made him frown before walking towards the city lord.

"Yes, what's the problem?" The city lord asked calmly.

"Repairing the stage after each match is tiring so we were wondering if we should upgrade the stage" The referee said as he felt like he could hear his heart beating in his heart.

"Hmm, okay here's two D+ rank beast core" the city lord said as he threw two beast cores to him.

"Thank you very much" The referee said with a bow as he left.

Ten minutes later the third match was about to begin, Felix could be seen standing calmly on the stage like he owned it.

"Hmm, so you are the arrogant fool acting like he owns the place" A beautiful girl suddenly walked onto the stage with a bow behind her, she had long black hair with a gracious face, she was the third rank 'Hua Mulan'.

"So you are the most talented in the field of weapons, hmm and also an Archer, okay so let's do it like this, I can't hit a woman so surrender now and let me move onto my next opponent" Felix said calmly to Mulan.


As soon as he finished he suddenly saw three arrows in front of him which he caught effortlessly.

"Wow you are fast but did.." Before he could finish talking.


The three arrows exploded in his hand which caused him to grimace in pain, it didn't damage him much but the fact that he was caught off guard actually surprised him.

"You talk too much, I hate men like you" Mulan said with disdain as she drew several arrows nocked them and fired.


Even before it reached, some exploded and the force proppelled the others which made them faster.


"Shit so tricky, I have to keep dodging until her arrows finish" Felix said with a sigh, he really didn't want to fight her.

So it continued like that for some minutes as Felix ran around the stage continuously until he was tired of it.

"This is too embarrassing, I can't keep doing this, it's a waste of time, I guess I have no choice" Felix said as he also took out his bow and fired some arrows to block the arrows that were coming but one managed to dodge narrowly which he took as a coincidence so he was about to catch it and throw it back to her when it suddenly changed directions midair and shot towards his arm and pierced him before exploding.


"Arrg, my arm, shit what was that" Felix said with pain as he stared at his injury then at Mulan, he couldn't understand how the arrow could move on it's own.

"It seems you don't know much about me, my ability is telekinesis" Mulan said with a smile that entranced several of the male spectators.

"Oh shit" Felix cursed as he sighed, one of the most troublesome abilities was telekinesis not to talk of the fact that the wielder was an archer and a very talented one.

"Well this is you to one troublesome match" Felix said with a grin as he breathed in and breathed out.

"Bring it on, let's see how strong this Jìng Yǎn bloodline actually is" Felix said as his eyes suddenly glowed with a unnoticeable purple light.