Beast Transformation

"What are your secrets" The demon with a crescent mark said with a smirk as he increased the pressure on Felix who found it hard to even breathe.

'System how many more times more can I use light hand?' Felix asked with difficulty, he felt like he was about to die.

[Your mana only allows one more time, the time for your temporary boost is almost up too]

"Wait, I'll tell you but I can't with this pressure" Felix managed to voice out through gritted teeth.

"Okay but make sure you don't try anything stupid" The demon said menacingly as he removed his pressure from Felix who vomited blood as he caught his breath.

"My secret Is this" Felix said as he raised his palm towards him.

"I can't see anything" The demon said with a frown.

"Boom" Felix whispered as light shot out from his palm.

"Arrrrrg" The demon screamed in pain.

"Hahahaha, I got you now" Felix laughed but then froze as he heard a voice behind him.

"Hahahahahaha, didn't I warn you not to try anything funny" The demon laughed as he grabbed the weak Felix's head.


He slammed him headfirst into the ground as Felix instantly felt his consciousness become overwhelmed by pain, his vision grew blurry and just as he was about to lose consciousness, he saw a group of people rushing towards me.

"Noo….rrrun" Felix said weakly as he tried to raise his hand towards them.

"Oh I see, so you care about them, now listen to me, you will tell me your secret or everyone in this freaking city will experience a bloodbath, I will start by ripping out their eyes, then move on to tear apart their limbs them roast them over my demon flames, I will make you experience emotional pain like never before, I will torture them slowly in front of you until you tell me your secret, and I will start with them" The demon raised Felix by the head and whispered into his ear then dropped him onto the ground as he disappeared.

"Where is he?" Mulan asked as she looked around her with an arrow nocked.

"I can't sense him" Justin said with a frown as his purple eyes glowed.

"Is he gone?" Damien asked as his body became covered with a dark light.

"I'm right here" A voice sounded as the demon appeared in their centre and slammed his hand into the ground.



The force of the attack threw them off as they each landed some distance away, the demon flew above them as he glanced at them with disdain.

"Pathethic humans, you'll never be able to beat us, we'll always be at the top of the food chain" The demon uttered proudly.


A large domain suddenly appeared as the area around the demon turned dark, the demon just stayed at one position as it stared at the domain in mockery, all around him, arrows condensed out of darkness surrounded him.

"Did you think that a weak domain like this would affect me" The demon smirked as the domain cracked by itself and exploded.

"URRRG" A pained groan sounded as Damien fell to the ground and vomited blood, his injures were very severe, one of his lungs had shattered, this was the result of having his domain shattered.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked as he appeared next to him and helped him get up.

"I don't think I can go on, that was my strongest skill and he didn't even need to move to destroy it, how did that guy manage to kill two of them" Damien said with anger as he glanced at Felix who was struggling to get up."he's too strong, thank God the others have already evacuated the rest, we need to distract him and get that guy out and then leav…arrrg, my eye" Justin was explaining his plan when he suddenly felt a splitting pain from his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Damien asked.

"My eye is pulsing like crazy, it's detected something" Justin said through gritted teeth as he screamed in pain.

"Hahaha, I'll take you back with me and we can….huh, what's that" The demon was saying as he held Mulan by the neck when he suddenly frowned and look was saying as he held Mulan by the neck when he suddenly frowned and looked straight at Justin's location.

"This energy…" The demon said with shock as he condensed a large fireball above him and threw it towards Justin.


"What the…how are you still standing?, you are one tenacious piece of shit, I'll give you that" The demon said with shock as he stared at Felix who was standing in front of Justin with a shield.

"I'm…arrg" Felix said weakly before he fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, watch how I take care of this guy first" Felix heard the demon say as he blasted Damien to the side and raised Justin who was already in pain up and directly tear out one of his eye, Justin screamed in pain as blood streamed down his eye.

"Nooo" Felix screamed weakly.

"One down one to go..arrrg, who the.." The demon laughed as it threw the first eye onto the ground but as it was about to take out the second one, it suddenly felt a blade stab its arm which caused it to drop Justin and turn around where it saw Connor standing behind it.

"Die" The demon said angrily as it grabbed his head and separated it from the rest of his body.

"NOOOOOOO" Felix screamed as the head fell to the ground and rolled In front of him, immediately he saw it, he suddenly lost consciousness.

"You traitor, see what you did, Blake is dead because of you" Griffin bellowed in anger as he held the body of Blake.

"You fools brought this upon yourself, you should have just stepped back and let us do what we want" Alexander said with a mean smirk as he exchanged blows with the Emperor who was being heavily suppressed, he had been poisoned by that sneak attack from Alexander and his appearance at the moment showed that the poison was working, he looked very pale and his attacks weren't even connecting.

"You're dead" A raging voice sounded as the entire environment turned dark as the new aura of a SSS rank appeared.

"You actually broke through" Frost said with shock as he stared at Shadow whose eyes had turned black, his aura overflowing like an open fountain.

"Huh, this guy…" Shadow stared at Shadow with a frown, this guy had been a thorn in his side throughout his time here and now he had done something unbelievable, his anger had caused him to break through.



A large domain appeared which covered the entirety of the skies as pressure came from all sides crushing down on Alexander who also released his own domain which clashed with that of Shadow and surprisingly, they were evenly matched as they canceled each other out.

"You may be strong but I've got a treasure with me so let's see who will be the victor, don't be disappointed, this battle was never fair to begin with" Alexander said as he took out two Swords that glinted.

"You're right, this battle was never fair to begin with, but you forget that's it's 5 against 1" Shadow said as the others joined him.

"Hmmp, this is the worst lineup ever, one of you is poisoned, the other just advanced and hasn't stabilized himself and the rest of you don't have any mana, did you actually think that you could defeat me, watch how I slaughter the rest of you" Alexander smirked as he brandished the sword and prepared to rush out but the next moment, all the blood on his face drained as his appearance turned pale, he suddenly looked down with alarm as he shot downwards.

"Connnerrrrr" Alexander screamed in pain as he shot towards his son's body like a bullet, when he saw who beheaded corpse, he suddenly vomited blood as he fell to the ground near his son's body.

"Connor….nooo….why, why did you do this?" Alexander sobbed as he held his son's head in his arms, memories flashing through his mind.

"Oh, he was your son, pity, he's dead, now let's go" The demon said with a smirk as he glanced at the pained expression on Alexander's face, for a demon there was nothing more enjoyable than seeing such expressions of pain that they themselves caused, it was their form of pleasure, sick motherfuckers.

"Rest well son, daddy will avenge you even if it costs me my life" Alexander said as he dug his hand into connor's head and dug out a sort of crstal which he swallowed.

"Wow and peple say we're the crazy ones" The demon said with a grin.

"Beast Transformation" Alexander whispered as his appearance suddenly changed, hair suddenly started growing on his body as his body released cracking sounds, his bones morphed and changed shape and size under the excited gaze of the demon who waited patiently for the transformation to complete.

When it was done, he stood staring at a beast as tall as a bus with hairy arms that ended with sharps claws, a large dog like nose, an extended mouth that housed razor sharp teeth, blood red eyes that stared down at the demon with rage like a predator staring at prey, the edges of its fur were lined with red.

"Oh I guess I finally get to see the prowess of the almost extinct Shapeshifter race, it's been a while since I saw a beast as fierce as you, a scarlet furred werewolf, the last of its kind, to think that I would be the one to end your race" The demon said with a wide smile as his crescent mark glowed with excitement, his battle spirit activated for the fight ahead.