Traitor Among Us

"Hmm, three arrows to my right, two to my left" Felix muttered to himself as he jumped into the sky, immediately he did 5 arrows flew past his previous location and exploded but by that time, he was already out of harms way.

'Dammit I want to end this battle fast but I don't want to hurt her' Felix thought with a confused look as he thought of what to do.

"Being confused in battle is a big mistake" Felix heard a cold voice say as a slim long sword swung downwards towards him.

"Whew, that was close, wait she can also use a sword, now I know why she is called the most talented weapons user among the top 4" Felix said to himself as he narrowly dodged the sword.

"You are fast but are you fast enough" Mulan said as she immediately switched to her bow and fired several arrows.

'I should end this fast' Felix said as he dodged to the right and shot towards her with full speed and threw a punch, he was so fast that the ground trembled, but just as he was only a few feet from her, she suddenly turned to him and smiled.

At that moment, Felix felt that something was wrong but it was too late because, as he took a step forward, he was suddenly thrown backwards with a force equivalent to the one he used, he was thrown directly to the edge of the stage.

"Arrg, my arm" Felix said with pain as he stood up and glanced at his fist which was broken.

"What was th..." Felix was saying as he looked when suddenly a flying object suddenly arrived in front of him and pierced his chest.



In the skies above, the figures floating all showed shocked expressions as they all glanced down with seriousness.

"Did you see that?" Alexander asked with shock as his eyes constricted, the scene that replayed in his mind was too good to be true.

"That's not possible?" Shadow said with furrowed brows.


Down below, every high levelled esper showed shocked expressions.

"Did that just happen!" The city lord asked himself with shock as he stared at the stage.

"How.. how" Drake muttered wide-eyed as he stared at the stage.

On the stage, Mulan stood there with shock as she replayed the scene in her mind, just now, as the arrow was about to touch Felix, a flaming wall suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped it.

"You.. you're a Dual-Ability Esper.." Mulan said speechlessly as she glanced at Felix.

"That is right" Felix said with a grin, in that moment of peril, he had showed one of his trump cards which was fire manipulation.

"Do you wish to surrender?" Felix asked as he conjured a fireball which revolved on his palm.

"Hmmp, it's still not enough to win me" Mulan said with a grunt as she nocked several arrows and shot them.

"As you wish Mademoiselle" Felix smiled as he shot a fireball towards the approaching arrows.

At the same time, the city lord was observing Felix intently as he sank into deep thought, one of the guards walked over to him and whispered something into his ears which caused him to squint at Felix.

"Are you sure?" The city lord asked with a frown.

"I'm positive that it's him, should I stop the fight?" The guard answered.

"Hmm,no let's see how the events play out first before Interfering, not to mention the special guests watching" The city lord replied with a shake of his head.



Felix lazily waved him hand which caused a flaming wall to appear before him, the wall blocked all the arrows easily like paper entering fire.

"How is he suddenly so strong?, damn it, was he seriously holding back the whole time, just how many trucks does he have up his sleeves" Mulan said with furrowed brows as she thought of how to defeat Felix.

"Just give up, I have no intentions of wasting time on you, let the next one come in, I'm starting to feel sleepy so let's end this quickly" Felix said with a yawn as he stood at one place and blocked all her attacks, it's like he perfectly countered her, her main advantage was to use telekinesis to control her arrows to attack and her thick defense but now he was being protected by his flaming wall which had neutralized her advantage.

"This is boring, it's time to end this" Felix said as he stomped his right foot on the ground and raised his hands into the air.




The ground suddenly started trembling as a large crater appeared at the centre of the stage, flames poured out of the crater as a large paw came out followed by the other then a large dragon head came out and roared as flames jotted out of its mouth.

"What the fuck?, that's not a D rank's power, so he's actually a D+ rank, we have to stop him, the girl can't block that attack" The D+ rank guard said as he jumped out of the stage and rushed towards Mulan, by this time the dragon's full body was out and it was already moving toward Mulan who was frozen in shock as her shield crumbled instantly.


The guard shouted as he arrived before Mulan and immediately cast an ice wall to block the attack but the next moment, a shocking thing happened, the fire dragon suddenly disappeared and appeared somewhere in the spectators, bypassing the shield, but instead of attacking all the spectators, it shrank and headed for one person specifically, before it could touch the person, a light struck it which dissipated it's power.

"Shadow Walker, how dare you brazenly try to commit murder in plain sight, do you not have fear, you are under arrest for massacring a household three months ago, do you accept your crimes" The D+ rank guard said as he and his squad surrounded Felix with weapons drawn.

"What are you going on about, I only did that to take back what's mine, what business of that is yours, the real enemy is seated there and you weaklings are wasting time on me, if not for that attack just now, many would be dead, you should be thanking me" Felix said righteously as he grunted.

"Silence murderer, follow us silently or you will be taken with force" The D+ rank said with anger as he drew his sword and pointed it at Felix.

"Oh do we really have to do this now, uh just fuck off" Felix said with a shake of his head as he stomped on the stage.


A loud breaking sound echoed throughout the stage as the stage directly cracked and broke into pieces, the shockwaves reaching even the city lord's stand.

"Hmm, that's better" Felix said with a grin as he gazed at the bodies of the guards lying unconscious on the ground.

"So you still aren't coming out, or do you want me to drag you out myself" Felix said as he stared at a figure in the spectators.

"Hahahahaha, how observant, even those old fogeys didn't sense me but you did, you must be Felix then" The figure said with a laugh as he floated from the crowd and released his aura, instantly the aura of a Kreed spread out.

"Hmmp, a Kreed dares to enter our city, how daring" The city lord's angry voice sounded as he flew from his stands to face the Kreed.


"How is that possible, a Kreed in the continent , this is serious, how could we not sense it" Blake said with surprise.

"Huh, what's that?, a barrier" Shadow said as a barrier suddenly appeared which surrounded the Martial Grounds.

"Outrageous, did they think this could stop us" Griffin said with a frown as he punched the barrier.


An equal amount of force was propelled at him which pushed him backwards.

"Huh, it's not an ordinary barrier, I don't think we will be able to get through it easily" Alexander said with furrowed brows as he observed the barrier.

"Huh, a message from the Lightening Esper" The Emperor who had been silent all along suddenly spoke as he took out an orb and when he read the message his expression turned grim.


"Hmmp, so you are the guardian of this city, let's see if you can entertain me a bit" The Kreed said as it's eyes glowed red with excitement.

"Underestimating me even before a fight, you truly are a fool" The city lord said as he took out a Saber and swung it at the Kreed.


A bright light erupted from the saber which radiated with power as it headed towards the Kreed who only pointed it's finger at the attack.


A dark ray flew out from it's finger which pierced through the attack which nullified it and continued it's advance towards the city lord who raised his saber to block it.


The ray struck the saber, pierced it and struck the shoulder of the city lord, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

'What was that ray, only one attack did this, I am not his match' The city lord thought in fear as he felt the pain in his shoulder.

"Hmm, what a weakling, when adults are talking, children shouldn't but in" The Kreed said with a grin as it pointed it's finger at the city lord to fire another attack.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, don't you have any shame, attacking someone weaker than you" An old voice sounded as a middle aged man appeared out of nowhere.

"It's him" Felix said with surprise, this was the man who was in charge of the registration and who Cloudcrusher had mocked.

"At last someone strong has appeared, finally some enjoyment" The Kreed said as it stared at the man with battle intent.

"Evacuate the premises Son, Dad has work to do" The man said to the city lord.


Meanwhile in the sky, the Emperor read the message as his expression turned grim, he stared at the others.

"What's wrong Emperor, what was the message?" Frost asked with a frown as he stared at the Emperor.

"He said that there was a traitor among us" The Emperor said with a frown.

"A traitor among us" Shadow said with furrowed brows as everyone turned to look at him.

"Why are you all staring, I'm obviously not the one" Shadow said with anger.

"Arrrrg" The city lord said as a blade plunged through his chest.

"" He said in shock as he saw the perpetrator.